How To Transfer Airtime To Bank Account

How To Transfer Airtime To Bank Account. Want To Transfer You Airtime To Cash? Check This Post For More.

How To Transfer Airtime To Bank Account

Have you ever had issues of over recharging from you bank as airtime to yourself? Are you confused on what to do with the airtime you suddenly over recharged yourself with? Then you do not have to worry anymore, I have good news for you! Do you know you can now transfer your airtime back to your bank account? Sounds too good to be true? In this article, you are going to learn how to successfully transfer your airtime back to your bank account. Let’s get started immediately!

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What are the ways by which I can convert my airtime to money in my bank account?

I want you to understand that there are different ways by which you can convert your airtime to money in your bank account. However, I would be picking just a few. There are different companies that can assist you with this problem. Here are some of the companies that can help you in transferring your airtime to cash in your bank account:

  1. Zoranga
  2. Aim to get
  3. Cheetahplay
  4. Airtime flip

How To Transfer Airtime To Bank Account


The first one we have on our list is Zoranga. This company is based online where you can convert your airtime to cash either by pin or if you have an already recharged card on your line.  You do not have to panic as it accepts all the network providers we have in Nigeria. If you want to get more information on Zoranga, you can easily check out their site or the app.

It is important for you to note that Zoranga has been available for quite a while as it was established in 2014. If you want to the Zoranga to transfer your airtime to your bank account, here is how to go about it:

You can choose to use the official site or the mobile app to carry out this operation. You can then sign up to be able to use this platform. Once you have created an account, you would them log in to your dashboard and deposit money. You would have three options which you can select from. You can use pin if you have the pin you used to load the recharge card. You can click on the mtn share and self if you loaded the recharge card through your phone, you would then be able to put in your number and also the amount you would love to change back to money. It is key for you to provide the right number so you have to crosscheck the number you are inputting. If the deposit has been approved, you would then click on transfer money where you would have to put in your bank name as well as your account number.

It should be noted that the money would not just appear in your account as it take quite some time to reflect which is roughly 2 days. You would also keep in mind that this service is not free and that you would be charged.

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This is another platform that you can use to transfer your airtime to money in your account. I like this particular platform because it does not take time for the money to reflect in my account unlike Zoranga although; the process is similar to that of Zoranga. The charge for transferring your money to your bank account is 89 naira on Aim to get.


This is another platform that you can use to transfer your airtime to money in your account. All you have to do is to register to be able to use this platform.

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This is another platform that you can use to transfer your airtime to money in your account. This particular site has gotten quite popular. This particular platform is quite expensive as it takes up to 19 percent charges. This means that if you want to convert 1000 naira, the charge would be about 190 naira. The minimum amount you can choose to convert is 750 naira

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