150+ Happy Birthday Prayers / Wishes For Friends And Loved Ones

150+ Happy Birthday Prayers / Wishes For Friends And Loved Ones. Get All The Amazing Birthday Prayers You Need. Check This Post. 

Happy Birthday Prayers


Are you looking to wishing a loved one the perfect birthday message and you don’t have an idea of how to construct your words? Have you been looking into knowing the right words to use when texting a friend on their birthday? Then this article is for you, as we will be giving you some nice birthday wishes for both friends or loved ones.

Sweet Happy Birthday Prayers / Wishes For Friends And Loved Ones

Birthdays is an opportunity to commend and send heart-warming and sweet messages to your friends, family and loved ones, it is always very essential to remind your family and even friends, as well as loved ones on how you really care about them. Now not everyone is great when it comes to constructing texts and expressing how they feel about someone and that is why, in this article, we have shortlisted some decent and nice messages and both prayerful messages to send to friends and loved ones on their birthday.

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150+ Happy Birthday Prayers / Wishes For Friends And Loved Ones

  1. Birthday blessings to my simple, hardworking, smart and illustrious friend. May God continue to be your strength and may he bless and favour you in all you do and grant your good heart desires. Amen. Continue to enjoy.
  2. Happy Birthday my friend. You have consistently support me in the little I do with all love and prayers. May the goodness and mercy of God keep following you all the days of your life and lines keep falling pleasantly in places for you.
  3. I would have made a lot of mistakes growing up without you. You played several roles in my life: first as an elder brother, next my best friend, thereafter as a mentor, father and guardian. May God bless you and bless the work of your hand. Belated birthday wishes, friend.
  4. Happy birthday to you my dear friend! May His grace abide bountifuly in your life and may all the deepest desires of your heart come to pass.
  5. Happy birthday to you my dear friend. I pray that you will continue to grow spiritually and physically. May God’s blessings never cease in your life. Anything that is meant to pull you down will definitely announce you for good instead. God’s unmerited favor shall continue to follow you. In Jesus name, Amen.
  6. I pray on your birthday that your faith in God continues to grow as you grow older, and that you find comfort in God’s love for you. Wishing you many blessings on your special day.
  7. Happy Birthday! Remember that for every day of your life there is Someone taking care of you, and may God continue to hold you in His gentle hands and bring you peace.
  8. On your birthday, I pray that your day is filled with joy and peace, and I give thanks to God for all that you bring to my life.
  9. May God’s loving presence in your life be felt strongly on your birthday and every day.
  10. When God created you, He had a purpose for your life. He has planned all your days before one of them came to be, so remember that you are truly special in His eyes. Happy Birthday!
  11. Here’s to wishing my younger brother long life and prosperity. May your path be smooth and may you always celebrate grace. Keep working hard.
  12. Super birthday to you my brother. On this very day i am wishing you all you have ever prayed for. Success in all your endeavors.
  13. Happy birthday brother. May God’s blessings overwhelm you this new season. You are so special and I can’t wait to see where God is taking you! Best wishes.
  14. God’s glory will radiate bright through your life this new season henceforth. Have a lovely new age. Happy birthday, beautiful lady.
  15. Happy birthday to you my dearest friend and sister. I remember yesterday and I am glad of the woman you are becoming. Of a truth, you are a helper from God to me. May this day usher you into more realms. I love you.
  16. To someone I am proud of in the Lord. May you never abort the process. A sustained growth in grace and character are my wishes for you! May Yahweh satisfy you with His fullness. You are loved!
  17. Happy birthday my friend! I pray that God’s grace will be abundant in your life. I pray you will continue in the path that you have chosen and where you are lacking that God makes up!
  18. May God make your life be a living wonder and a testimony of what he can with anyone who faithful and sincerely follow him. Rise and shine for the glory of God is upon you , Many more fruitful years. Happy birthday!

19.May you keep soaring like an amazon you are. Heaven will hold you to her breast, you will never fail God and your generation. Hitherto has the Lord helped you.. He will help you even more. Flourish like a plant tree planted by the water side. You are loved. Happy birthday!

