UK Visa Fees – How Much Does it Cost to Apply for a UK Visa

UK Visa Fees – How Much Does it Cost to Apply for a UK Visa. Information about all the fees that are required when applying for a UK visa from outside the UK and from inside the UK.
UK Visa Fees

The United Kingdom Visas and Immigration authorities charge the applicants with a fee in Pounds Sterling (GBP) in order to cover the administration costs regarding handling of visa application.

Aside from Sterling, the fees can also be paid in local currency, according to the exchange rate set by the Home Office. All Home Office exchange rates are reviewed on a fortnightly basis and updated if they have changed beyond agreed tolerance of a 3-5% away from the commercial rate. The same Home Office exchange rate should be used by all posts for any given currency.

See Also: UK Visa Requirements – All Documents Required for UK Visa

How Much Does a UK Visa Application Cost?

The cost of a UK visa application is based on the type of UK visa you need to obtain in order to enter the UK. The visa fees vary from £93 for a visit visa up to 9 months, to £3,250 for a settlement visa as another dependant relative. There are also additional optional Premium Services outside the UK and inside the UK, which can be as cheap as £55 and as expensive as £10,500.

The following tables tell you how much it costs to apply for a UK visa from 6 April 2018. It shows fees for all types of visas, including:

  • visitor
  • work
  • student
  • settlement
  • naturalisation

UK Visa Fees

Visa applications made outside the UK

Fees category Fee Before 6 April 2018 Current Fee Fee Change
Visit visa < 6 months £89 £93 £4
Visit visa < 2 years [note 1] £337 £350 £13
Visit visa < 5 years £612 £636 £24
Visit visa <10 years £767 £798 £31
Visiting academic – more than 6 months, but no more than 12 months £179 £186 £7
Private medical treatment visa – more than 6 months but not more than 11 months £179 £186 £7
Short term  student visa (up to 6 months) £93 £97 £4
Short term  student child (up to 6 months) £93 £97 £4
Short term student studying English language for more than 6 months but not more than 11  months £179 £186 £7
Settlement £1,464 £1,523 £59
Settlement – other dependant  relative £3,250 £3,250 £0
Settlement  – refugee dependant relative £423 £388 -£35
Indefinite leave to enter the UK as the dependant of a member of the armed forces under Appendix Armed Forces to the Immigration Rules. £2,297 £2,389 £92
Transit visa – (direct airside  transit) £34 £35 £1
Transit visit visa  (landside transit) £62 £64 £2
Visa for the purpose of joining a ship or aircraft as a member of the crew of that ship or aircraft £62 £64 £2
Representative of an overseas  business £587 £610 £23
Single-entry visa to replace a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) £169 £154 -£15
Other visa £496 £516 £20
Electronic  Visa Waiver £15 £15 £0
Certificate of entitlement – (right of  abode) £423 £388 -£35
Transfer of Conditions (Vignette  transfer) £169 £154 -£15
Call out/ out of hours fee (per hour/part hour) £137 £142 £5
Receiving, preparing  and forwarding documents £136 £141 £5

Points Based System – applications made outside of UK

Fees category Fee Before 6 April 2018 Current Fee Fee Change
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) [note 2] £982 £1,021 £39
Tier 1 (Investor) £1,561 £1,623 £62
Approval letter from a competent body in respect of an initial application for Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) £292 £456 £164
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) – subsequent application   [note  2] £585 £608 £23
Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) [note 2] £349 £363 £14
Tier 1  (Post-study Work) – dependant £581 £604 £23
Tier 1  (Exceptional Talent) – dependant £585 £608 £23
Tier 1 (General) – dependant £982 £1,021 £39
Tier 2 (General), (Intra-Company Transfer) – Long Term Staff, (Sportsperson) & (Minister of Religion), where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for a period of three years or less [note  2] £587 £610 £23
Tier 2 (General), (Intra-Company Transfer) – Long Term Staff, where a certificate  of sponsorship has been issued for a period of more than three years [note 2] £1,174 £1,220 £46
Tier 2 (General) shortage occupation where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for a period of three years or less   [note 2] £446 £464 £18

Optional Premium Services outside the UK

Fees category Fee Before 6 April 2018 Current Fee Fee Change
Priority visa service –  settlement £551 £573 £22
Priority visa service –  non-settlement £184 £212 £28
Super priority visa service £919 £956 £37
User-pay visa  application centre £55 £55 £0
International Contact Centre  – Email Service (per query) £5.48 £5.48 n/a
International Contact Centre – Telephone Helpline (per minute) £1.37 per minute £1.37 per minute n/a

Optional Premium Services in the UK

Fees category Fee Before 6 April 2018 Current Fee Fee Change
Expedited processing of an application (premium  service centre) £490 £510 £20
Expedited processing of an application (premium service centre) – appointment booking fee £100 £100 £0
Expedited processing of an application (premium service centre) – outside office hours fee £75 £75 n/a
Provision of Immigration Officer at the border (hourly rate) £53.08 per hour £53.08

per hour

Priority service £459 £477 £18
Super  premium service £10,500 £10,500 £0
Application in person (super premium  service) £590 £610 £20
Premium status checks and advice (Administrative Officer) (per minute, per officer)

[note 3]

£0.80 £0.80 n/a
[note 3] £0.88 £0.88 n/a
Premium status checks, advice or training (Executive Officer) (outside office


[note 3]

£1.10 £1.10 n/a
Premium status checks, advice or training (Higher Executive Officer) (inside office


[note 3]

£0.97 £0.97 n/a
Premium status checks, advice or training (Higher Executive Officer) (outside

office hours)

[note 3]

