Top 10 Skills In High Demand In Nigeria Currently

Top 10 Skills In High Demand In Nigeria Currently | Are you having the thoughts of acquiring a skill? Do you know acquiring a skill is the new thing in vogue and one of the easiest ways of making money in Nigeria? Are you confused on what skill to acquire? This is the message this article intends to pass.

Skills In High Demand In Nigeria Currently

First, one need to have a first hand knowledge on what “skills” mean. A Skill is simply a type of work or activity which requires special training and knowledge. This is to say that any activity that requires special training is a skill.

Top 10 Skills In High Demand In Nigeria Currently

Here are top 10 skills in high demand in Nigeria currently:

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There is a rise in demand for beauty services in Nigeria. Young men and women have broken boundaries in this industry by becoming owners of beauty brands and employers of huge labour.

Banke Meshida of Bmpro and Tara Durotoye of house of tara are owners of Nigerian leading make up lines that employed and trained many young Nigerians to be successful in the line of beauty.

Hair styling, like makeup is a trendy skill that is high in demand especially bridal hair styling. Individuals generally want to feel and look good and beauticians can help them achieve that.

This industry has grown and is still growing with good opportunities especially for people who are and desire to be self-employed.


Social media is proven to be an effective marketing tool in today’s world. Social media platforms are an effective vehicle for reaching millions of people simultaneously for business or leisure purposes.

There is a lot of money to be made on social media if it properly harnessed. Companies and brands recognise this and have begun to make use of it by hiring digital marketers.

Maximise your social media accounts today by learning how to market goods and services online. All you will need is an internet connection, a mobile device or laptop.


People acquiring vocational skills in the manufacturing trade are often hired to pass on the knowledge to another set of people or to work in manufacturing agencies.

Some of them have been able to manufacture their own products for sale. Products manufactured include liquid soaps, bar soaps, ointments, balm, detergents, disinfectants and stain removers.


Like beauty and hairstyling, the fashion industry is another industry with a very high demand rate that has provided an escape from unemployment and poverty for the Nigerian youth.


The driving force here is passion. Under six to twelve months, people who are passionate about fashion are able to acquire enough skill to help them start up their own tailoring shops and fashion lines.

Consistency in this industry actually pays off, some indigenous fashion labels that we have watched grow from scratch to top are designs by Mai Atafo, Deola Sagoe, LanreDasilva Ajayi and many other young ones doing remarkable jobs. They style celebrities and top government officials, royalties and others who can afford their services.


To be a high flier in this photography business, you need to understand the art of digital photography and be creative.

Canvass your clients work and make them great designs that will make them want to come back to you and recommend you to people.

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Web designing is very lucrative and businesses now understand why they need to showcase their products/services online.

Once you learn how to design a website, make local researches small businesses that are yet to get online presence.Table them an offer to have their business online at a limited cost. Make sure you do a very great job. You should have a professional website about your business. Showcase your works in your site.

If you are good at what you do, you’ll get job offer and this will put more than just food on your table.


Graphic design is quite lucrative. Acquire this skill, you will be good even without any other job.

Graphic designers are good story tellers in images and texts. This service of a graphic designer is needed on a daily basis by novelists, writers, columnists, bloggers, and magazines.

See Also: Full List of Trades for Women 2020 (Updated Skills For Female)


If you can make efforts to learn how to bake cake, make chin-chin, meat-pie, fish-rolls etc. You can generate a stable income that will sustain you as a student.

You can work with big eateries and hotels that are willing to pay for your services. This business may be quite stressful but if you are good at what you do so well, you could generate a moderate income that will sustain you.

You could bake for parties, and if your work is good, you will get recommended to wedding and big ceremonies.


Content developing can be referred to as authoring or originating content for any medium. Content developer develops content for any medium.

Content developers often use their skills, knowledge and experience in software and programming as well as web-based technology or SEO, to create and update quality content for websites and blogs.

See Also: Top 10 Small Business Ideas That Make The Most Millions In Nigeria (2020)


You know how much people use phones. Some people may have up to 3 phones.

Laptops too, it’s very common with students. If you can learn the skill of phone or laptop repair, you’ll sure make money enough to sustain you.

I really hope this write up helps you in picking a skill that is best for you. Goodluck dears!


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