Types Of Blood You Should Know And Their Meanings

Types Of Blood You Should Know And Their Meanings. Get Information On All The Types Of Blood. Check This Post Now.

Types Of Blood

Are you looking for information that relates to blood and the types of blood? Then you have come to the right platform for this information. In this article, i am going to show you everything you need to know about blood and its types.

Having a knowledge of the types of blood and their meanings could make you avoid a situation that can lead to dangerous end or even death. Let’s get right into it.

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What Are The Types Of Blood And Its Meanings?

  1. Blood group A
  2. Blood group B
  3. Blood group AB
  4. Blood Group O

Types Of Blood You Should Know And Their Meanings

1. Blood group A

This blood group has A antigen at the surface while the plasma has Anti B anti body. Hence, the anti b antibody would attack blood cells that contain B antigen.

2. Blood group B

This blood group has B antigen at the surface while the plasma has Anti A anti body. Hence, the anti A anti body would attack blood cells that contain A antigen.

3. Blood group AB

This blood group has both A and B antigen at the surface while the plasma does not contain either anti A or anti B antibody. Hence, this blood group cam receive blood from either of the ABO blood types.

4. Blood Group O

This blood group does not contain either A or B antigen at the surface but contain anti A and anti B anti bodies at the plasma. Hence, anyone with this blood group can give out the blood to anyone but cannot receive from blood group A or B.

What Is Rhesus Factor?

Rhesus factor is another thing we need to understand when we talk about blood groups and their types. Some blood groups contain Rh factor which is also known as Rhesus factor while others do not. If the blood group contain Rh factor, they are known as Rh positive but if they do not, they are known as Rh negative.

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Distribution Of Blood Groups

Rh factors are very important especially for health care workers when dealing with blood groups. According to research, the distribution of blood groups are as follows:

1. A Positive (A+)

Percentage of people: 30%

2. A Negative (A-)

Percentage of people: 6%

3. B Positive (B+)

Percentage of people: 9%

4. B Negative (B-)

Percentage of people: 2%

5. AB Positive (AB+)

Percentage of people: 4%

6. AB Negative (AB-)

Percentage of people: 1%

7. O Positive (O+)

Percentage of people: 39%

8. O Negative (O-)

Percentage of people: 9%

Understanding Universal Donor

The universal donor blood is the O negative blood group. This is because it has no antigens on the surface and it contains no Rh factor. This means that the O negative blood group can donate to almost everyone.

As a result of this, there is a very high demand for O negative blood.

Understanding Universal Recipient

A universal recipient is also any blood group that can receive from any other blood group. Now, here is what we need to know about this:

A person with Rh positive blood can donate to a person with Rh positive blood. A person with Rh negative blood can also donate to either Rh positive or Rh negative.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is The Rarest Blood Group?

The rarest blood group we have is AB negative.

2. Are There Other Blood Groups Apart From The Eight Popular Ones?

Yes, there are other less common blood groups within these eight blood groups.

3. Can Anyone Receive Any Blood?

No, before any body receives any blood, it is the duty of the doctor to check the compatibility of the blood.

4. Is Rhesus Factor Important?

Yes, Rhesus factor is very important when it comes to blood distribution.

5. How Many Blood Groups Do We Have?

There are eight popular or common blood groups although, there are other very rare ones within them.

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