How to Make Zobo Drink – Zobo Tutu Ingredients, Step By Step Guide

Zobo (Zoborodo) is a Nigerian beverage made from dried Roselle plant flowers. The drink is also known as Roselle drink and called Sorrel drink in the Carribean. Zobo has a sour taste so it can clash with sugars.

How To Make Zobo Drink

One of the easiest drink to make today is the zobo drink, the zobo drink is made from ” Hibiscus Sabdariffa”. It is a bright red drink most times without preservative (well, that is the more important reason its better made at home). Apart from the refreshing taste of zobo, it can be used to regulate blood pressure, calm nerves, weight loss, improve sexual libido, strengthen blood vessels and many other health benefit.

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Zobo drink is best enjoyed when cold. Hence, the term “Zobo Tutu”. Follow The Below Easy Steps On How to Make Zobo Drink Within Minutes.

One of the reasons i do not like road side zobo is because bottles are usually picked from disturbing places such as dustbins, canals and gutters in other to save cost and this is really bad for our health. I will list out the various ingredients used in making the zobo drink and how to make it in 8 easy steps.


  • Zobo leaves
  • Fresh ginger
  • Water
  • Ripe pineapple
  • Sugar syrup
  • Flavours (optional)
  • Citrus Fruit

How to Make Zobo Drink (full guide)


Rinse the leaves carefully and thoroughly to avoid sand. Do well to put it in a sieve and avoid squeezing it with your hands to maintain Its nutrients. Put it in a pot afterwards.


Wash and peel the pineapple, we are only going to make use of its peel so you have the whole pineapple to yourself.  However, if you do not wish to use pineapple, you can use artificial flavours. I love to use pineapple because of its health benefit and because it is natural. Also peel and grind your ginger.

You can then put both the pineapple peel and grounded ginger into the same pot as you put in the Zobo leaves. The purpose of using ginger is to make the drink have this “hot” taste, Zobo is incomplete without ginger.


Add 10 cups of water and boil at medium heat. Although, the water added depends on how much you want the zobo to be. Leave for about 20 – 30 minutes



After about 20- 30 minutes, you should see the zobo leaves and the pineapple peel sunken to the bottom of the pot while the juice should be seen above. At this point, you should put off the fire.


Use a sieve to filter the juice, you can do this about 2- 3 times to make sure the juice is clear and free of its leaves and other particles. Leave in a bowl to cool down.


To make the syrup, put in sugar in a small quantity of water and boil for about 5 minutes. You have to stir this continuously for the 5 minutes, i prefer using the sugar syrup so as to reduce crystals. Using just sugar can make it very disturbing while drinking. Mix the sugar syrup with the zobo drink afterwards.


Remember the goal is to make “Zobo Tutu” ( Cold Zobo). Pour the drink into jars and bottles and keep in the refrigerator till its cold. However, if you wish to drink the Zobo any time soon, you can make use of ice block.


Cut out your favourite citrus fruit once you’re ready to drink it, put it in a glass and then add the fruit to make the zobo look EXTRA!!!

I hope you find this really easy to make and i hope it  helps you make that ” perfect zobo tutu” you’ve been longing to make.

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