Top 10 Functions And Duties Of FRSC On Nigeria Roads And Contact Numbers

Top 10 Functions And Duties Of Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) | The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) was founded in 1988 and has its operations in all Nigerian states as well as the Federal Capital Territory.

Functions And Duties Of FRSC On Nigeria Roads And Contact Numbers

It is also the head agency in Nigeria on road safety administration and management. The Federal Road Safety commission operates in all Nigerian states including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). It’s first chairman is prof. Wole Soyinka.

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Top 10 Functions And Duties Of Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC)

Do you know the function of the FRSC? Below are top 10 functions of the FRSC:

1.Ensures Nigeria Roads and Highways Safe For Road Users

One of the major functions of the federal road safety commission is to make sure that, Nigerian highways are safe for motorists and other road users. This is very important and necessary, since such measure would help minimize accidents on the highways.

  1. Recommends Works And Devices Designed To Eliminate Accidents

Another functions of the federal road safety commission borders on recommending works, as well as, some devices that would be designed for the purpose of helping in eliminating accidents or minimizing accidents on the Nigerian highways.

  1. Educates Road Users And Members Of The Public On Importance Of Discipline

There is need as to why motorists should be discipline while on the highway. This is very important since it will help in reducing accident occurrences on the Nigerian highways.

Against this backdrop, it therefore, remained the statutory function of the federal road safety commission to enlighten motorists, as well as, educate road users on the importance of being discipline, when once they are on the road with a view to reduce the rate of accidents on the Nigerian highways.

  1. The Commission Prevents and Reduces Accidents on Nigerian Highways

This is very important, and it is a major function of the federal road safety commission. It is incumbent on the part of the federal road safety commission to make sure that, reliable measures are being put in place to, if not completely prevent road accidents, but can minimize such problems on the Nigerian highways. And this is what the commission has been trying to accomplish over the years.

  1. The Commission Clears Obstructions On Highways

It is a known fact that most of the roads in the towns and cities have been obstructed by spoiled and abandoned vehicles, and some of these vehicles do breakdown while on the highway.

As a result, these breakdown vehicles, for the most part, do obstruct highways, and free flow of traffic on the Nigerian roads, hence, do result in causing accidents.

  1. The Commission Educates Drivers And The General Public On The Proper Use Of Roads

This is another functions of the federal road safety commission. The commission has a sole responsibility of making sure that drivers and motorists and the members of the public are educated property on the use of Nigerian highways.

This is because, careless use of roads can lead to some sort of problems on the highways, such as road accidents. Therefore, it is important that, the road users and the general public be enlightened on the proper use of roads by the federal road safety commission.

  1. The Commission Designs and Produces Driver’s License

Provision of driver’s license lies within the responsibility of the federal road safety commission. And so, what they do is to design the driver’s license, and after designation of these drovers’ licenses, it is expected of the federal road safety commission to produce these drivers’ licenses in numbers in order to be used by different categories of road users and vehicle operators in the country.

  1. The Commission Determines The Requirements For Drivers License

For driver’s license to be issued, some requirements have to be met. Therefore, it is incumbent on the part of the federal road safety commission to determine from time to time, such requirements needed to be met by an applicant for this driver’s license. And without meeting this requirements, driver’s license may not be issued. This is important!

  1. The Commission Determines and Produces Vehicle Plate Number

Another major function of the federal road safety commission is in the area of producing vehicles plate number to vehicle owners.

Vehicle plate number is very important and necessary, because through a plate number, vehicle could be identified and tract in the event of, where the vehicle is used for criminal activities or purposes.

  1. Regulating the use of sirens, flashers and beacon lights on vehicles other than ambulances and vehicles belonging to the Armed Forces, Nigeria Police, Fire Service and other Para-military agencies

Another function of the FRSC is to regulate the use of sirens and other equipment on vehicles that are not ambulances, or does not belong to the Armed Forces, Nigeria Police, Fire Service and other Para-military agencies.

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FRSC Contact Numbers

Any other duties outside the aforementioned lies outside their jurisdiction, and being fined for any activity outside those stated can be viewed as extortion.


The public can also get in touch with the FRSC through the following means….

0700 – 2255 – 3772 (Calls)
0807- 769 – 0362 (Text Messages Only)

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