The Most Consumed Food In Nigeria

The Most Consumed Food In Nigeria. Get Information On The Most Consumed Food In Nigeria. Check This Post For More.

The Most Consumed Food In Nigeria

Are you in need of information on the most consumed food in Nigeria? Then you are on the right platform for this information. Food is an important aspect of live as it is quite impossible for one to exist without food. Simply put, we eat to live and we do not live to eat. In this article, you are going to find out some of the most consumed food items in Nigeria and other valuable information. I’m sure you cannot wait to find out. Let’s get started!

What is food?

A lot of people really think that anything we put in our mouth should be called food but this not so. What then is food? Food is simply anything that we as living things eat that helps us grow. The important point to note here is that, if it does not help you grow or it does not facilitate growth in a living being, then it is not food.

What are the most consumed food items in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, food is one of the things that one spends a lot of money on but which one of these foods is considered to be the most consumed food in Nigeria? This is the question that prompted this article and I have put together a valid list of a;; the most consumed food items in Nigeria. Below is a list of all the most consumed food items in Nigeria:

  1. Rice
  2. Yam
  3. Beans
  4. Noodles
  5. Pasta
  6. Garri
  7. Suya
  8. Akara
  9. Moi moi
  10. Pepper soup

The Most Consumed Food In Nigeria


In this article, the first food we have on our list is Rice. Rice is more like the most sought after food in Nigeria. Rice is a good source of carbohydrate and can be bought either in the raw form or cooked form. In Nigeria, you can find this food basically everywhere in Nigeria. One good thing I like about this particular food is that it can be prepared in a variety of ways.

Some of the ways by which rice can be prepared is by making it as white rice, jollof rice, coconut rice, fried rice, carrot, egg rice and so on. This food is basically consumed by every tribe in Nigeria.

Read Also: How To Prepare Bitter Leaf Soup (Ofe Onugbu)

2. YAM

Another type of food that is considered to be one of the most consumed food items in Nigeria is Yam. Yam is a good source of carbohydrate. Yam, can be cooked also in a number of ways and it is one of the most sought after food in Nigeria. You can cook yam as porridge yam, white yam, fried yam and so many more.


Another type of food that is considered to be one of the most consumed food items in Nigeria is Beans. Despite the fact that this particular food is the most sought after, it is very filling and it makes one to eat less junk once you have eaten it. Perhaps, that is the reason it is very popular. One good thing about this food also is that it can be eaten with a number of other foods. Other foods that can be eaten with beans include pap, bread, garri and many others.


Another type of food that is considered to be one of the most consumed food items in Nigeria is Noodles. Nigerians are widely known for eating fast food of which noodles is one of the options of fast foods. Although, noodles is not considered to be a healthy meal because it is processed. It takes just about 5 minutes to make this meal.

Read Also: How To Prepare Local Coconut Rice


Another type of food that is considered to be one of the most consumed food items in Nigeria is Pasta. This is another fast food that is widely consumed by Nigerians. There are differnet types of pasta and it can be cooked in a number of ways. Pasta can be bought from any part of Nigeria.


Another type of food that is considered to be one of the most consumed food items in Nigeria is Garri. This particular food is more like the cheapest in Nigeria. One good thing i like about it is that it comes through for you even when you are not so boxed up. You can get garri in all parts of Nigeria and you can even choose yo prepare it yourself from cassava. Garri can be soaked as cassava flakes and can also be made as eba to be eaten with any soup of your choice.


Another type of food that is considered to be one of the most consumed food items in Nigeria is Suya. Suya is a street food. It is a very delicious type of roasted meat.  Gone are those days when suya used to be eaten only at night. Suya can now be gotten during the day in specific places.


Another type of food that is considered to be one of the most consumed food items in Nigeria is Akara. Akara is made from beans and is a very good source of protein. Akara is also made from peeled beans and it is always fried.


Another type of food that is considered to be one of the most consumed food items in Nigeria is Moi moi. Moi moi is made from beans and it is a good source of protein for the body. When preparing moi moi, you would have to soak the beans for a while so that it becomes very easy to peel. If you have not tried moi moi before, then you have to try it out as it is very delicious.

Read Also: Top 10 Nigerian Dishes for Dinner and How to Prepare Them


Another type of food that is considered to be one of the most consumed food items in Nigeria is pepper soup. Pepper is a very tasty and spicy type of food that is peculiar with basically all the tribe in Nigeria. Pepper soup is made with only traditional spices and can be choosen to eat alone or with other things like agidi, plantain and pounded yam. Pepper soup can be made with any meat or fish of your choice.

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