How To Become A Lecturer In Nigeria (Step To Step Guide)

How To Become A Lecturer In Nigeria (Step To Step Guide). Get Informed On The Criteria Needed To Become A Professor In Nigeria Check This Post For More.

How To Become A Lecturer In Nigeria

Do you want to a lecturer? Does being your lecturer sound like your dream career? Then permit me to say that your dream is almost a fulfillment as you are on the right page to acquire valid and useful data on how to become a lecturer in Nigeria. The lecturing job is one that many Nigerians cherish but what does it really take to become a lecturer? You are going to get to know all of these in the article. Let’s get started!

Who is a lecturer?

A lecturer is simply an instructor or teacher in a tertiary institution.

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How can i become a lecturer in Nigeria?

I have put down some of the measures you will have to take if you want to become a lecturer in Nigeria. Below are some of them:

  1. The first and foremost step you would need to take if you want to be a lecturer in Nigeria is to get a secondary school leaving certificate. I made this point because it is very important before you even think of going to the university to have a degree in any course. You must at least get 5 credits including mathematics and English in your discipline.
  2. The next step you would need to take if you want to become a lecturer in Nigeria is to get a first degree in any area of specialization. This usually takes about 4-6 years in Nigeria depending on the discipline. However, it is also important you note that for you to get into lecturing, you must have nothing lower than a second class lower in your first degree. This means that if you have a third class and below, it is quite impossible to get a lecturing job.

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I also want you to know that if you finish your first degree with a first class, you have higher chances of even becoming a lecturer because in many Universities, first class holders are retained as assistant lecturers. On some occasions, best graduating students may be permitted to skip the next degree and move on to getting a Ph.d.

  1. Once you have gotten your first degree, you would have to proceed to the next degree. The next degree is the masters degree. At this level too, you would need to get a good result. Do not be surprised that even many Lecturers have only attained a master’s degree. However, for your rank to improve, you would need to get a doctorate degree.
  2. The next degree you would have to attain if you want to be a lecturer in Nigeria is a doctorate degree. This particular degree always takes up to 3 to 5 years to get. If you are already a lecturer, to improve your status, it is best you start your doctorate degree immediately.

Some Nigerian universities require that a doctoral degree applicant have at least 4.00-grade point average out of 5.00 to be admitted. If the individual does not attain this, he or she will have to do a Master’s in Philosophy before beginning the doctoral program.

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If you have met with all these requirements, you can easily get to be a lecturer in any tertiary institution.

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