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  1. You are rare gem. I love your passion for God and his kingdom. Keep the fire burning. Enjoy your day. Happy birthday dear!
  2. Happy birthday daughter of Zion. You are a tool in God’s hands and he won’t drop you until he’s done with you. Cheers to new age.
  3. Happy birthday to you my friend. May your silent prayers be made public testimony. Keep being AMAZING, keep being AWESOME, keep LIVING. DON’T EVER Change, you are blessed.
  4. My prayer for you is that God will not give up on His dealings with You. You shall end well! God’s grace shall be so evident in your life that even the blessed shall call you blessing, Amen. Congratulations to my Heartbeat Bae.
  5. My prayer for you is that God who has called you to this ministry, will surely give you abundant grace. Believe it or not, people are yet to drink from you. Get prepared, a journey just started. Happy birthday.
  6. So many things to say about this great mind. A friend extraordinare. Today is your special day my dear, i pray for God’s blessings today and always. Thank you for always letting me disturb you.
  7. Happy birthday my dear friend. For always checking up on me, for showing care when i act stupid. May this birthday bring joy and happiness into your life, and may all your dreams come through. Once again, Happy Birthday, i wish you all the goodies life has to offer and may you live long to enjoy them
  8. A lot of times, I am amazed at your strength and resilience. Thank you for the way you inspire me to be better and the times you have come through for me. May this be your best year ever.
  9. Every time I look at you, I silently chant a whisper of gratitude to God for having someone like you in my life.
  10. Happy birthday, my friend! God has great things ahead planned for you. As you celebrate your special day, I pray that he reveals them to you one by one.
  11.  Happy birthday, friend! I pray on your special day that your faith in God continues to increase as you grow older and that you find comfort in God’s love for you.
  12. Wishing you many blessings on your special day. May God bless you today on your birthday and every day after.
  13. May you be comforted by His presence in your life, and always follow His guiding light. Amen May the Lord shower you with his numerous blessings. Many happy returns of the day.
  14. My prayer on your special day is for your life to be filled with joy and happiness. Enjoy your special day, pal.
  15. On your birthday, I pray that your moments are filled with joy and peace, and I thank God for all that you bring to my life.
  16.  The power of God will be behind you in all you do, and you will never fail or fall. May your life increase even more than your age has increased. HBD, sweet friend!
  17.  This is my birthday prayer for you: I ask for God’s unconditional love and blessing upon you as you celebrate the day you were ushered into this world. I wish you all the best in life, and may you never lack.
  18. Your passion and commitment towards all you do are exemplary. Your sacrifices will never go unrewarded. Have an amazing year.
  19. Happy Birthday brother of the Most High God, One of God’s beloved I know. You have grown in all ramifications in the past years into Glory. This new age is Amazing Grace for you. You shall soar high like an eagle. Overcoming every thing that stands like an obstacle. I wish you an age of Signs and Wonders.
  20. Happy birthday my friend. You have been a good friend with a good heart. Knowing you is one of the best things that have ever happened to me. Thank you for always helping out and being there for me. Remain forever lifted.
  21. There is alot to say about you my sister. You are humble, calm and full of wisdom. Your level of understanding is superb. Thank you for yielding yourself. I have been blessed by your lifestyle and i pray thag God bless you abundantly.
  22. Happy birthday my friend. Your dedication and commitment towards everything you do is worth emulating. I wish you groundbreaking testimonies in this new age of yours.
  23. Happy birthday my friend! May a your dreams and aspirations start working in your favor in this your new age and beyond.
  24. Happy birthday to my first love. The amazing one who thought me all i know and made me understand that this world has beautiful souls. I pray that God will bless you and keep you for me. Amen!
  25. I have quite encountered some amazing hearts and in all you standout amazing. Happy birthday dear. I wish you more of God’s blessings.
  26. You have a heart valuable as gold and pure as a sparkling white. Today is your day and I join the host of creations to wish you a blissful celebration. As you have never stopped trusting God, may his blessings never cease in your life. Amen!
  27. Happy birthday my dear friend. May God bless your new age. Your labour of love sha continue to be celebrated in heaven and on earth. God’s favour and mercies shall never cease in you.
  28. You have been a great support and help since I met you. Your time for unveiling and lavishing success is here. You are helped, loved and favoured by God. Lines are failing in pleasant places for you. God’s choicest blessings immediately you brother.
  29. You are one friend that truly want my growth and will give everything to support my pursuits. Happy birthday to you, my dear friend. I can’t express how grateful I am that we met. You have been a blessing to me since our first year. Always looking out for me. Thank you for your encouragement and your friendship. It is my prayer that you keep excelling in all you do. You are deeply loved and highly valued.
  30. Happy birthday to the girl with the amazing personality. On this special day of your life, I wish you long life and prosperity and many more years to come. I pray for God’s grace and mercy in whatever you do on the face of this earth. May His light continue to shine upon you and Grant you your heart desires. Enjoy your day. God bless you.
  31. You are such an amazing friend. I’ve seen you evolve to a better you. I remember my first contact with you. I pray that the HOLY SPIRIT keeps calling you for more this season. Happy Birthday King’s Beloved.
  32. I can’t even start writing how much you’ve influenced my life. God choose you this fourth year to be an instrument of motivation to me. You are a sister and a friend to me. Happy birthday Esther, may God bless you, grant you long life, good health and prosperity.

