How To Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy And Abortion

How To Prevent Unwanted Pregnancy And Abortion. This post entails different ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy, what unwanted pregnancy is all about, what abortion entails as well and how to prevent abortion.

how to prevent unwanted pregnancy and abortion

Unwanted Pregnancy

An unwanted pregnancy is one that is either accidental or undesired, such as one that occurs when there are no other offspring or when no further children are desired. Or the pregnancy was badly timed, with the baby arriving sooner than expected. Unwanted pregnancy is a notion that aids in comprehending population fecundity and the unmet need for contraception, also known as birth control, and family planning.

The majority of unplanned births occur because contraception is not used, or is not used regularly or appropriately. Understanding the pregnancy goals or reproductive life plan of women, men, and couples is critical to assisting them in preventing or achieving pregnancy. Personal objectives regarding becoming pregnant, such as whether they want to have one or more children, as well as the preferred timing and phasing of those children, may be included in a reproductive years plan.

A reproductive life plan can assist in identifying reproductive health care needs such as contraception, pregnancy prevention, and education to assist in becoming pregnant or managing a pregnancy with prenatal and delivery care. Unintended pregnancy is linked to a higher risk of complications for both the mother and the child. If the mother did not intend to become pregnant, she may engage in risky habits or delay seeking medical attention during the pregnancy, both of which could harm the child’s growth.

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How to prevent unwanted pregnancy

1. Contraceptives

There is no form of contraception that offers a guarantee of 100 percent protection. Only the latex condom is widely thought to be very efficient in preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Contraceptives including the pill, the implant, and the IUD do not protect against STIs. Before you begin taking contraception, be sure to look into the option of HIV testing, as well. STIs often may not manifest symptoms, so be careful.

For Women

There are several methods of using contraceptives. They include:

1. Diaphragm is a rubber disco with an elastic rim covering the cervix and should be used in conjunction with spermicide. It must be fixed for form by a doctor and is only provided via permission. For a period of six hours, the diaphragm provides protection against pregnancy, and should be kept in place for at least six hours after sex but not more than 24 hours in total.

2. Implant : Norplant and Implanon, the two main implant contraceptives, consist of little rubber rods that are surgically inserted under the skin of the upper arm and emit levonorgestrel, a contraceptive steroid. It lasts 3 to 5 years. The side effects of HRT include weight gain, breast discomfort, menstrual cycle abnormalities, and bone mass loss.

3. Depo-provera: It is a hormonal contraception that is shot every three months in a muscle in the arm or buttock. The treatment must be done every 3 months in order to stay successful. Menstruation may become erratic and even missing occasionally.

4. Female Sterilization: Female sterility is surgically performed. The canals are linked, preventing the sperm cells from being encountered and preventing subsequent births. It is an ongoing method of contraception.

5. Female Condoms: It is constructed from soft rubber and can only be used once. It is simply placed into the vagina before to intercourse as a physical barrier contraceptive device wornen by women and avoids actual vaginal exposure with sperm, harmful genital fluids and genital sores. It is formed as a long tube or sheath with a closed end and an open end and there is a flexible ring at every end, which helps to retain the condom of female once it is placed. Condoms are the most efficient way to reduce the risk of viruses causing AIDS and other sexually transmitted (STI) diseases.

6. Morning-After Pills: It must be taken 3 or 5 days after unprotected intercourse, although the sooner used, the more effective depending on the kind used. By delaying ovulation, it avoids an unexpected pregnancy. It is also possible to take most combination birth control tablets (estrogen and progesterone). Take one dosage of 100 μg ethinylestradiol (= 2 to 4 birth control tablets within 72 hours after intercourse with unprotected sex) and a second dose 12 hours later.

For Men

1. Use of Condoms: Usually they are constructed of latex rubber which can only be used once. Some people have added some chemicals to destroy sperm. It acts as a mechanical barrier that prevents direct vaginal semen contact, infectious genital discharges and genital damage. Condoms are the most efficient way to reduce the danger of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STIs) infecting viruses. It is essential to place a condom before sex correctly.

2. Male Sterilization: A vasectomy is a fast procedure done under local anesthetic with minimal post-operative risks including bleeding or infection. The capacity to erection and ejaculate persists. Because sperm cells make up just 1% of the fluid, a man will not detect a change in ejaculation. The sperm cells are absorbed.

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2. Sex education

Overall, sexual health education programs can improve younger people’s sexual and reproductive health, and capacity to make educated choices. Even in states where abortions are performed, most programs avoid discussing it. Young people are less able to prevent hazardous abortion, make informed decisions, and enjoy their entitled to counsel, accessible abortion. Among the reasons why engaging adolescents with sex education is vital:

  • Lists unsafe abortion as one of the major problems impacting the health and wellbeing of young people.
  • Requests for information to be provided to teenagers about legislation and policies that influence abortion, the severe danger to health presented by unsafe abortion, and the significance of supporting human rights laws and policies.
  • Guidelines that curriculums offer accurate and comprehensive science-based information, particularly on subjects typically deemed delicate or ostracized, such as contraception, HIV/AIDS, sexual preference, gender identity, and abortion.

3. Abortion

Abortions are safe when performed using a WHO-recommended technique that is appropriate for the pregnancy length and when the individual performing the abortion possesses the requisite expertise. Medical abortions or simple outpatient procedures can be used to perform such abortions. Abortion is dangerous when it is performed by someone who lacks the required expertise or in a setting that does not meet minimum medical standards, or both.

Medical abortion (which is conducted solely with medicines) and surgical abortion have distinct persons, abilities, and medical criteria that are deemed safe in the administration of induced abortions (which is performed with a manual or electric aspirator). The expertise and health standards needed for a safe abortion vary based on the pregnancy’s length and scientific developments. Unplanned pregnancies are commonly used by women, particularly young people, for unsafe abortion if they do not have access to clean and safe termination.

Risk of Abortion

Any woman who has an undesired pregnancy without a safe miscarriage risks being aborted unsafe. Females in minimal nations and poor women have a greater probability of unsafe abortions. When induced abortion occurs later in pregnancy, fatalities are greater. When access to appropriate contraception and safe abortion is largely unavailable, the prevalence of insecure abortions is greater.

Complications of unsafe abortion

A variety of harms that negatively impact the quality of life and well-being of women may occur, some of which may be life-threatening. Some of the most dangerous consequences of abortions which are carried out without the necessary safeguards include hemorrhage, infection, and damage to the genitals and internal organs. Many women are forced to conduct unsafe abortions due to their lack of access to proper medical care, which may cause harm such as:

  • Abortion with unfinished delivery (failure to remove or expel all of the pregnancy tissue from the uterus).
  • Bleeding infection caused by hemorrhage.
  • Vaginal puncture (caused when the uterus is pierced by a sharp object).
  • Insertion of hazardous items, such as twigs, sewing pins, or shattered glass, into the vagina or anus may lead to reproductive tract and vital organ injury.

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Signs and symptoms

It is difficult to identify complications resulting from unsafe abortions. The symptoms that need urgent treatment include the following:

  • Bleeding that is not typical in the vagina
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Infection
  • Shockwaves (collapse of the circulatory system).

Treatment and Care

Delays in treatment may be deadly in cases of severe blood loss. Medical procedures such as antibiotic administration and removal of any leftover fetal tissue from the uterus immediately are the treatments. For injuries to the genital tract and/or internal organs, early referral to an appropriate level of health care is important if there is suspicion of such injury.


Hence, a statement says prevention is better than cure. Therefore, it is however better one avoid premarital sex than having to go through the trauma and stress of unwanted pregnancy.


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