Efik And Calabar Traditional Marriage List And Requirement

Efik And Calabar Traditional Marriage List And Requirement.

Efik And Calabar Traditional Marriage List And Requirement

The Efik is an ethnic group situated in the southern piece of Cross River State in Nigeria. They are known to communicate in the Efik Language, and their mark cooking is Edikang Ikong soup.

Similarly as different societies are remarkable for their wedding services, the Efik is additionally prevalently referred to for their convention as respects to their ladies. In the event that you need data on the conventional marriage of the Efik/calabar then you have come  to the correct source as I have assembled exhaustively everything you have to know about the traditional marriage of the Efik/calabar.

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What is traditional  marriage?

A traditional marriage is the joining together or binding together of two individuals (generally male and female) as a team according to the standard, worth, custom and culture of the areas distinguished as their homes.

How does the procedure go?

The Efik Woman/Bride is first expected to experience their fattening process  for an all-encompassing period detached to be spoiled, taken care of among numerous different things to ensure she looks “great” for her husband to be.

What is done in the fattening room?

During this time of fattening, the young lady is typically thought about by more seasoned ladies and not really her mom yet might be her aunties or older ladies from their town. While this fattening is going on, the lady is permitted to cooperate with others.

This procedure guarantees that the lady gets a solid and honorable waistline that the admirer could be glad for. During this period, the young lady is thought how to prepare great food to her better half, how to be acceptable in the bed, how to deal with kids and how to fulfill her family.

She is additionally gotten through in imaginative aptitudes, structures on Calabash and a portion of their local folktales and social moves. A few times this procedure takes as long as a half year. There are even a few situations where the life partner’s family dismiss the young lady in view of her not getting together with legitimate structures.

Toward the finish of the isolation time frame, and on the off chance that the agreeable shape is met, a graduation function is then held and individuals everywhere throughout the networks are welcome to come and witness the fruitful stuffing periods. This service is typically wanted to correspond with the traditional marriage of the young lady during which each type of Efik’s traditional move would be shown.

The blowout proceeds all through the entire day and night as the two families along with companions and well wishers express their delights and bliss with different sorts of blessings to the recently wedded.

Before all propositions happens, the man of the hour would be given the rundown of all that are required for the customary wedding function. Albeit a portion of these traditions are not followed carefully today, they are as yet being followed; just changed or modernized.

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What are the rundown of drinks requirement for Efik/Calabar traditional marriage?

1.Knocking drinks: To include one Brigadier Brandy, 1 container of star, and two bottles of minerals.

  1. Supplication drinks: To include one IMG dry Gin, two jugs of Star, two malts and two bottles of minerals
  2. Drinks for the declaration of aim: To include 0ne Brandy, three bottles of Star, two jugs of Stout (huge), Four Gold malt, and two bottles of mineral
  3. Presentation Drinks: To include one container of (1501) major jug, One MG dry Gin, Two Champdor red win, Six jugs of Star, Four jugs of Gulder, Six jugs of B/heavy, Malts and minerals in any amount with N30,000 money.
  4. Thanksgiving drinks: To include one St. Remy, One MG Dry Gin, One Brgadier brand, Two Champdor red wine, Six jugs of Star, Four jugs of Gulder, and Stout, mineral or malts just as N10,000 money.

After the groom has presented the above mentioned, the traditional marriage, which as a rule agrees with the discharging of  the lady from the fattening room happens the entire day with loved ones praising the new association.

The recently hitched couple is typically joined home by traditional artists to mean the achievement of the event.

How does the traditional marriage go?

Upon the arrival of the traditional  marriage which happens at the lady’s family house, the man of the hour and his family will be situated with the lady of the hour’s dad and his family in a living room while different visitors seat outside, the commentator or mediator known as MMA OFIORI NDO [ female] ETTE OFIORI NDO [male] will declare every thing to be introduced to the becoming aware of the visitors situated outside. One of the significant things to be introduced is a crate ‘EKEBE’ which contains various types of attire, embellishments, shoes to show how th groom will deal with the spouse he is to be given.

The bride price OKUK NDO is paid, UFOP ISO EKA EYEN is paid to the bride’s mom, UFOP ISO ETE EYEN is paid to the lady of the hour’s dad, the husband to be likewise pays OKPONO NDIDI to slacken the ties on his lady of the hour’s feet and arms to authoritatively guarantee her.

When the ofiori ndo calls for beverages to be introduced to the lady of the hour’s family, two very much decorated ladies develop with a metal plate containing the drinks [known as akpankpang] adjusted on their heads for introduction. The akpangkpang a costly item is uncommon nowadays on the grounds that only one out of every odd family can bear the cost of it. Regal families who own it put it up for recruit to those out of luck.

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To the Efik, the pith of marriage is primarily multiplication, however other social, monetary and political reasons may likewise be significant in certain relationships. Thus, the adage which says, oto mkpon oyom mbo, odo anwan oyom eyen which implies without multiplication, marriage is inadequate, on the grounds that this is a solidarity which endeavors to recover in any event to some extent the lost endowment of everlasting status in the Efik idea of eternality. It is a strict commitment by methods for which an individual adds to the seeds of life towards human battle against the loss of unique everlasting status. The Efik accept that on the off chance that one bites the dust without a posterity, he/she won’t be recollected.

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