Do’s and Don’ts Of An Healthy Natural Hair That Retains Length

Do’s and Don’ts Of An Healthy Natural Hair That Retains Length.  Keeping hair healthy isn’t always easy. Bad habits can take effort to break, and you’ll need to be in-the-know about natural hair care tips. Things You Should NEVER Do To Your Natural Hair

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Whether you are transitioning or just want to improve the health of your hair, you may want to know what you can and cannot do when it comes to natural hair maintenance.  I decided to compile a list of natural hair “do’s” and “don’ts” that help me maintain my own natural hair.

So, what are some of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to natural hair?  What you should or should not do to your natural hair has to do with your hair products and tools, and the steps in your hair maintenance regimen.

As a Natural Hair Freakie, there are some routines and activities that should be considered while others should be discarded in the process of maintaining your Natural Hair. Definitely, errors and mistakes are going to be made, but you just have to know and understand what works for you and stick to it.

Before You Proceed, See This: How To Grow Natural Hair Fast: 10 Effective Ways

Do’s and Don’ts Of An Healthy Natural Hair

However, listed here are some guidelines you have to keep in mind while taking proper care of your Natural Hair:

1. Don’t use hot water while washing your hair, better still, you should use lukewarm water.
2. Do avoid drying out your hair with towel after washing, you can either air – dry or blow – dry.
3. Don’t wash your hair too frequently, once in a week or twice a month isn’t a bad idea.
4. Do trim your hair regularly and it should be done at least every 3 months.
Perhaps, if you do skip trimming for any reason at all, it could cause split ends and hair thinning which would eventually result to serious hair damage.
5. Don’t apply oily and greasy substances directly to your scalp, because these substances do build on the scalp which sometimes causes scalp itching.
6. Do massage your scalp daily to decrease stress and to boost and promote your hair growth. And you should use essential oils to massage your scalp.
7. Do avoid hairstyles that are too tight.
Your box braids, twists, faux locs, ponytails and other protective styles should be gentle and loose. And most importantly, be careful not to commit hairline suicide (your hairline is where the hair starts growing from along the forehead).
8. Do maintain your protective styles effectively and always do well to moisturize your hair while wearing your protective style.
Also, always take good care of both your scalp and the hair by applying natural oils or leave – in conditioner and be careful not to over moisturize your hair.
9. Do use ingredients that nourishes the hair and enhances your hair growth like Shea Butter, Olive Oil, Honey, Coconut Oil, Moringa Oil, Castor Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil etc.
10. Do eradicate completely the use of Natural products that contains sulfates, parabens, silicon, alcohol etc. And always pay attention to products labels and check their compositions. 11. Don’t comb or detangle your Natural Hair when dry, make sure it is wet or damp.

See Also: Rice Water For Skin And Hair Growth: Benefit And 10 Best Uses

Simple Tips To Take Note Of :

¶ Learn to create simple DIYs and hair care regimes, be it Detangler, Leave-in conditioners, deep conditioners and moisturizers. It’s just all about experimenting.
¶ Do well to study perfectly what works for your hair care routine and stick to it. It’s very wrong to follow the crowd, because what will work for Hair Type 3B might not work for Hair Type 4B.
¶ Your Natural Hair has its own unique beauty and features, so learn to study it and embrace it.
¶ Finally, learn to be patient and consistent, your Natural Hair won’t grow overnight.
Just follow these rules diligently and watch your hair grow. To readers out there, explore, experiment and enjoy the journey.

Happy Hair Grooming!!!

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