£1.23 £1.23 n/a

Optional Premium Services at the Border

Fees category Fee Before 6 April 2018 Current Fee Fee Change
Registered  Traveller Service  – yearly subscription £50 £50 £0
Registered traveller Service child –   yearly subscription £24 £24 £0
Registered  Traveller Service  – registration of documents £20 £20 £0
Fast Track – Heathrow terminals 2, 3 and 4 £3.90 £3.90 £0
Fast Track – Other £3 £3 £0

Applications made in the UK

Fees category Fee Before 6 April 2018 Current Fee Fee Change
Indefinite leave to  remain £2,297 £2,389 £92
Leave to remain –  Other £993 £1,033 £40
Leave to enter for persons in the UK who are liable to immigration detention £993 £1,033 £40
Leave to remain as a  visitor £993 £993 £0
Retired  person of independent means £1,874 £1,949 £75
Representative of an overseas  business £677 £704 £27
Transfer of Conditions (TOC) or Application  for a document confirming identity

and immigration or nationality status   – limited leave to remain

£168 £161 -£7
TOC or Application for a document confirming identity and immigration or nationality status – indefinite leave to remain £237 £229 -£8
Biometric residence permit (BRP) / replacement BRP £56 £56 £0
Biometric enrolment £19.20 £19.20 £0
European residence document (registration certificate, document certifying permanent residence, residence card, accession resident card, derivative residence card, permanent residence  card) £65 £65 £0
Administrative review £80 £80 £0
Processing an application which is subsequently rejected £25 £25 n/a
Certificate of travel – adult £267 £280 £13
Certificate of travel – child £134 £141 £7
Convention  travel document – adult £72 £75 £3
Convention  travel document – child £46 £49 £3
Naturalisation fee to include citizenship ceremony fee as per [note 4] £1,282 £1,330 £48
Naturalisation  British overseas territory citizens £962 £1,000 £38
Nationality registration as a British citizen – adult   [note 4] £1,163 £1,206 £43
Nationality registration as a British citizen – child  [note 5] £973 £1,012 £39
The arrangement of a citizenship ceremony (including the administration of a citizenship oath and pledge at the ceremony). £80 £80 £0
The administration of a citizenship oath, or oath and pledge where the oath, or   oath and pledge, are not administered at a citizenship ceremony or by a justice of the peace. £5 £5 £0
Nationality registration – British overseas territory citizen, British overseas citizens, British Subjects, British protected persons   – adult £866 £901 £35
Nationality registration – British overseas territory citizen, British overseas citizens, British Subjects, British protected persons – child £779 £810 £31
Renunciation  of nationality £321 £372 £51
Certificate of entitlement – (right of  abode) £321 £372 £51
Nationality review £321 £372 £51
Status letter £234 £250 £16
Non-acquisition letter £234 £250 £16
Nationality correction  to certificate £234 £250 £16
Life in the UK test £50 £50 £0
Nationality – supply of a certified copy of a notice, certificate, order or declaration £234 £250 £16

Points based system – applications made in the UK

Fees category Fee Before 6 April 2018 Current Fee Fee Change
Tier 1 (General) – dependant £1,806 £1,878 £72
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur)   [note 2] £1,228 £1,277 £49
Tier 1 (Investor) £1,561 £1,623 £62
Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)   [note 2] £474 £493 £19
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) – initial application   [note 2] £293 £152 -£141
Approval letter from a competent body in respect of an initial application for Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) £292 £456 £164
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) – extension   [note 2] £585 £608 £23
Tier 1  (Exceptional Talent) – dependant £585 £608 £23

Points based system – sponsorship

Fees category Fee Before 6 April 2018 Current Fee Fee Change
Premium  sponsor scheme – Tiers 2 & 5 (large  sponsor) £25,000 £25,000 £0
Premium  sponsor scheme – Tiers 2 & 5 (small  sponsor) £8,000 £8,000 £0
Premium sponsor scheme – Tiers 2 & 5 (large sponsor) for a period of 3 months £6,250 £6,250 £0
Premium sponsor scheme – Tiers 2 & 5 (small sponsor) for a period of 3 months £2,000 £2,000 £0
Premium  sponsor scheme  – Tier 4 £8,000 £8,000 £0
Premium  Change of Circumstances £200 £200 £0
Tier 2 large sponsor licence (may also include Tier 4 and/or Tier 5) £1,476 £1,476 £0
Tier 2 small sponsor licence (may also include Tier 4 and/or Tier 5 ) £536 £536 £0
Tier 4 sponsor licence £536 £536 £0
Tier 5 sponsor licence £536 £536 £0
Add Tier 2 to an existing Tier 4 &/or Tier 5 licence (large sponsor) £940 £940 £0
Basic compliance  assessment (previously ‘Tier 4  Sponsor status’) £536 £536 £0
Sponsor  action plan £1,476 £1,476 £0
Tier 2 Certificate of Sponsorship  (CoS) £199 £199 £0
Tier 5 Certificate of Sponsorship  (CoS) £21 £21 £0
Tier 4 Confirmation of Acceptance for Study (CAS) £21 £21 £0


  • Note 1: Application fee of £93 where the applicant is a Chinese national applying in mainland China under the Chinese visa scheme
  • Note 2: a Council of Europe Social Charter (CESC) discount of £55 applies for main applicant.
  • Note 3: Administrative Officer, Executive Officer and Higher Executive Officer are Civil Service staff grades.
  • Note 4: the citizenship ceremony fee of £80 has been added to the application fee
  • Note 5: Additional £80 per applicant is required to cover the ceremony fee should the minor turn 18 during the application process. This will be requested at point of decision.

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