Sweet Birthday Prayers and Wishes to Your Brother

  1. Happy birthday to my amazing brother! May God uplift you beyond your expectations. I wish you all the Good things life can offer. Your path is continually blessed.
  2. God has really blessed me with wonderful kid brother. I so much admire your sincere passion for God. Truly, you’re a big inspiration to me and also a blessing. I really honour and celebrate what God is doing in and with your life. More strength, more grace, more fire and more hunger for God. That’s what I pray for you.
  3. A literal beauty in every sense of word. You are amazing, smart, funny, witty and most definitely sassy person and that is what i love about you. Your take on life and personal happiness is really admirable and i aspire to your level of zero fuckery. Happy birthday my dear brother! Lines have always fallen in place and you strut them well! Cheers to many more year!
  4. Happy birthday brother. You are a wonderful man with a good sense of humor. Your love for God remains undiscribable. Your commitment to learning is phenomenal. Here’s wishing you the very best today and forever. I celebrate you my brother and good friend.
  5. Happy birthday to my one and only brother! I don’t need to talk to much but just know it today that i got respect for you. I say a big amen to all your heart desires and prayers. You are indeed blessed. Here’s to a great year
  6. Happy birthday to my mother’s son! Wishing you long life, good health, God’s favor and blessings. Happy birthday once more bro. You are loved!
  7. Happy birthday to my main man and brother. You are an amazing being, with so much composure, brilliance and humble character. In this new year i wish you heaven’s best. Doors are open to you.
  8. Happy birthday my beloved brother! I pray for the fulfillment of all your heart desires. May God give you Joy infallible and a real and lasting smile.
  9. Thank you for being a good example and a lover of God. I wish you all the happiness life can give, joy that comes from God and peace that passes all understanding. I celebrate you greatly!
  10. Welcome to your year of divine lifting and fruition. Today, I pray for you; may God’s blessings continue to shower upon you. May his grace continue to speak for you and may your heart desires be accomplished. Happy birthday brother!
  11. Dear brother! I love and respect you so much. You have are a perfect definition of a loving and caring brother. You are also the most trusted and reliable person I know. Happy birthday bro. Truely you are God’s sent to our family and I appreciate you for all you do.

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Sweet Birthday Message For Sister

  1. Happy birthday my dear sister! I pray that you fulfill all that has been written of you in volumes of books. I pray that you will run and not get weary. May your days be filled with lovely people, the gift of men, favor from God and men, grace and God’s mercy. Thank for the girft of friendship. Cheers to greater days ahead and a glorious future.
  2. How could your birthday have escaped my mind. Happy birthday to my dear beautiful sister. God bless you and cause kings and nations to come to your rising. Big brother loves you.
  3. Happiest birthday to my fierce sister! I am so blessed to cross paths with someone so special, unique, beautiful, outstanding and sweet as you for always being there for me. I pray that your happiness never cease. Blessings upon blessings shall continue to follow you. Favour will speak for you and everything you ever wish for shall fall in place my lovely sister. I love you to the moon.
  4. Happy birthday my dear sister! God bless you richly for all you do (did). May this new year bring you lots of God’s favor and may you flourish in all you do.
  5. I can’t get started and hope to finish on your matter my dear sister. You are something; something rare. God bless you today and forever. You are loved. Happy birthday.
  6. Happy birthday to my mother’s daughter! You have been so industrious, cheerful and a good fellow. I honestly wish you the best in life, money, opportunities, blessings and love. God’s choicest blessing immediately my dear sister.
  7. Happy birthday my sis! God is definitely taking you places baby girl. Your gift is making way for you. You are blessed and full of glory. Shine on. It’s a new dawn.
  8. Happy birthday sister! May this birthday bring you joy and happiness. I pray that the doors of heaven be open to you from today henceforth, Amen.
  9. Your personality is beautiful. You exude wisdom and you are a lady of substance. I pray for God’s blessings upon you. Live and grow. Happy birthday.
  10. Happy birthday my dear sister. Your heart is as beautiful as your smile. In this new age of yours, all your heart desires are granted. Have an amazing year!
  11. Happy birthday to my father’s baby! Sis I love the way you carry God, I admire the way you worship him. Thank you for being a blessing to our entire family. God’s grace on you will never wax cold. I celebrate you now and always.
  12. Happy birthday to you my dear sister. I wish you growth, all round success and fulfillment in all you do. Cheers to more good works and greatness.
  13. You are an amazing lady with good heart. Your humility in the place of leadership is exceptional. Here’s wishing you God’s choicest blessings today and always.
  14. Almighty Lord, I want to thank you for granting my brother another 365 days in his life. I pray that you surround him with an abundance of grace and mercy.
  15. As you celebrate this special day, I pray that happiness, grace, and peace will forever be your portion.
  16. Birthdays may come and go, but my love for you will last forever. May your cup never run out of God’s favour, sweet brother.
  17. Dear brother, you keep astounding me with your phenomenal life every year. I’m so proud to call you my brother. May God be with you as you celebrate your special day today and all the days of your life.
  18. Dear Lord, I pray that you enrich my brother’s world with immense happiness, laughter, success and good health on this wonderful day that marks his special day. As you clock another year, I pray that goodness, mercy, and favour will not depart from you in Jesus’ name.
  19. In all the hugs you get on this special day, remember that God is sending you his warmth of love and happiness.
  20. May God grant you sufficient conscience and wisdom to live your life with uncompromising ethics, elegance, love, and dedication towards the betterment of humanity. May you age gracefully.
  21. May lord ensure that your special day is full of jaw-dropping surprises, life-enriching adventures, and meaningful relationships.
  22. May today be the beginning of success for you. If you have ever experienced success, it will be too small compared to the new success you will begin to experience. HBD Sister.
  23. You are a miracle of God in this world. You were created to make it a more peaceful and happier place. Let’s celebrate your arrival on this earth. Happy Birthday!

