How To Get A Good Paying Job Without Connection

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How To Get A Good Paying Job Without Connection

In Nigeria today, the unemployment rate of youth is on the increase everyday and people find it difficult getting good jobs after school, this can lead to depression and suicide in some extreme cases. Do you need a good paying job? Are you afraid you won’t get one because you do not have any connection?

You do not have to worry anymore as you are on the right platform which i have outlined a number of tips that would be helpful for one to get a good paying job in Nigeria without connection. But first, let us examine what a good paying job is.

What is a good paying job?

A good paying job is one that is able to cover for our needs financially without much issues and still gives us a chance to save money to an extent at least.

Read Also: 5 Reasons Why Many Graduates Are Still Unemployed

Here are tips on how to get a good paying job without connection:

  1. Send out application letters
  2. Prepare wonderfully well for interviews
  3. Do not depend on one job
  4. Be versatile
  5. Always be informed
  6. Learn to communicate well with people you meet
  7. Be prayerful and positive

How To Get A Good Paying Job Without Connection


First things first, you cannot claim to need a job without taking this step or without doing anything about it. The first thing you need to do is to write application letters to be sent to the company. These days, many companies do not even need written application letters. You can send your application letter in your comfort zone through the use of an email.

Your application must be very formal with good command of English and always try to be as brief as possible. Always attach to your application letter your curriculum vitae (CV) as they go hand in hand. If you have problems building your curriculum vitae (CV) you can ask a professional to help you.


Interview are sort of the means utilized by companies or organizations when they need to fill a vacancy in the companies or organization. The major reason why interviews are always used is to pick the best possible candidate to fill up the vacancy. Many jobs that are well paying stick to a very strict interview and as such, you should be well prepared.

Here is what you need to know, you must dress properly to any interview most times formal dressings are required. You must not expose any part of your body and also must not wear flashy colours. Black amd white are considered as formal colours. You cloth must be well ironed.  The bottom line here is that you should dress simple and yet classy.

Again, one thing i have noticed about Nigerians is that they like to stick to the so called “Nigerian time”. This simply means that if you’re called for an event by 8am, they feel it will start later than the time and they show up late. This should be avoided when you are called for an interview, all endevour to go before the time and get there in time. It is very important that you use a file as well. Do not carry your credentials in your hands. It is unprofessional.


In a time like this in Nigeria that the unemployment rate of youth is increasing everyday like wild fire, it is very important that one does not depend on just one job he or she sent out application to because you might end up being disappointed after the wait. You should try as much as possible to send out application letters coupled with your curriculum vitae to different organizations or companies. This way, you can have your hopes high that one should come at least.

The bottom line here is that even if you get more than one job offers, you will have to choose for yourself the best one.

Read Also: Never Put These 5 Things On Your CV When Applying For A Job


Being versatile simply means to be able to do different things. I have noticed one of the problems of many Nigerian youth is the fact that they only stick to what they’ve been taught in school strictly. They are not ready to perform outside the box. If you wish to have a good paying job in Nigeria, you should learn to be versatile. This is why it is also advisable that one learns at least one skill while in school. The aim of this is to allow one become flexible so such a person would not be limited in knowledge when it’s time for employment.


It is often said that information is the life wire to success.  I do not dispute that saying because we all know that for one to be able to succeed, one needs a good amount of useful and valid information. When applying for any job, you should make information a priority so as to avoid mistakes. I could have put this point as the first point because one needs information on vacancies to be able to apply for any job but i also realized that one also needs a lot of information to be able to keep up with the job interview as well as acquisition.

It is best that you keep yourself very much connected to the internet and also learn to read news papers as well.


We meet people everyday and most of the times, we never can tell who they really are. It is important that one learns to communicate properly with the people one finds himself with. Communicate your beliefs, the person might be well connected and would offer you a job. Who knows?

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It is not enough keeping strictly to these tips, overall, you need to be prayerful and be positive about things because God is supreme and does things in a way that it pleases him. Prayer is the only way to communicate with God. Why not depend on him for help?


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