Problems Of Transportation In Nigeria And Solution

Problems Of Transportation In Nigeria And Solution. Get information On The Problems Of Transportation In Nigeria And Its Possible Solutions. Check This Post For More.

Problems Of Transportation In Nigeria And Solution

Do you want to become a transporter in Nigeria? Are you interested in the problems of transportation in Nigeria? Then you have definitely come to the right platform to acquire information as i have put together in this single article the problems of transportation in Nigeria and how these problems can be corrected.

For us to be able to fully understand the main points of this article, it is very crucial that we look at what transportation really is as well as the means of transportation we have as transportation has to cover all the means and not just land transportation alone. Let’s get started of course!

What is transportation?

Transportation in simple and clear terms means the movement of an individual or a thing from one place to the other. Transportation had evolved from the ancient means of transportation to modern means of transportation. These days, transportation has become quite easy that it doesn’t take as much time as it used to and so we should look at these modern means of transportation.

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What are the means of transportation we have?

It is no more news that the transportation in the world generally has evolved over time and we now have better means of transportation. There are many means of transportation we have these days. Some of them are:

  1. Air
  2. Land
  3. Water
  4. Rail

What are the problems of transportation in Nigeria?

Nigeria has been faced with a number of challenges on transportation. I have put together some of the challenges which Nigeria has faced on transportation  for a while. Here are some of the challenges:

  1. Bad roads
  2. Bad management of the roads
  3. Environmental pollution
  4. Lack of availability of other means of transport other than land to the public
  5. Congestion of the roads


One of the biggest problems of transportation which Nigeria has faced for a long time and has continued to face is the problem of bad roads. It is no longer news that the Nigerian roads generally are terrible in bad shape. In fact, many people dread traveling long distances these days just because of bad road. Not only does bad road make the journey longer than it is supposed to be, it also causes a lot of accident and causes stress on the travelers.

One major reason for bad roads in Nigeria is corruption. Funds that are supposed to be used in the development of the Nigerian roads are many times diverted and end up being embezzled. Another thing to note is that bad roads also called for the incredibly and ridiculously high prices of transport in Nigeria today. Bad roads also cause damage many times to individual cars and public transport buses and cabs.


Another problem of transportation in Nigeria that you need to know is tge problem of bad management of the roads. It is one thing to have good road, it is another thing to maintain the road. Nigerian road is very bad which we all know, it will shock you to know that even these roads are not properly managed many times.

I have come across a particular road which was fixed and in about few months time, it was damaged again. It is not supposed to be so, if the roads are not properly managed, Nigeria would never move forward.


Another problem of transportation in Nigeria which you should know is the problem of environmental pollution. This particular problem has to do with the fact that the environment is not even conducive enough for proper transportation. We have rain messing up the roads as flood and in many other cases, harmful gases from cars fill up the air. It does not make it very comfortable for transportation to occur at top notch.

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Another problem of transportation in Nigeria which you should know is the problem of lack of availability of other means of transport other than land to the public. We have talked abput bad management of the Nigerian roads earlier, wr should know that this is also caused because we have too many people on the road when we have other means of transportation but it is not available to the general public it has not been properly utilised. For example, railway transportation should at least be available to people . This will definitely put less pressure on the roads.

Lack of availability of other means of transport other than land to the general publuc can also cause traffic on the Nigerian roads.


Another problem of transportation in Nigeria which you should know is the problem of congestion of the roads. We know that many cities in Nigeria are badly congested of which lagos is is a very good example. Lagos is terribly congested with a lot of people and in that case, we have a lot of people on the road. This is one of the reasons of the traffic problem facing lagos.

What are the possible solutions for the problems of transportation in Nigeria?

Despite the fact that Nigeria is going through a lot of problems of Transportation, it is important that we note that these problems can be solved. I have put together some of the possible solutions of the problems of transportation in Nigeria. Here is a list of some of the possible solutions:

  1. Nigerian roads should become a priority for the government: The Nigerian government should make the roads a priority to them by fixing and amending it as at when due.
  2. There should be a functional body charged with the duty of maintaining the roads: If we want the roads to be properly managed, then there should be a functional body charged with the duty of maintaining the roads in Nigeria.

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  1. Other means of transportation should be utilized to reduce congestion and pressure on the Nigerian roads: To reduce pressure on the roads for proper maintenance, the government should help provide other means of transportation as alternative to Nigerians.

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