10 Types Of People You Will Meet At ATMs In Nigeria

10 Types Of People You Will Meet At ATMs In Nigeria. Get Information On The Kinds Of People You Are Likely To Meet Whenever You Make a Visit To The ATM In This Post.

!0 Types Of People You Would Meet At The ATMs

If you have ever been to an ATM in Nigeria then you would at least understand that there are different kinds of people that one is likely to meet at an ATM which is what we have to discuss today. If you want to know the kind of people you are most likely to find at an ATM stand, then you have definitely come to the right source for this information. I have gathered valid information on the kinds of people you are most likely to see at an ATM Stand in Nigeria.

What are the kinds of people I am most likely to meet at an ATM stand?

As I have said before, you are most likely to meet different kinds of people or users at the ATM stand that would crack you up. I have identified some of them and put them down.

Here are the kinds of people you are most likely to meet at an ATM stand:

  1. The fast users
  2. The over careful ones
  3. The account balance checkers
  4. The “CBN Looters”
  5. The learners
  6. The confused users
  7. The doubting thomases
  8. The stubborn ones
  9. The lurkers
  10. The beggars

10 Types Of People You Will Meet At ATMs In Nigeria


One of the particular set of people that you are most likely to meet at the ATM stand is the fast users. These are the kind of users that everybody prays to meet at the ATM to avoid staying in queues for long hours. Immediately they get to the ATM, they make sure that they press the necessary buttons on time without making the people in line wait for long. However, you shouldn’t be too forward because you want show that you are a fast user and end up pressing the wrong buttons.

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Another particular set of people that you are most likely to meet at the ATM are the over careful ones. These particular set of people do not usually have so much money and as such, they try to be very careful and cautious when making any transaction. If you want to identify an over careful ATM user, you would see them staring at the screen countless number of times before they press any button at the ATM.  They could be very annoying because they make people stand for longer times at the ATM.


Another set of people that you are most likely to meet when you go to an ATM stand are the account balance checkers. These particular set of people do not have anything to do at the ATM than just to confirm and verify how much is left in their accounts. They would normal come to the ATM and queue for a while just to get access to check their account balance. Well, they are not annoying because they do not allow us spend long times on queues but I really find them to be very weird.


Another set of people that you are most likely to find at the ATM at the CBN looters. These set of people are called the CBN looters because they usually come to withdraw huge amount of money. They can be very annoying because they often keep us waiting in long lines and for a longer time and they have to withdraw severally. Whenever we meet these p[particular set of people, we always pry inside us that they do not finish all the money left in the machine because that would amount waiting for nothing.

I personally find them very strange and weird because I wonder why they cannot just make the transaction in the bank instead of incurring costs of withdrawing severally from the ATM.


Another set of people that you are most like to meet at the ATM are the learners. These particular set of people happen to be the most annoying set of people that the ATM especially when there is a very long queue. The only thing they have come to the ATM to do is to learn how use it. You can spend long minutes trying to learn how to use the ATM. Personally; I do not like them because they make me spend longer times at the ATM.

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Another set of people that you are most likely to meet at the ATM are the confused ones. These particular set of people are very confused because they have not gotten used to using the ATM. They are also usually struggling with the ATM. They can also be very annoying because they make use stand longer in queues.


Another set of people that you are most likely to meet at the ATM are the doubting thomases. These particular set of people are also very much annoying because they always try to confirm everything they do with the ATM. They most times try to confirm their account balance before making a withdrawal and also print a slip. They would even go ahead to count the cash that the ATM dispensed and still go back to check their account balance.


Another set if people that you are most likely to meet at the ATM are the stubborn ones. These particular set of people are also very annoying because they keep us waiting. The stubborn ones are called that name because they keep slotting in or inserting their cards even after the ATM has rejected it several times.

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Another set of people that you are most likely to meet at the ATM are the Lurkers. These particular set of people are called these names because they do not queue with you but they always find a place to sit doing some other thing while they have kept a slot for themselves. Sometimes, they come out from the blues and just tell you “I’m at your front”

10.               THE BEGGARS

Another set of people that you are mostly likely to meet at the ATM are the beggars. These particular set of people are most seen when they are long queues and they start begging people in front to allow them use the ATM.

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