Electricity Bills in Norway (Billigste Strømavtaler)

Electricity Bills in Norway (Billigste Strømavtaler)

Electricity Bills in Norway

Generally, the monthly power bill you must pay depends on your country, area, and other factors determining the overall amount you should handle. However, things are entirely different in Norway, which makes it highly complicated compared with other areas across the globe.

When you move to Norway, you will first notice a completely different approach to power bills, meaning you should get familiar with the system as soon as possible. In further article, we wish to explore different options you can choose, which will help you determine the best course of action.

We live when energy prices are soaring and continually affecting our daily lives. Therefore, it is vital to understand the system, which is the first step towards determining the best way to reduce expenses. Norway features one of the most expensive energy prices in Europe, which is something you should remember.

The first thing you should know about electricity prices in Norway is they are ever-changing. It means their price depends on each hour. This is a relevant way of measuring since each household features a relevant meter that will measure continuous consumption while sending the information wirelessly to power companies.

Therefore, they will determine the price in advance by using a model known as a predicted demand. We are discussing how much electricity power companies will generate throughout the day.

Electricity Bills in Norway

Although it seems like a specific situation, you should remember that you will get two different energy bills in Norway. Of course, some companies will combine two bills into one for additional convenience, allowing you to combine them and ensure the best course of action.

We recommend you check out this site: https://bestestrøm.no/ to find ways to compare different power suppliers, which will help you choose the best one for your specific requirements.

Therefore, it may look like a single bill, but the fact states that the money will go to two companies. The system is split into grid companies and electricity providers. We can differentiate approximately a hundred electricity companies operating on the Norwegian soil and market.

Electricity Companies

You should know that some electricity companies produce it, but many sell it to the end user. Instead, they buy electricity on the market, which happens on paper, and sell it to consumers by charging the market price plus an additional amount for their profit.

As you can see from everything mentioned above, these companies do not add value. In some situations, you will get a smartphone app allowing you to follow the situation. In contrast, others feature an automated system that will allow you to use devices that require plenty of electricity, such as cars, when the price is lower.

Grid Companies

You should know that grid companies are responsible for the transmission and distribution of electricity from power plants to consumers. The grid company depends on your area, meaning you cannot change the grid service since they create contracts with the town or government.

How to Read Energy Bills?

The simplest way to understand the aspects of Norwegian electricity bills is as follows:

Electricity Provider Bill

1.     Price of Electricity

Regarding electricity providers, the bill will include the amount of power you spend during the month in kilowatt-hours. The main idea is to multiply the used electricity with the price for that month. However, since the price continually changes from hour to hour, it seems overwhelming to follow each hour and calculate the bill.

Although prices change significantly, implementing all details within the energy bill for each kilowatt-hour used and its value would require too much space. Instead, companies are calculating the average monthly price, which is the same thing. They will not show you the calculation details, but the government is auditing them, meaning the system functions.

2.     The Supplement

The next aspect of the bill is a supplement, which is the amount that goes over the actual electricity price. It is the amount a specific company uses to make a profit. Of course, when you compare different providers, you should check out the supplement aspect. The best option is to get an option with an adverse supplement, which will ultimately reduce the price.

3.     Fixed Expenses

Companies may include fixed monthly expenses that go over the amount we have previously mentioned. Therefore, if you choose a perfect deal, you can avoid fixed expenses altogether. On the other hand, you will end up with approximately 50 NOK each month, which is five dollars.

Grid Company Bill

1.     Price of Electricity

As mentioned above, electricity comes in two bills, meaning the next one goes to the grid company, similarly to the one beforehand. We are talking about electricity prices per kilowatt-hour, which is vital to remember.

Although it sounds counterintuitive that grid fees should depend on the amount of electricity you consume, the system functions that way. The main logic is that the infrastructure will take a more significant strain when people use more energy, meaning the upgrades will require more money, and therefore, you must pay for the process.

Since 2022, the grid prices are higher during the daytime, while you should take advantage of night expenses since they are more affordable altogether.

2.     Taxes

Apart from twenty-five percent sales taxes, which are part of all amounts mentioned above, you should know that the grid bill features two additional tax expenses. Both are small amounts multiplied by consumption. The first goes to the government, while the second goes to fund investing in energy efficiency initiatives and transition.

3.     Capacity Supplement

After 2022, the fixed grid fee will be changed to encourage people to spread their consumption throughout the day instead of creating peak hours. The grid company will check out the hours you use the most power in the month.

You will pay the lowest capacity supplement if the amount is below five kWh. However, if the number is higher, you will pay more. Everything depends on your habits, but generally, we recommend you follow certain parts of the day when you should avoid plugging in everything or using appliances that require too much electricity.


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