Sweet Happy Birthday Messages For Your Daddy (Father)

  1. Happy birthday to my father! Truly you have been an great inspiration to me. I just want to use this opportunity to appreciate you for all you have done for me and our family. As you add one more year to your stay here on earth, may God strengthen and grant all your heart desires today. Happy birthday once again sir.
  2. I can’t explain how thankful i am to you sir for the fatherly love and help. I know one thing that drives you is the love of God and i know it won’t lame for any reason. It’s your new year and i join the host of heavens to celebrate a star and a leader per excellent. Happy birthday Daddy.
  3. Happy Birthday Daddy, you have spurred so much inside of me. A friend, shepherd really willing to pour out all of himself to see people around and beyond blessed. Thank you Sir.
  4. Happiest birthday to you my loving father! May this new year be filled with treasure that will soon be evolved. I pray that all your secret prayers be answered.
  5. Happy birthday dad. I pray that God will perfect all that concerns you. May this new year bring forth blessings, wisdom and greater achievements to you. Amen.
  6. Indeed words failed me today.. Where should i start from? Is it the meekness or the ever cheerful disposition you display. Thank you for being you daddy. I thank God everyday for making me your daughter. Happy birthday daddy!
  7. Happy birthday to a great man, my own father! His passion for education and love for God are contagious. May blessings come after you in Jesus name. May your path be straight and successful. May your name be mentioned in rooms of opportunities sir. Happy birthday once again daddy!
  8. Happiest birthday to you Daddy! I acknowledge your invaluable assistance in my life, teachings, grace and support. Thank you fro being a great teacher, mentor and a friend to me. God bless you today and always!
  9. Time and again you have proven to be a man of capacity. A man of good character and integrity. A man that loves and knows God and humanity. A man with audacity for what is just and true. Thank you for the rare privilege of friendship. May your heart desires come true in this new age and forever remain blessed.
  10. I lack words to express my joy today as you celebrate this year’s birthday Dad. You are a perfect example of a good father. I pray God whom you serve fervently, to continually bless your learge and kind heart and to protect you in all you do!
  11. On this special day of yours, i just want to give thanks to the almighty God for the gift of life and happiness. I pray that he continues to bless you throughout the year.
  12. This is the best month of the year and you can’t tell me otherwise. Its my love’s birthday today. My baby boo. Happy birthday dad! I promise to always make you proud.

 Birthday Prayer for a Daughter

  1. Dear God, on [daughter’s name’s] birthday and beyond, let her walk in the security that comes from knowing who you say she is: treasured, delightful, known and protected. Bless her today and in the coming year, Amen
  2. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of our precious daughter. Thank you for her happy and kind nature, and the joy she brings to our family and everyone who knows her. We ask that you would bless her with a happy day today, and with many good things for the year ahead. Amen
  3. To my dear daughter, today on your birthday I pray that you will be guided by God’s hand in everything that you do, that you will find comfort in Him, and be encouraged in the knowledge that He holds you in the palm of His hand and watches over you.
  4. Heavenly Father, on my daughter’s birthday I pray that she will always find confidence in You, God, even when hard times come and she doesn’t know what to do, by keeping her eyes fixed on You. Amen

