How To Start Farming Business And Make Money From It In Nigeria

How To Start Farming Business And Make Money From It In Nigeria | In This Article you Will Learn How To Start Farming And Make Alot Of Money From It In Nigeria, See Full Guide Below

How To Start Farming Business And Make Money From It In Nigeria

Do you wish to start a farming business? Are you confused on the steps to take? This article is well researched and concise on how to start farming business in Nigeria and how to make money from it.

Farming is the act or process of working the ground, planting seeds, and growing edible plants. You can also describe raising animals for milk or meat as farming. Farming is a great way to describe the lifestyle and work of people whose jobs are in the agriculture industry.

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How To Start Farming Business And Make Money From It In Nigeria

Step 1: Make that decision

You have to decide the type and scale of farming you wish to go into. For further clarification, scale has to do with deciding whether you are going into subsistence or commercial farming.

Step 2. Do a survey

You have to do a little research to learn more about the type of farming you wish to go into and its requirements.

Go meet people who are into similar farming business to find out how they make it. Also, go to the Internet, library and other information centers to read about the farming you wish to go into.

For example, if you wish to go into fish farming, you have to find out about the feed, fingerlings, the weather conditions they survive in, price, land acquisition for pond design, accessibility of medical experts in cases of mass deaths of fingerlings, the supplements they need, the drugs, markets for your products, pond design and nature of water.After this, you can design a good farming business plan on how to start farming in Nigeria with reference to your area of interest defining everything you need and take the next step.

Step 3. Source for capital for your Farm

One thing every reader must understand is that you do not go into farming business without money because it is the driving force behind every idea.Thinking of how to start farming in Nigeria is not enough as you will need money to translate your dreams into reality else they will always remain dreams that may never come true.

There are many sources of generating capital for farming in Nigeria and they include personal savings, friends, family, NGOs, relatives, commercial banks and Bank of Agriculture/Industry, partnership, etc. The amount of capital at your disposal determines how big or small your faming business will be. So, it is crucial you explore all avenues of generating money to fund start farming in Nigeria.

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Remember that with good farming business plan/proposal, you can get bank of industry to support your farming business and if you have an existing account with Bank of Agriculture, they may finance your farming business.

Step 4. Acquire the necessary things

The next line of action on how to start farming in Nigeria is to acquire the necessary things you will need to execute your farming business idea. This step is a very important stage, and remember that you cannot jump into this stage without thoroughly passing through the steps earlier discussed.

Step 5. Execute your idea

Executing the idea is the most important step of how to start farming in Nigeria. If you do everything in step 1 to step 4 above without taking this step then the idea is a dead one or a dream that never came true.

Step 6. Seek experts’ advice and supervision

If you can afford to do it, I will advise you always seek experts’ advice and supervision.

it will also not cost you anything to get an old woman or man in the locality who has had many years’ experiences in similar farming business to observe your project and offer expert advice on how to make it better.

Please do not wait until you start having issues before you start doing this as problem detected at early stages will be much easier to handle than when it has eaten deeply into your farming business.

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