20 Items You Can Export From Nigeria And Make Millions

20 Items You Can Export From Nigeria And Make Millions. Want To Become A Millionaire? Check This Post Now. 

20 Items You Can Export From Nigeria And Make Millions.

Do you wish to start exporting products so as to make more money? Wow, that is a great business idea. However, it can be very confusing on what to export and what not to. For this reason, I have carefully made a list of 20 items which you can easily export so as to make millions.

Exporting products from Nigeria is a very good profit business. it is important to note that you can export any thing you want and it does not necessarily mean that it has to be an oil related product. In fact, this type of business can help improve a country’s economy. It is not as difficult as you may think. Here are 20 items you can easily export from Nigeria and make so much money from:

  1. Ginger
  2. Palm kernel oil
  3. Textiles
  4. Cocoa Butter
  5. Gall stone
  6. Rubber
  7. Sesame Seed
  8. Honey
  9. Shrimps
  10. Garlic
  11. Yam
  12. Charcoal
  13. Cotton
  14. flour

15 Cashew nut

  1. snail
  2. pepper
  3. Juice
  4. poultry
  5. Cosmetics

20 Items You Can Export From Nigeria And Make Millions


The first item on our list that one can easily export from Nigeria is Ginger. This product is in fact one of the many which Nigeria is the largest producer of. Sadly, not many people have explored exporting ginger. A lot of profit can also be made from it.

See Also: Top 10 Business Ideas That Make Atleast 1 Million Naira Monthly In Nigeria


The next item on our list which you can easily export is palm kernel oil. People from the eastern part of Nigeria are very familiar with the oil from the palm fruit. Basically, this kind of oil is gotten from the palm fruit and can be used for a number of purposes.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Textiles. It is important to note that this industry generates a lot of money. It is very bankable as we have different Nigeria designs that are in high demand in other countries.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Gall stone. This particular product is usually gotten from an adult cow or an ox. it is usually used for medicines. Countries that know the value of this are in high demand for it.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is very food for the skin. In fact, many people claim that it is very good in maintain the skin’s melanin. Countries with dark skinned people are usually in high demand of it.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Rubber. Rubber has always been hot cake because it is used to produce a lot of other things. It is very bankable for exports.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Rubber sesame seed. Sesame seed is highly medicinal and can be used for a lot of other things. Nigeria is one of the largest producers of Sesame seed.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Honey. When we talk about honey, we are referring to pure honey. This is seen as gold because it is very good for the body and it is difficult to get. It is on high demand in other countries and can be exported.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Shrimps. Shrimps are great sources of protein. Nigeria is well blessed with rivers in different places. Hence, shrimps can be gotten in large quantities. A lot of other countries adore shrimps. You can do a research of these countries if you are interested in this business.

See Also: How To Start A Food Delivery Business in Nigeria


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Garlic. Garlic is basically a cash crop. It is well known for its medicinal properties. It is quite bankable for export business.

11. YAM

The next item on our list which you can easily export is Yam. Currently in Africa, Nigeria is one of the countries with the highest production of Yam as a commodity. Sadly, we have not really explored the opportunity of exporting yam. You should consider this if you are looking for what to export.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is charcoal. One good thing about this product is that you can get up to 50 percent of your capital as profit. For instance, if you put in 1 million naira, you can get up to 500,000 naira as returns. Many countries are really on high demand for this product.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is cotton. Cotton is used for a number of other products. Nigeria is favorable for growing cotton. Why not use the opportunity to explore this business in other countries?


The next item on our list which you can easily export is cassava flour. Cassava flour can be used in producing a number of other foods. Nigeria is very favorable in growing cassava. In fact, many of our Nigerian delicacies are made with cassava. Some countries in America and Europe are on high demand for this.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Cashew nuts. Different countries around the world love to each cashew. In fact, it has been discovered that it has been on high demand in different countries around the world. All you need to know is your target country.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Snail. Snails are great source of protein to the body. They are quite expensive too. Many people see snail as big man’s food in Nigeria. However, snail farming hasn’t really been tapped. If you know you are good at snail farming, why don’t you jump on this opportunity?


The next item on our list which you can easily export is pepper. Pepper is easily grown in Nigeria. You can bank on this opportunity to produce them in large quantities so that they can be exported.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is Juice. It may surprise you that fruit juice can be exported from Nigeria. Yes, it can. This is because Nigeria is rich in favorable soil for growing different fruits. All you need to do is know your target country.


The next item on our list which you can easily export is poultry. As far as we are concerned, poultry farming is one of the best farming we have generally. This is because, chicken as well as turkey is a good source of protein for the body, hence, the high demand. Many people do not even know that they can export birds.

See Also: 10 Lucrative Business Ideas You Can Start Right Now And Make Massive Profits


The next item on our list which you can easily export is cosmetics. Many people in Nigeria have the talent of making cosmetics such as soap as well as cream and others. If these products are invested in and exported to countries where they really do not have such things, one would make a fortune from it.

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  1. Wonderful article, my dear am very interested in exportation, but don’t know how to go about it . I can supply whatever they need, I just need connection

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