What Entrepreneurs Must Have Before Looking For Loan or Grants

What Entrepreneurs Must Have Before Looking For Loan or Grants. Do you want to apply for a loan but are not aware of the things you need to have? This article has got you covered. This post aims at answering the following questions: How can an entrepreneur acquire a loan from a financing source? How do entrepreneurs fund their businesses?

What Entrepreneurs Must Have Before Looking For Loan or Grants


An institution’s yield is restricted by its interest negotiations, but the institution’s risk might be equal to the whole amount borrowed if indeed the startup fails. Banks are not the only source of funding for entrepreneurial companies. Banks just became a consistent form of financing for a firm after it is functioning and has a proven financial history.

As a result, small company owners should be familiar with the parameters financial institutions use to assess the dependability of entrepreneurs seeking funding. If you want to establish or develop your firm, you’ll need some kind of capital to get started. However, as an entrepreneur, it’s tougher than you imagine to figure out what finance options are accessible to you.

Equity and debt are the two main sources of funding accessible to new enterprises. Both of them, as well as other sources of support, are discussed in this article. Using this guide, you’ll learn about the benefits and drawbacks of each funding option, as well as what stage of business they are best suited for.

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Things the Bank Will Ask When You Need a Business Loan

1. Collateral

The answer is yes, as previously stated. Exceptions to this general norm include programs administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA), which guarantee a percentage of starting expenses for entrepreneurs, allowing banks to lend to them more easily. As a result, your company must own tangible assets that it may use as collateral for a business loan. These assets are scrutinized closely by banks to ensure they decrease risk.

So if you pledge Accounts Receivable as collateral for a business loan, your lender is going to examine to see if your pledged firms are sustainable. Lenders will only take a percentage of the assets as collateral for a loan, usually 50 or 75 per cent. Whenever you apply for an inventory loan, the institution will only take a portion of your merchandise and will perform extensive due diligence to ensure that it isn’t outdated or otherwise unusable.

Due to the requirement for collateral, most small-company owners must pledge personal possessions as security for a lending institution, generally the equity in their homes.

2. Organized strategy

While there are exclusions, a corporate plan is required for the great majority of industrial loan applications. Banks still require the typical synopsis of the company, technology, markets, team, and finances, even if it is a minimalist business plan. Lenders want to know that you are committed to the development of your firm.

Entrepreneurs who are just starting out should put out a solid business plan that details financial objectives, projected sales, profitability, revenue, income, a marketing strategy, a target market, the number of workers, and where the company will be located, among other things.

3. All of your company’s financial information

It also contains all preceding liabilities, all checking accounts, financial assets, and credit accounts, as well as relevant evidence such as tax ID numbers, addresses, and complete contact information.

4. The Goal of the Business Loan

When you show your strategies to create to the lender, he or she may inquire as to why you need the loan in the first place. You must plan ahead of time how you will put the loan to use. When a lender doesn’t know what you want to accomplish with the company loan, they may be hesitant to give you the money since they don’t trust your vision or operational efficiency.

5. Detailed information on Accounts Receivable

Consideration details, sales and payment history, and ageing are all included. (Also, if you have no idea what your Accounts Receivable are, consider yourself lucky.) You’d understand if you had any if you didn’t have any. Alternatively, you may learn more by checking out our guide.).

6. Quantum of Loan

Not all providers will be able to provide you with the company loan amount you desire. To approve a company loan, a bank must follow a series of rules. Additionally, they want to verify if your company strategy and loan request is a good fit before they approve you.

7. Complete financial accounts ideally audited or reviewed

Each company’s assets, creditors, and assets must be listed on the balance sheet, with the most recent balance sheet being the most essential of these. There are exceptions to the rule that your profit and loss statements must go back at least three years if you have strong credit and assets to use as security but lack the history. You’ll also have to provide a three-year profit and loss history.

Read also: Top best loan apps in Nigeria to get a quick loan without collateral

8. Personal financial information

This includes personal and financial information, total wealth, and information about your current assets, including your residence, cars and trucks, cash savings, financial accounts, consumer lending, mortgages, and so on. The financial institution will require a deposit from all stockholders who have a majority stake in a company or organization with shared ownership or collaborations. As collateral for the loan application process, you should foresee to agree to terms a written agreement.

9. Insurance Specifics

Because financial institutions would like to be sure of his\her reimbursement, they aim to minimize the peril. Banks will request the insurance information of the owners of the firm in order to recover the loan amount in the case of an unfortunate incidence such as death or incapacity. Furthermore, having insurance plans enhances the likelihood of loan acceptance.

10. Percentage agreement for the future

Most commercial loans included how people call lender agreements, wherein the company agrees to maintain predefined usually correspondences (including the profit margin, capital adequacy, and leverage ratio, for example) under certain specific boundaries. If your financial situation deteriorates to the point where you can’t make your loan payments, you are in default.

Things to Consider Before You Get a Business Loan

  1. What am I going to use the additional money for?
  2. How much money am I hoping to get?
  3. What is the picture of my credit profile?
  4. How soon do I need the money?

Questions to Ask Your Potential Lender

  1. Do you make loans to companies in my field?
  2. Do you have a loan term that matches my company’s requirements?
  3. What are the interest rates and the overall price tag?
  4. What is the time frame for my payments?
  5. When do I have to make my first instalment?
  6. What’s the best way to pay my bills on a regular basis?
  7. How long does it take from start to finish to get a loan?

Read also: USSD codes for loans in Nigeria with a low interest rate


Getting a small company loan will reveal that you have a number of choices, some of which will be better fits for your needs than others. As a consequence, you’ll be able to choose a loan that’s a suitable fit for your company’s needs.

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