How To Start Fish Farming Business In Nigeria – All You Need To Know

How To Start Fish Farming Business In Nigeria – Everything You Need To Know. The Cost, Requirements, How Long It Takes, How To get Started And How Profitable Fish Farming Is.

How To Start Fish Farming In Nigeria

Are you planning on starting a fish farm? Do you know how to get started? It is important to know the “abc” of a business before going into it. This article covers basically all one needs to know about starting a fish farming business in Nigeria.

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Fish farming is known as pisciculture, that means, the breeding, rearing and transplantation of fish by artifical means. Whether one is planning to start a small scale fish farming business or a gigantic commercial fish farming in Nigeria, one should follow these steps to get started.

How do I start a fish farm?

To start a simple home based fish farm you will need to dig a fishpond or gather some fish tanks or containers for indoor fish farming. Choose water from a reliable source. Your municipal supply water would be fine. Once you have your pond or container setup, get your juvenile fish and some fish feed to start.

How much does it cost to make a fish farm?

Smooth bottomed ponds, designed for fish culture, cost from $2,000 to $3,000 per surface acre to construct. Such ponds are used to produce between 2,000 and 5,000 pounds of fish per surface acre per year depending on species and level of management.

Is there money in fish farming?

Yes, aquaculture can be profitable IF the fish farmer has the right natural resources, good management abilities and sufficient capital available for investment in the enterprise. … Fish farming and associated industries have expanded through the 1980’s and 90’s. Expansion has slowed somewhat, however, growth continues.

How To Start Fish Farming Business In Nigeria

  1. Get a good location for your fish farming business:

If  you are starting a small scale fish farm, you may decide to start at your backyard with tank but if you’re going to do a large scale business, you may need to buy or rent one or few fish ponds outside your home.

  1. Get a good source of water for your fish:

Take for instance, we can drink government treated water but such water could be poisonous to the fish because of the chemicals used to treat the water for human consumption. You’ll need a strong well or bore hole and water storage tank.

  1. Choose the right fish pond or plastic tank for housing your fish:

There are two popular fish housing system. They are plastic or pond. Plastic tank may be good for you if you’re just starting fish farming in Nigeria especially on a small scale

  1. Decide the right species of fish to farm:

This means you as a potential fish farmer have to decide which species to choose as you’re starting your own farming business in Nigeria. However, you’re likely to be fine with catfish or Tilapia, in rare occasions.

  1. Get healthy Juveniles:

They are the little fishes you’ll need to grow to table size. Ordinarily, we have what we call fry, which is the development stage of fish immediately after the larvae stage, at an age of less than a week. We also have what we call fingerlings which is the development stage of fish following the fry stage and continuing into the first three to four months of life, make sure you go for a reputable fish hatchery so as to avoid getting unhealthy juvenile.

  1. Choose the right fish feeds :

When feeding our fish both quality and quantity has to be taken care of.

There are means of food for your fish:

  1. Natural fish feed
  2. Supplementary fish feed
  3. Complete feed

    7. Start marketing your fishes before they are grown up:

Many people make mistakes by thinking that the market is readily there. This is fallacy, one has to start marketing one’s fish even before they are grown up.

  1. Be business minded:

Fish farming is a business and if you want to succeed in this venture in Nigeria, you must approach it as a serious business. That is the reason we make sure that our fish farming training is two- in – one

  1. Think about a mentor and fish farming training:

Usually, the difference between success and failure in any business is knowledge.  As for you now, you have two kinds of knowledge.  You must go for, business knowledge as a whole.

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