How To Become A Professional Journalist In Nigeria

How To Become A Professional Journalist In Nigeria. Get Informed On How To Become A Professional Journalist In This Post.

How To Become A Professional Journalist

Do you hope to becoming a profession journalist in Nigeria? Do you think you can do what it takes? Then you have come to the right platform for this information. In this article, you are going to get exposed to all the tips you would need in becoming not just a professional but also successful journalist in Nigeria.

Who is a journalist?

Before we get familiar with how to become a professional journalist in Nigeria, it is crucial we look at who a journalist is. A journalist is therefore a professional whose job is to collect, gather usable and reliable data and facts on trending issues, as well as report this to the general public.

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Do I need some skills in becoming a professional journalist?

The answer is Yes, not everyone can become a professional journalist because it involves you possessing a number of skills and qualities. If you know you possess the skills below, then you are on the right track to becoming a professional journalist:

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Curiosity
  3. Good researcher
  4. Reading skills
  5. Writing skills

It should however be noted that journalism is not limited to these skills alone. There are a lot other that would be great if you acquire them. Nevertheless, these are the basics.

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How do I become a Professional Journalist In Nigeria?

  1. Get a formal education
  2. Improve your skills personally
  3. Network with other journalists
  4. Get a job at a reputable media company
  5. Practice journalism

How To Become A Professional Journalist In Nigeria


The first step to becoming a professional journalist is acquiring a formal education. Formal education implies that after you have gotten your O’level ready, you would then proceed to a tertiary institution to bag a degree in Journalism or any related course. You would have an upper hand if you graduate with a good grade.


Proceeding to a tertiary institution is not enough to become a successful journalist. You would also need to improve your skills. I earlier stated some of the skills a journalist should have. most of them aren’t taught in regular schools. It now depends on you to improve yourself.


In any professional career, making the right networks is very important. You can network with people by attending events or social gatherings related to journalism both home and abroad.


The next step you would need to take is to get a job at a reputable media company. This would give you an advantage of learning from experience instead of starting up on your own. Here, you would also get to meet with your colleagues in the field and learn from them as well.


The next step you would need to take is practice journalism. All the knowledge and skills you have acquired previously will then be put into practice. It cannot be overemphasized that for you to stand out in the field of journalism, you would need to be creative.

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Over all, if you are a very curious person, journalism should be the go to profession for you. It is very lucrative and it would as well build a reputable name for you.

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