Nigerian Wedding Reception Program: Sample And Details

Nigerian Wedding Reception Program: Sample And Details, Want To Make Your Wedding Program Worthwhile? Check This Post For More.

Nigerian Wedding Reception Program

Are you planning a wedding? What a beautiful wedding reception Program sample? Then you are definitely on the right page. Planning a wedding can be very tasking as it requires a lot of preparations so it doesn’t flop. For many people, a wedding reception is the main wedding and making a very flexible program determines whether it would be a flop or not. Unfortunately, not many people have an idea of what ought to be of a wedding reception program.

In this article, you would learn how to easily make your own fun and flexible wedding reception program. Ready? Let’s go!

Nigerian Wedding Reception Program: Sample And Details

A wedding reception program usually follow some steps and i have highlighted below how a typical wedding program should be

1. Arrival of the guest

A typical wedding reception program usually starts with the arrival of the guests of the program. We know that without people attending a wedding, there is no point of a reception right? It is quite impossible for the couple to arrive before the guests because there would really be no one to cheer them up.

The guest should arrive about 30 minutes before the start of the program. However, we are used to Nigerian time in Nigeria which is why many times, they arrive late. When guests are arriving, make sure you have some nice music playing either from a life band or a DJ depending on the one you prefer. To make things easier for the guests, there should be tags on the tables so that they can identify where they should sit. There should also be a demarcation between the groom’s guests and the bride’s guest to avoid mix up

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2. Introduction of special guests

This is the next thing that should follow. In as much as every one attending is special, there must have been so people that might have sponsored the program or very important people in the society. At this point, it is important you welcome the guests and also introduce the special guests. Take note, this should be done when they guests have properly settled in. At this point also, it is important you introduce yourself as the MC and say how long the event is going to last.

3. Introduction of the bride and the groom

The next thing you should have on the agenda should be the introduction of the bride and the groom. They would then dance in with a few well wishers. This should take roughly 15 minutes as people would definitely want to capture the moment.

4. Opening prayer and chairman remark

For every event, there should be a prayer session to commit the activities to the maker’s hands. The opening prayer can be done by anyone preferably a volunteer. It should take not more than 5 minutes and afterward, the chair man of the occasion should be given some time to make his or her own speech and bless the couple.

5. Sharing of food

This should be the next item on the agenda because it has obviously been a long day and everyone would be hungry. It should be done in an order manner whereby people would not be distracted

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6. Cutting of the cake

The next item that should be on the agenda should be the cutting of the cake. At this point, the couple would take pictures and the baker of the cake would be called out afterwards to tell what she experienced while baking the cake. Also, it is ideal to call out some people to tell what they saw while the couple were cutting the cake.

The couple would then have to feed themselves with the first slice of the cake to shpw how they would take care of themselves when they finally start living together.

7. Toast

There are always wines in weddings. In case you are wondering why, this is just to signify the sweetness of the marriage as we all know that wine is sweet. The wine should be available on each table to make a toast to the couple. The toast is usually written at the back of the wedding program.

8. The couple’s first dance

The next thing that should be on the agenda should be thr couple’s first dance. At this point, it is ideal for the couple to be alone on the dance floor to avoid congestion. The couple will jave tp pick a particular song that they would dance to together.

9. Father and daughter dance

The next thing that should be on the agenda should be father and daughter’s dance. We all know the bride is going to be taken away to start a new family. It is ideal to do a father and daughter’s dance. However, this is optional.

10. Mother and son dance

The next thing that would follow is the mother and son’s dance. At this point, the mother and son would have a solemn time on the dance floor alone. Again, this is optional but will only spice things up.

11. Tossing of the bouquet

This about one of the most favorite and fun part of a wedding reception. It is at this point the bride will have to toss her bouquet to single ladies who want to get married. At this point, the MC would have to call out single ladies to the stage and the bouquet would be tossed. The significance of this is that, anybody that catches the bouquet is seen as the next bride.

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12. Dance dance dance

The next item on agenda should be dance dance dance. This is also one of my favorite parts in a typical Nigerian Wedding reception. At this point, everybody would come out to merry and dance after they have eaten. The section is by far the longest section in the program and would last for about 20 minutes to 30 minutes.

13. Vote of thanks

The next item on the agenda should be the vote of thanks. This is usually done by the chairman or the occasion or a member of the bride’s family. After this, everyone goes home. Basically, a wedding reception should not last longer than 2 or 3 hours.

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