How To Produce Hair Cream in Nigeria, Sell in Large Quantity

How To Produce Hair Cream in Nigeria, Sell in Large Quantities. In this article, you will learn how to produce hair cream and make alot of daily profit. Hair Cream Production is now lucrative business and you can make alot of profit with it, you know why? ladies can’t do without their hair. so let’s go.

How To Produce Hair Cream

Making and selling hair care for profit is simple, and the money required is little. Men can also benefit from this, as local hair conditioner makers are limited. Since there is no employment in Nigeria and those that do exist pay very little, and everything is on the increase, it is tough to make ends meet with little money.

Why not start a side business? Individuals will be addressed based on their appearance in every country, and your appearance may gain you a better career, favors, and even new friends. Being attractive has become a priority for many people.

If you create the highest quality products for your consumers you will be rewarded with more business. You’ll have to make a brave decision about whether or not you want to get involved, but I’ll tell you to take advantage of it while there are still a few individuals involved. As there are numerous types of hair, there are also numerous types of hair creams available.

This article is written to teach you how to make a basic hair cream using simple chemicals (ingredients). Men and women both use hair cream for various reasons. But in most parts of the globe, women are more likely to use and consume hair cream. This is the current fashion trend. Everyone wants to look their best at all times and be the best they can possibly be. Hair lotions are used for this reason.

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How To Produce Hair Cream in Nigeria

Starting a hair cream manufacturing and production business in Nigeria requires the following items.

Nigerian markets include chemical product sections where these goods may be purchased at reasonable prices. Ask for directions at the market and you’ll be able to find your way.

  1. Paraffin oil: is the glue that holds everything together.
  2. Petroleum jelly: The hair cream is made from petroleum jelly. As a result, the hair cream’s oily texture is maintained.
  3. Lanoline: is the chemical that softens and mildens hair. It is a combination of palmitate stearate and cholesterol and is an organic fatty acid.
  4. Glycerin: It increases the glossiness of hair care by giving it a silky feel. Preservative properties are also provided.
  5. Menthol and camphor: they are essential ingredients in hair treatments for treating dandruff.
  6. Shear Butter: Hair is enriched and protected from breaking.

Equipment For Hair cream making and production business in Nigeria

  1. Heating system
  2. Mixer
  3. Mixing tank
  4. Packaging container

The chemical needs for both big-scale and small-scale manufacturing are the same. Here are the formula for both the large-scale and the small-scale business.

Industrial Formula – Start-Up Hair Cream Making and Production Business In Nigeria

  • Petroleum jelly 10kg
  • Paraffin 6kg
  • Lanoline 300g
  • Shea butter 500g
  • Glycerine 400g
  • Camphor 200g
  • Menthol 200g
  • Perfume
  • Colour

Household Formula – Start-Up Hair Cream Making and Production Business In Nigeria

  • Petroleum jelly 5 tablespoons
  • Paraffin 3 tablespoons
  • Lanoline ¼ tablespoon
  • Shea butter ½ tablespoon
  • Glycerine ¼ tablespoon
  • Camphor ½ tablespoon
  • Menthol ½ tablespoon
  • Perfume
  • Colour

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Here are Steps on how to produce Hair cream in Nigeria, sell in large quantities

  1. The audience that you are aiming for is very important

Producing your own hair cream requires this. Know who your target audience is and where they may be found before you begin your campaign. Your target market should include salon owners, beauticians, barbers, and the like, as you’re going to be producing hair cream.

  1. Marketing strategy

You can begin by advertising to individuals in your immediate vicinity, such as colleagues, relatives, members of your religious organization, members of your neighborhood association, and your neighbors. An excellent anti-dandruff product will take you far in the company.

Make sure your product is as good as the way you’ve advertised it. Trust me, you do not want to disappoint your customers. Your hair creams will be sold at these stores. In order to become a client, folks must test your product once you introduce it to them. Once they are pleased with your product, they will become your consumers. Female hair salons in Nigeria, barbershops, marketplaces, etc. are other venues where hair cream might be marketed


  1. Branding or Packaging

What draws the attention of buyers to purchase your product is branding. It goes a long way in the hair cream business. Potential personal brand should be established before you begin production so that your prospects can easily recognize your items among other brands. After manufacture, make sure to properly package your hair cream.

