Skusat CBT Exam Typical Question | Skusat FAQ (SKUSAT Live Questions)

Skusat CBT Exam Typical Question | Skusat CBT Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Skusat CBT Exam Typical Question

Are you writing the SKUSAT CBT Exam soon, if yes, see the typical question in skusat cbt exam. Before that, let see the frequently ask questions about skusat scholarship.

How Credible is the Skusat Program?

The Skusat Program is being geared by an intellectual board with astute oversight and unparalleled dedication to community initiatives focused solely on youth empowerment. This reward project is widely recognised as the forerunner of cloud based assessment in Nigeria as curled from a press publication in a leading national daily; ‘The Punch Newspaper’. The Skusat initiative is a duly approved program by the coordinating Regulatory Commission in its jurisdiction and also prides itself of a national endorsement of merit by the Presidency via the allotted parastatal sequel to its commitment to a timely grant disbursement and remote process management.

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What does the Live Test portal look like?

To familiarize yourself with the interface of the Live Test portal, kindly visit in a new browser tab.

Who Can Apply For The Skusat CBT Contest?

Currently, the ongoing application is open to only Nigerian students in the Undergraduate or Tertiary Level i.e students from Polytechnics, Universities & Colleges Of Education.

PS: University students applying for this program should either be in the 100Level, 200Level or 300Level academic year.

How Do I Apply For Skusat CBT Contest?

  • To apply, kindly follow the steps listed below:
    • Go to the Homepage and select “Apply NOW” from the Metromenu.
    • On the “Apply NOW” page, fill in the required details, then submit.
    • Upon submission, a success notification will be displayed alongside the ACCESS CODE to the Pre-Test Portal.
    • Kindly note that the submission of multiple applications for a single applicant is not allowed as such will lead to automatic disqualification.
    • Once your application has been submitted for processing, an SMS notification containing your AUTHENTICATION ID will be sent to you within 48 hours.
    • Eligible applicants will however be sent another SMS prompt on the 2nd of October, after the registration deadline ; to complete their application online.
    • Kindly ensure you keep your AUTHENTICATION ID safe as this would be required to complete your registration online before you can participate in the Live Test.
    • Only eligible applicants will be communicated to, on the need to advance to the final phase by obtaining a PASSCODE for N1,000 only. However, further information will be made available to eligible applicants on how to obtain the Live Test Passcode.
    • Fully registered applicants will receive the PASSCODE to the Live Test portal on the 15th of October, as the Live Test examination for the Skusat CBT Contest will take place on the 16th of October.
    • The scores of every participating applicant will be displayed immediately after submission. However, the average time spent on questions will be considered and added to the scores to arrive at a cumulative score which will also be communicated on the same day.

Where Will The Skusat Examination Hold?

The Skusat examination will be taken on the web portal under the LIVE TEST page. is an automated platform that has been integrated with an advanced testing and scoring application which depicts the fairness and transparency associated with how applicants are been graded.

What Are The Eligibility Requirements For The Program?

  • AGE – Applicants must not be below age 16 to participate in the Undergraduates CBT program which is presently on. This implies that applicants below age 16 are not eligible to apply.
  • NATIONALITY – Every applying student must be a citizen of Nigeria.
  • DOCUMENTATION – Applicants must possess an original Birth Certificate which would enable a viable clarification of age for Reward presentation.
  • LIVE TEST PASSCODE – Only qualified applicants will be prompted and required to purchase a Passcode for the Live Test examination which will hold online on the 16th of October. Please note that this would only be required after applicants must have been informed of their eligibility sequel to the submission of their application.
  • PROXIMITY TO MOBILE INTERNET – The Skusat platform has been integrated with an automated interface which supports real-time data processing and scoring. And as such, the Pre-test (Practice questions) and Live-Test (Main test) examination would be taken on the platform via an internet enabled device. Prospective students with no access to internet service are advised to get an internet enabled device as the testing and scoring process would be 100% automated.
  • SCHOOL ID CARD/ADMISSION LETTER – This would only be required from successful applicants after satisfying the required yardstick for the reward presentation.

What Is The Amount For The Reward?

The amount to be awarded for excellent performance in the Skusat CBT program, varies according to the academic level of applicants. Successful applicants in the ongoing Undergraduate level program will obtain the sum of N300,000.

However, a fraction of the Undergraduate applicants who do not meet up to the required 80% yardstick to qualify for the specified reward amount stated above, will be awarded a consolation grant of N50,000, N20,000 and N10,000 respectively, according to their performance.

What Questions Will I Be Required To Answer?

Applicants will be provided with 50 intuitive and logical questions spanning from various fields. However, every applicant can take a Pre-Test before participating in the main CBT test. The Pre-test has been designed to expose applicants to the frame and structure of the Live Test.

How Do I Qualify For The Reward?

Applicants that attain a cumulative score of 80% and above, will be automatically considered for the reward allotted to the Undergraduate level program. This implies that every applicant has to be swift and make prompt decisions while taking the timed test.

However, a consolation grant of N50,000, N20,000 and N10,000 will be adequately considered for applicants that score within the range of (70 – 79)%, (65 – 69)% and (62 – 64)% respectively.

Can I Re-take The Test If I Am Not Satisfied With My First Attempt?

No, you can’t.

How Do I Take A Pre-Test

The Pre-Test portal has been designed to give applicants adequate exposure to the frame and structure of the Live Test examination questions which is scheduled to hold on the platform at a later date.

To access the Pre-Test interface, applicants are required to complete the online application first, then a success notification containing the ACCESS CODE to the Pre-Test page will be displayed upon submission of the online application form.

Applicants can copy and paste this access code into the dialogue box that requires it to gain access to the Pre-Test portal.

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