Vice Chancellor Salary In Nigeria (What You Need To Know)

Vice Chancellor Salary In Nigeria (What You Need To Know). Shocking! Vice Chancellors Salary In Nigeria Revealed. Check This Post For More.

Vice Chancellor Salary In Nigeria

Have you ever wondered what vice chancellors earn as salary in Nigeria? Do you want to get a glimpse of their earnings? Then you are on the right platform for this information. In this article, you are going to find well detailed, useful and valid information as to what vice chancellors earn in Nigeria. First, we have to look at who a vice chancellor is as well as the functions or duties of a vice chancellor.

Who is a vice chancellor?

If you do not know who a vice chancellor is prior to this time, it is important that you know a vice chancellor is simply the head, the principal academic as well as administrative officer of a university. In other words, the vice chancellor of a university leads the university’s academic and administrative departments.

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What are the functions or duties of a vice chancellor?

What do vice chancellors do? Has this question ever crossed your mind? If it has, this is a list of some of the roles and functions of a vice chancellor:

  1. It is the duty of a vice chancellor to provide leadership, academic and administration to the whole university
  2. It is the duty of a vice chancellor to represent the university both nationally and internationally.
  3. It is the duty of a vice chancellor to secure a financial unit that would allow for the delivery of the university’s mission and also the aims and objectives.
  4. It is the duty of a vice chancellor to carry put certain important ceremonial and civic duties.

There are various other roles and functions of a vice chancellor but these happen to be the most important and significant.

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Who appoints the vice chancellor of a university?

The vice chancellor of any university is always appointed by the state government except for the private universities we have in Nigeria.

What do vice chancellors earn as salary in Nigeria?

As a matter of fact, a lot of people want to know what vice chancellors earn in Nigeria but this is largely dependent on the kind of university of the vice chancellor. In Nigeria, we have three different types of universities namely: the private university, the state university and the federal university. Although there are countless numbers of universities in Nigeria, they must definitely fall into one of the listed categories.

It is also important to know that just as these categories of universities are different, what the vice chancellors earn would also be different. The average salary earned by a vice chancellor in Nigeria is 922,810 NGN per month. This means that some people earn less than this and some others earn more than that.

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It should also be noted that apart from the basic salary of vice chancellors in Nigeria, they also have or are entitled to some allowance. For example, we have duty tour allowance, furniture allowance and so on. This is definitely a whole lot of money and is enough for one to live very comfortably in Nigeria.

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