Birthday Prayer for a Son

  1. “Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.” Proverbs 19:20 (God’s words, not ours!!) Happy Birthday, dear son. Our prayer for you this year is for happiness and success, but most of all for wisdom. We love you!
  2. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14. Thank you, Lord, for [son’s name]. Our prayer is that he would come to You. Amen
  3. Dear Lord, we thank you for [son’s name] on his birthday. Thank you for the kind, caring and fun-loving young man/boy he is becoming. Bless him today and during the year ahead with happiness, success in his learning, and friends who point him to You. Amen
  4. Heavenly Father, thank you for our precious son, and thank you that you love him even more than we do! We pray that he would keep growing in love for You and others this year and that you would bless him with many people around him who love him. Amen
  5. Dear God, thank you for our son. You know how grateful we are for him. As he grows, help him to trust in you with all of his heart and not to trust only in his own understanding. Amen
  6. Dear God, thank you for our son. You know how grateful we are for him. We pray that as he grows he would love you with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength. Amen
  7. Heavenly Father, thank you for [son’s name] on his 1st birthday! Thank you for helping us through the first year. We trust that you have a plan for his life which is perfect. Watch over him as he grows. We pray that he would come to know you and will be a blessing to those around him. Amen.
  8.  Dear Lord, thank you for [son’s name]. Please bless him with health, happiness, friendship, and success over the next year. Amen
  9. Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us another year with [son’s name]. We ask that he will grow in godliness over the year to come. Our desire is that he cares more for your Kingdom and for other people than he does for wealth, fame, or human success. In Jesus’ Name and for his glory, Amen.

Birthday Prayer For Your Husband

  1.  Dear God, I thank you for my husband. Thank you for the way he provides for our family and loves me unconditionally. Thank you for the way he trusts in You for everything and points others to do the same. Thank you for how he loves our children, has fun with them and does so much for them. On his birthday and beyond I pray that you would bless him with contentment and deep joy in You. Amen
  2. Dear Father, thank you for my wonderful husband! I am grateful every day that you gave him to me! Bless him with happiness, friendship, and fulfillment in all that he does on his birthday and beyond. Amen
  3. Heavenly Father, thank you for [husband’s name] and for the gift of our marriage. Thank you for the fun that we have and the love that we share. Please help us to love each other even more, and grant us the contentment that comes only from knowing you. Amen

114.Thank you Lord for my fantastic husband on his birthday! Bless him today and every day with love, laughter, stability, and happiness!

  1. Happy Birthday to my dear husband. Today I thank God that He gave you to me as a companion for life, to support and love each other every day.

Birthday Prayer For Your Wife

  1. Dear Father, Thank you for giving me my wife, for everything that she is to me, to our family and to everyone who knows her. Bless her with happiness on her birthday and joy in You for the coming year. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
  2. Dear God, Thank you for my wonderful wife! Please bless [wife’s name] today and over the next year with the strength that she needs for her work, a deeper relationship with you, and contentment in everything she does. Amen
  3. Today I pray a prayer for you, my dear wife, on your birthday: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” The words of Jesus in John 14:27.
  4. Dear God, I praise you daily that you gave me [wife’s name], and especially today on her birthday. Thank you for her great love for you and for others. My prayer for her is that she would grow to be more like Christ and to know deeply the love that He has for her. In His Name and for His glory, Amen
  5. Heavenly Father, bless my wife today with a happy day full of friendship and surprises! Amen.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is The Best Birthday Prayer?

May God bless you on your birthday this year. I pray that the year ahead brings many beautiful blessings to your life. Happy birthday to you today, my friend! I am praying that your special day brings you lots of love, peace, and happiness for the year ahead!

2. What Is A Short Blessing Prayer?

Short Prayers for Blessing

Be before me, behind me, and beside me – protect me and move me toward that which will bring me closer to you. Loving Father, bless my family with peace today. Bless them not just with worldly favor in all they seek to accomplish but with hearts and minds filled with your lovingkindness.

3. What Are The 3 Powerful Prayers?

The prayer of protection. The prayer of transformation. The prayer of restoration.

4. What Is A Peaceful Prayer?

Loving God, please grant me peace of mind and calm my troubled heart. My soul is like a turbulent sea. I can’t seem to find my balance so I stumble and worry constantly. Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and walk the path you’ve laid out for me.

5. What Are Good Prayer Prayers?

Dear Lord, Help me remember what a difference it makes when I make time with You a priority in my morning. Awaken me in body and spirit each day with a desire to meet with You and to hear You speak words of affirmation, assurance, and wisdom over my heart as I prepare to go into my day. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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