5 Reasons Why Many Graduates Are Still Unemployed

5 Reasons Why Many Graduates Are Still Unemployed | Hunt for job increased day in and day out across the globe due to the number of graduates produced by schools. According to study, 70% graduate are being produced by the Nigerian tertiary institution and this contribute to the massive unemployment in the Nigeria economy.

Reasons Why Many Graduates Are Still Unemployed

What is Unemployment?

Unemployment is situation whereby people who are fit and willing to work are unable to fit suitable paid employment. It also refers to the state of joblessness.

Or Unemployment occurs when workers who want to work are unable to find jobs, which means lower economic output, while still requiring subsistence. High rates of unemployment are a signal of economic distress, but extremely low rates of unemployment may signal an overheated economy.

Due to the constant decrease in the job/employment opportunities, so people are forced to be work as underemployed while some are forced to engage in crime and other social vices. Here is this post, we are going to present to you 5 Reasons why fresh and experienced graduates in Nigeria find it difficult getting job.

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5 Reasons Why Many Graduates Are Still Unemployed

1.  No preparation on the CV and cover letter.

Your CV and cover letter act as your first impression. You can’t charm them with your presence or your smile. Your writing does it all for you. So spend some time to make it look and sound good. When describing yourself or your work history, use action words. It makes a big difference. Go to google and type in “CV action words” and you should get a ton of sites which you can use as a reference when crafting your CV.

1.  Lack of networking

Many people get jobs through referrals. Statistics show the majority of people get their jobs this way. The reason why word of mouth is so effective is because it cuts through all the worry of whether or not this person can do the job.

If somebody has been working for a company for some time, then that employee knows what it takes to succeed, and if that employee knows somebody who can do it, it’s an easy fit. The employer will trust the employee referring the new candidate and the new candidate will most likely get the job.


3. Little or no work experience.

Many college graduates make the grave mistake of assuming that their degree alone will qualify them for a job. They spend their college years just getting by, partying, and essentially, wasting their time. Because there’s more competition, college graduates are now a dime a dozen. What’s going to separate one college graduate with a degree from the next and the next and the next?

The result is they get stuck in a catch 22 position. They have no job experience, yet all the jobs out there require it if you want to apply. So they can’t get a job because they have no experience and in order to get a job, they need a job for work experience, but they can’t get a job without work experience and the cycle viciously continues.

One way to get out of this cycle is to not pass up on jobs that you may think are beneath you. Swallow your pride and take those jobs or intern for free at a company you would like to work at. You’ve got to start somewhere, and if you didn’t take the time to gather decent work experience during your college years, this is the price you may have to pay.


4.  Increased competition.

The days when a degree was only accessible to the rich and elite are over. Universities have become more affordable and a lot of pressure has been put on students to attend college in order to find a good job. The result?

Record number of college applications across the nation, resulting in more college graduates, and thus,
more competition for the limited number of jobs available on the market. I can also safely assume that every person reading this knows at least one person in their social circle who has graduated and is still having difficulty getting a job.


5.  No interview skills

This is most crucial reason some are still unemployed. Having eye catchy CV and Resume doesn’t automatically qualify you for a job or skill interview stage. They WILL ask the hard hitting questions. Why should we hire you? What do you bring to the table? Tell me about yourself (that throws off a lot of people) What’s your greatest weakness (obviously reframe this question when you answer), etc. There are a ton of resources online you can tap into in order to prepare. Use our trusty friend Google.

You must prepare. Have all your answers ready to go when the question is asked. Be prepared to give examples of things you’ve listed on your CV.

When you meet the interviewer, don’t give the limp fish handshake or the bone crushing one. Give a firm handshake and smile. Show your friendly side. We are all human.

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