How To Become A Professor In Nigeria (Top Requirements)

How To Become A Professor In Nigeria (Top Requirements). Want To Become A Professor? Check Out The Requirement Here.

How To Become A Professor In Nigeria (

Are you looking out to be a professor? Do you want it takes to be one in Nigeria? If you don’t, you are on the right platform for this and this article is for you. This profession is one of the most rated in Nigeria so it doesn’t just come your way like that, you have to properly work for it but how do you achieve this? Let’s go straight to this article properly!

Who is a professor?

To be able to understand the fullness of this article, it is important we look at who a professor is. A Professor is simply is the most senior academic position. Being a lecturer, the highest possible rank that you can attain is being a professor.

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Is a professor only a male?

No, being a professor is not gender specific and this means that both man and woman can become professors.

How can one become a professor in Nigeria?

I have put together some steps you would need to take if you want to be a professor in Nigeria, here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Obtain a degree in an area of specialization
  2. Attain some teaching experience
  3. Assessment of scholarship

How To Become A Professor In Nigeria (Top Requirements)


The first and foremost step you need to take if you want to become a professor is to obtain a degree in an area of specialization. Obtaining a degree in an area of specialization simply implies that you must have at least obtained a doctorate degree in any area of specialization.

However, it should be noted that any doctorate degree you have gotten from any universities that is not approved by the National Universities commission is considered to be fake. Therefore, before getting any doctorate degree from any university, make sure that it is an approved university from NUC. If you have a problem figuring this out, you can easily search the internet for a list of Universities approved by NUC to run a doctorate degree.

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Another serious criteria you must have to attain before you can get to the level of being a professor is to attain some teaching experience. Even if you have gotten a doctorate degree, it is also important for one to have some years of teaching experience.  When i say years of teaching experience, i means years of teaching in a university or at least a tertiary institution.

In the Nigerian University system, one must have at least 3 years of teaching experience, research and community service at each of the four main levels of lectureship. The four levels of lectureship are

  1. Lecturer Grade 2
  2. Lecturer Grade 1
  3. Senior Lecturer
  4. Associate Professor

All these put together, one must have had a minimum of twelve years of university teaching and research.

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The last but not the least criteria you must have met with if you want to become a professor in Nigeria is assessment of scholarship. If you do not get this, you might be a senior lecturer for a very long time with getting to the rank of a professor. This particular stage involves the evaluation of the published works of the full professorial candidate by seasoned much senior full Professors in the individual’s field.

Although being a professor is not limited only to all of these, every university has its own specifications but these are the basic conditions one has to meet.

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