Never Skip These Before You Marry As A Christian

Never Skip These Before You Marry As A Christian | Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a culturally recognised union between people, called spouses, that establishes rights and obligations between them, as well as between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws

 Never Skip These Before You Marry As A Christian

Today you hear of bridal shower, lovely wedding, wedding in Dubai, men in Black, she is my queen, he is my hero, bla bla bla. Then tomorrow, you hear of divorce: she is a devil, he is a dog, he is a wife beater, she is a beast, I didn’t know she was a witch, I didn’t know he has STD, bla bla bla bla. That is why you really need to do a proper check before you marry. In those days where many people were good, you could easily pick a guy or a lady, and marriage will work out. But today that is filled with hypocrisy, you ought to be careful.


Never Skip These Before You Marry As A Christian

I will show you things that you mustn’t skip before you marry your fiance or fiancee.

(1) Test of Love: Until you love and get loved, and until the love begins to flow without energy, before you can say you are good to go. If you still put pressure trying to impress your partner to love you, please pause first. Something is wrong somewhere. But when the love flows sweatlessly and selflessly, then you may proceed to marry.

(2) Test of Fidelity: Some people love, but they are promiscuous. But promiscuity is not a characteristics of true love. So if your partner is a promiscuous cheat, pause the wedding. You can take the person for spiritual rehabilitation or deliverance before you proceed with wedding.

(3) Test of Time: Everything, no matter how sweet, palatable and enticing it may look like, can only be validated with time. So no matter how you love your partner or how your partner wishes to marry you, give it the test of time. Give it time to see if whatever you feel or whatever is shown is real. As they normally say “time will tell”.

(4) Test of Peace: No matter the sweetness of any relationship, if there is an internal tension of the mind, please go back to God to ask questions. Until you have true and persistent peace, don’t marry that person. When the peace is sure, go and marry.

(5) Test of Availability: Whoever tells you there is time for love and time for serious business is not a good partner for you. Love has no schedule! Until you have much access to enjoying your partners availability, don’t marry. When I talk about availability here, I don’t mean that your partner may not be in situations were you cannot access each other, but even when such situations come, you will still see the urge to be together; not that he or she will be operating an intentional love on schedule.

(6) Test of Tolerance: Until your imperfections are swallowed and until you are able to swallow the imperfections of your partner, don’t marry yet.. It is good to have a large heart, but if you find it so difficult to take some things from your partner, do not marry yet until you are able to take it. Marriage is a very long journey.

(7) Medical Test: Don’t assume your partner is good and you trust yourselves. Seek necessary medical tests before marriage.

May God help you to have a successful marriage with a God-fearing person.

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