Bad Breath: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Bad Breath: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment. Struggling With Bad Breath? Check Out The Causes, The Symptoms And Treatment In This Post.

Bad Breath

Bad breath is a serious issue, what worse? You might not even know that you have bad breath for years until someone finally summons courage to walk up to you and tell you that you have bad breath. This can be terribly embarrassing and I can swear that no one would want to be in these shoes.

Are you struggling with bad breath? Have you tried to get rid of the bad breath and you have not been successful? You are very lucky then to be on the right page today. We are going to be discussing bad breath in general and then look at what could be the cause or causes of bad breath, we are also going to examine the symptoms of bad breath (for those that do not even now that they have bad breath) and we are going to examine some of the effective methods that can be used to treat bad breath. I’m sure at this point that you cannot wait. Let’s go right into it!

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What is bad breath?

Bad breath in simple and clear terms may be referred to as mouth odor .Bad breath is often attained when our breath is no longer fresh.

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What are the causes of Bad breath?

There are so many causes of bad breath which we are going to discuss today. I have outlined a number of causes of bad breath that would be very useful for you. Here are some of the causes of bad breath that you should know:

  1. Poor dental hygiene
  2. Bad habits
  3. Health conditions
  4. Certain type of food


One of the major causes of bad breath that you need to know is poor dental hygiene. In fact, this is by far the major cause of bad breath. Poor dental hygiene refers to the fact that you do not practice good ways of keeping your mouth clean and fresh. There are ways by which you can practice good dental hygiene. Some of the ways by which you can practice good dental hygiene is by brushing at least twice every day. Good dental hygiene is not just limited to brushing alone but you should always remember to floss as well because it is as important as brushing is.

You should also always make it a point of duty to visit the dentist on regular basis. Dental checkups are as important as medical checkups.


Another cause of bad breath that you should know is bad habit. There are some bad habits that are peculiar to mouth odor. A typical example of bad habit that is peculiar to mouth odor is excessive smoking. Many smokers tend to get bad breath because of the residue of excessive some in their mouths.


Another cause of bad breath that you should know is health condition. There are certain health conditions that an individual can have that would cause bad breath.

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Another cause of bad breath that you should know is food. Do you know that there are certain types of food that you would eat that would cause bad breath? Well, I have noticed that anytime I eat bread with tea, bad breath is likely to set in for me and so I try to avoid it or I simply try to rinse my mouth thoroughly anytime I eat tea and bread.

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What are the symptoms of bad breath?

I have had many people ask this question of how I will know if I have bad breath. Well, your answer is just right here today. There is no particular symptom of bad breath because you cannot just tell when you have a bad breath. However, the most effective way of evaluating yourself if you have bad breath or not is by asking a close friend to assess how your mouth smells.

What are the effective treatments for bad breath?

Now that you know that you have bad breath, what is the way forward? Relax; there are many ways by which bad breath can be caused. Here are some of the ways by which bad breath can be treated:

  1. See the dentist regularly
  2. Use aloe vera gel
  3. Hydrogen peroxide


One of the most effective ways by which you can treat mouth odor is by regular visit to the dentist just like I have said earlier that dental health or dental checkup is a as important as general health checkup. It has been recommended that one see one’s dentist at least once every three months.

If you notice that you have bad breath, you can complain to him or her, as a professional, he or she would definitely know what to recommend.


Another way by bad breath can be treated effectively is by the use of aloe Vera. Do not be scared because it sounds weird. It is totally safe; you can use aloe Vera to cure bad breath if you have noticed that you have bad breath. All you need to do is cut a portion of aloe Vera and then make sure that you have at least brushed once before you do this. Cut the aloe Vera open so that you can have access to its gel and then apply the gel all over your mouth. This may taste very bitter but it doesn’t matter because it works. Leave for about 10 minutes and then rebrush and floss.

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Another way by which bad breath can be effectively treated is by the use of hydrogen peroxide. This works perfectly but you have to be very careful so that you do not swallow this solution. All you have to do is to take a small portion (maybe a cap) of hydrogen peroxide after you have at least brushed. Put this solution in your mouth for about 5- 7 minutes. You would notice foaming taking place in your mouth. Make sure that you do not swallow this solution no matter what. Pour away and rinse you mouth thoroughly once you are done.

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