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  1. Publicity

As a result of offering high-quality items, you’ll attract more consumers who will also suggest your products to their friends and family. As a result, your customer base will grow dramatically, and your sales income and profits will expand. Yet more consumers may be attracted by advertising your brand in magazines, journals, on radio and television, with banners, posters, billboards, and other cost-effective methods, such as handbills. To keep your consumers interested in your items, periodically provide them incentives and discounts. Motivate and urge them to stay with you.

  1. Fragrance

Customers will have their own tastes and preferences if they choose to purchase your goods, therefore this may be a benefit. When a result, it’s vital to keep this in mind as you perform your study. Now that you’re familiar with these fundamental procedures, let’s get into the meat of the matter. Ingredients include paraffin oil, beeswax, glass, grape seed extract, liquid, petroleum jelly, lanolin, colorant, industrial scent, a container, and a jar, among other items.

  1. Procedure
  • Switch on the burner and set your container with your mixture of hair care cream solution on top.
  • Pour a quantity of paraffin oil equal to the amount of hair cream you intend to make.
  • Add the petroleum jelly to the boiling paraffin oil after three minutes, based on the amount of hair cream you intend to make.
  • Lanolin should be added to the mix after five minutes and well mixed.
  • Add the wax in tiny pieces, one at a time. Let the wax dissolve properly and continuously stir until you are confident that the components have been thoroughly mixed.
  • When you are finished, take the hair cream from the burner and let it cool down at room temperature. Continue to whisk the mixture to ensure that it is uniform.
  • As you see fit, add the desired amount of industrial perfume fragrance to the mixture. In this way, you may add the desired scent to your hair cream!
  • You may also add vitamin C powder and grapefruit seed extract to your hair care as preservatives. The mixture can be colored at this point by adding any colorant ingredient you choose. Continually stir and combine until all components are well distributed and the final result – hair cream – comes out how you want it to.
  • The next step is to stir your fresh produce hair cream, mix it thoroughly, and place it into a sterilized jar with a label and a tight-fitting top. Overnight the freshly produced hair cream so that the extra components may settle completely into the product.
  • Making your own hair cream requires sterilizing all the equipment used, including your hands, because hair creams are susceptible to bacterial infection.


  1. Enhancers

When making homemade hair cream, you may include the following items to improve the quality:

  1. coconut oil.
  2. Aloe vera gel
  3. Jojoba oil
  4. Herbal creams and lotions

This will provide you with a wonderful hair conditioner.

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Where can you sell your hair cream and make a profit?

There are some people who find it difficult approaching people and advertising to them. However, when you are confident in your product, advertising shouldn’t be a problem for you. There is a method I want you to apply that has shown to be helpful in gaining consumers.

First, you need to provide your items to some well-off people for testing. Give them to your friends, neighbors, family members, and relatives to test it. Some of your prospective clients and audience may be found at retail outlets such as stores for women and students as well as in stores for barbers or fashion product sellers, as well as in places like hotels, restaurants, and local markets as well as car parks, workplaces and houses.

Sell your items with a high-profit margin. Make extra money by teaching others in this industry and charging them a fee to attend your seminars. A product launch may be a great way to attract new consumers if you’re a member of a religious organization, such as a church or mosque. You’ll be successful once people start talking about your product. If you want to sell your hair cream at saloons, barbershops, and marketplaces, you can go there personally and offer discounts.

You may also advertise to school instructors and office workers. What if you made a sensible decision? Social networking sites, as well as online retailers such as Jumia, Konga, Jiji, and others, can be useful in selling your product.

There you have it. Whether it’s for household use or commercial purpose, anyone can easily produce hair creams. Kindly drop comment if you have any question, also share this post to others.

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One Comment

  1. I am super excited to see this article.Thanks, I look forward to starting hair cream production business

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