How To Start Vegetable Farming In Nigeria: Complete Guide

Do you want to know How To Start Vegetable Farming In Nigeria? In this article, you will see the  Complete Guide On How To Start Vegetable Farming In Nigeria And Also Make Alot Of Money From it.

How To Start Vegetable Farming In Nigeria

Vegetable farming is the growing of vegetables for human consumption. The practice probably started in several parts of the world over ten thousand years ago, with families growing vegetables for their own consumption or to trade locally. Wikipedia

Vegetable farming in Nigeria is now a serious business because of the money it is minting to vegetable farmers. We are no longer settling on local vegetables alone, foreign vegetable has been added and are all doing well. All over the world, vegetables are always on high demands. This is because of the benefits they provide to human body.

Before now people use to hide their identities as farmers, generally. And if you are a water leaf farmer people will look down on you. But the story has changed, farming is now a noble career just like any other profession. It was left for uneducated fellows but now graduates are carrying hoes. In case you are asking but why? It is because, there are prospects in it.

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Do you know why most entrepreneurs/investors consider vegetable? I will tell you, it is because of the returns it brings within a short time. For instance, you can plant and harvest; pumpkin leaf, water leaf, green leaf etc. within two weeks. The capital needed to start vegetable farming is little compare to other crops. Any small space can be utilized for maximum result.

Vegetables contains Vitamins and minerals which are very. Important for the health of man. Doctors will always recommend that you take fruits are vegetable everyday. People have devise means of eating it frequently by using leafs to garnish food. Vegetables can be used to cook different kinds of food such as; soup, porridge, salad etc. There are a lot of delicious vegetable meals you can prepare for family eating habits.

How to Start Vegetable Farming in Nigeria

Starting a vegetable farming in Nigeria is very easy, you can even start with half plot of land. There is a guy that wanted to explore the world of Agriculture and he started from half plot of land with these, vegetables; ugu, tomatoes and spinach. Now he is handling large scale commercial farming. You can do this at your backyard or spaces around your home. There are some vegetables that can act as ornamental plants as well.

You can start by clearing the space to use, make beds or allow it plain as the case maybe and nurture them to maturity. And finally, harvest them. Planting of vegetable can be for personal use or for commercial. Don’t tell me you don’t have space, use container it will do even better.

If you are contemplating commercial vegetable farming then you need to write a vegetable business plan to capture all that is expected to make the business succeed.

Commercial Vegetable Farming in Nigeria

Commercial vegetable farming is done in a large scale. However’ you need to know all that is involved by starting small before you go into large scale. You have to employ workers on your farm because vegetable needs tending any mismanagement can result in losses.

Before going commercial, find out first which vegetable is consumed most in your location. Consider also those vegetables that have few farmers. For instance, in Akwa Ibom State majority of the vegetable farmers concentrate mainly on ugu and water leaf. While few plant green leaves and the rest. In fact you will not see anything like ewedu leaves, Hausa leaves etc. meanwhile we have people from these tribes living there.

A smart farmer can take hold of this opportunity to make money. The same should be applicable in other states.

How To Start Vegetable Farming In Nigeria

Vegetables Grown in Nigeria

Some People mind always go to ugu, water leaf, efo, bitter leaf whenever vegetable is mentioned. Vegetables are many and are in root form example carrot, flowers example zobo, pods example green beans. Each vegetable has its benefits and nutrients content.

  • Okra
  • Ugu
  • Spinach
  • Water leaf
  • Pepper
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Onion
  • Tete
  • Soko
  • Ewedu
  • Egg plant

Exotic vegetables

  • Celery
  • Cauliflower
  • Radish

Most Profitable Vegetable to Grow in Nigeria

Every vegetable is profitable, it depends on your location. Demand varies according to location. For example again, in Akwa Ibom State, water leaf is consumed most. This is because it is used in the preparation of many soups such as, afang soup, Atama soap, editan and edikang ekon soup. Followed by ugu

Generally, the most profitable vegetables in Nigeria are;

  • Ugu
  • Water leaf
  • Soko
  • Ewedu
  • Tete
  • Cucumber

Dry Season Vegetable Farming

Dry Season vegetable farming is the best. At this time market traders will be the ones looking for you to buy. Whereas you will be the one begging them during raining season because of glut. You can make profit times three in dry season than what you make in raining season. It is only few farmers that take advantage of the opportunity dry season presents to vegetable farmers. There are some entrepreneurs who only cultivate vegetables during dry season.

To start dry season farming you have to plan for it. Provide irrigation materials either borehole or well and use good seeds. Especially hybrid seeds because they can grow under any condition and are disease resistant.

See Also: Rice Production In Nigeria And How To Make Money From It

Vegetable Markets in Nigeria

Almost every state has vegetable market. For example there is vegetable market close to Apapa in Lagos. In Abuja we have orange market is for vegetables and fruits. In Akwa Ibom we have Itam market.

Profits in Vegetable Farming

You can buy seeds of #5,000, plant them in a plot of land and spend about #10,000 in farm management. In a few weeks you will be making #5,000 every 2 days. That is why vegetable farming is very lucrative. The turn over starts rolling in within few weeks of planting.

Challenges in Vegetable Farming

The number one challenge of vegetable business is preservation. We all know that vegetables are perishable. The highest you can preserve them is one week. But to stay long you have to pasteurize then frozen them in refrigerator. Consumers prefer vegetables that are fresh so know your target markets. Harvest and carry them directly to your point of sell. Or get buyers down so that when the veggies have matured they can come; harvest and buy.

Glut is a challenge to commercial vegetable farmers. Use your discretion to know what to plant at different times.


Organic vegetable farming still remains an untapped area in vegetable farming so start yours today and keep smiling as it last.

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