Never Put These 5 Things On Your CV When Applying For A Job

What Not To Include On Your CV | Never Put These 5 Things On Your CV When Applying For A Job

Never Put These 5 Things On Your CV When Applying For A Job

When applying for certain positions in the US, Nigeria, as well as jobs internationally, you may be required to submit a curriculum vitae rather than a resume. A curriculum vitae, or CV, includes more information than your typical resume, including details of your education and academic achievements, research, publications, awards, affiliations, and more.

Here you can review curriculum vitae samples, learn about the difference between a CV and a resume, and glean tips and advice on how to write a CV.

What to Include in a Curriculum Vitae

A curriculum vitae, commonly referred to as a “CV,” is a longer (two or more pages), more detailed synopsis than a resume. Your CV should be clear, concise, complete, and up-to-date with current employment and educational information.

Paystack speakers reveal the red flags that keep prospective employers from hiring people.

Once a company puts out a job vacancy, their email boxes immediately get swamped with loads of Curriculum vitae (CV) or resumes .

A chat with the Human Resources team for revealed that the hiring managers get an average of 50 per position they post.

These continue to come even after the position is filled.

As a result of the huge amount of CVs or resumes, the HR team has just a few seconds before deciding to either delete or keep them.

This is why it is important to avoid certain red flags.These were all revealed during a recent workshop hosted by Paystack at the ongoing Social Media Week in Lagos state.

The session - ’love-vendor My CV! How To Make Your Resume Standout‘ - offered a major insight into the mind of an employer and gave CV structuring tips.

Never Put These 5 Things On Your CV When Applying For A Job

Here are five unnecessary things you should never put on your CV according to the Paystack speakers, Kharis Izevbizua and Adebola Adeola.

There is no need to include your photo, your salary history, the reason you left your previous position, or references in a CV submitted for jobs in the United States. References should be listed separately and given to employers upon request.

Primary/ Secondary Education

For Izevbizua, the Product Specialist at the tech company, including details of your primary and secondary education is a waste of time.

According to her, this is a space filler that irritates the hiring manager, adding that this will most likely cause them to stop reading and immediately delete your CV.

The only time you should consider putting this on your CV is when you are applying for an internship.


Adding the numbers or email addresses is a waste of space and a waste of the company’s time according to Paystack’s Product Specialist.
She recommends only offering this particular information when asked.

Irrelevant hobbies and interests

This is another no-no for Izevbizua. Unless the position requires it, there is no need telling your prospective employer how much you love dancing or singing.

Personal stuff

Once upon a time, it was totally okay to include your date of birth or age, marital status and religious preference.

Now, Adeola strongly warns against putting these on your CV or resume. His reason is that this is now considered as discriminatory.
His advice is to simply avoid it except it is a specific job for a specified age. For instance, if a company needs an intern between the ages of 17–25.

Your picture

According to the guy in charge of Paystack’s Projects, adding your picture is so not necessary.
Admitting that he was once guilty of this particular CV crime, Adeola notes that is a space filler that should be forgone.

‘Being handsome or pretty does not mean you have what it takes to do the job so why to add your picture’, he notes.
There you have it. Avoid these five things and you will definitely land your dream job.

Choose an Appropriate Curriculum Vitae Format

Make sure you choose a curriculum vitae format that is appropriate for the position you are applying for. If you are applying for a fellowship, for example, you won’t need to include the personal information that may be included in an international CV.

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