Problems Of Adult Education In Nigeria

Problems Of Adult Education In Nigeria. Get substantial Information On The Problem Of Adult Education In Nigeria. Check This Post For More.

Problems Of Adult Education In Nigeria

Are you willing to go into adult education in Nigeria? Do you want a first hand knowledge of the problems of adult education in Nigeria? Then you have come to the right place for this information. In this single article, i have put together some of the basic problems of adult education which you should know.

It is important that we understand what Adult education means before we go into its problems. Let’s get started!

What is Adult education?

Adult education is quite different from child education, it is a practice in which adults engage in systematic and sustained self-educating activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values.

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What are the problems of adult education in Nigeria?

Adult education generally is faced with so many problems that has hindered the growth over the years. It is thus important that i show you some of the basic problems of adult education in Nigeria. Although we cannot talk about all the problems faced by adult education in just this single article, i have tried as much as possible to summarise a whole lot of them.

Some of the problems of adult education in Nigeria include:

  1. Social stereotypes
  2. Memory problems
  3. Sight problems
  4. Hearing problems
  5. Lack of proper motivation
  6. Lack of adequate and competent teaching staff

Problems Of Adult Education In Nigeria


one of the biggest problems that has faced adult education in Nigeria and has hindered its growth over the years is the problem of social stereotypes. This refers to people that think learning cannot be done in old age but just when one is young. Such people do not have the confidence to learn when they are old, some of them even discourage others in doing so.


Another problem that adult education in Nigeria has faced over the years is the problem of memory. Memory issue is totally not on the part of the instructors or the teacher but it is on the part of the “students”. We all know that as we get older, our memory begin to reduce.

The same topic may be taught to a child and an adult together, you would be surprised that the child would remember it better. The implication of this is that the same teaching methids that are used to teach younger ones should not be the same teaching methods for an adult as many of them may experience memory problems.

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Another problem that adult education in Nigeria has faced over the years is the problem of sight. It is important that we note that although a person’s sight can be bad while he or she is still a child but nature has it that the eye sight begins to get weaker as we grow older. We have heard cases of people who are willing to learn but cannot go too far because of their eye sight.


Another problem that adult education in Nigeria has faced over the years is the problem of hearing. We all know that as we get older, our hearing capacity starts to reduce. In as much as there are some people that really willing to learn, many of them usually have hearing problems or issues and that may affect the process of teaching and learning as the instructor needs to instruct and interact with the learner.


Another problem that adult education in Nigeria has faced over the years is the problem of of lack of proper motivation. Motivation is simply anything that can trigger a desired behaviour. For learning to take place effectively, there must be proper motivation for the learners. We know that the learners here are not even kids and so they would need proper motivation to be able to keep up.

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Another problem that adult education in Nigeria has faced over the years is the problem of inadequate and competent teaching staff. the problem of inadequate teaching staff means that there are not enough competent teaching staff for adult educators.

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