Shunning Bad Influences At School

Shunning Bad Influences At School. Get All The Information You Need On How To Shun Bad Influences At School. 

Shunning Bad Influences at school

Are you a student? Have you been having issues trying to be a very assertive person? Worry no more as you have come to the right platform to get proper information on how to resist peer pressure and shunning bad influences at school. Being a student has to be a very critical period in the life of an individual. Whatever decision you make at this point of your life would either make or mar your future therefore, every decision has to be taken carefully.

What are bad influences?

A bad influence(s) is anything or someone that teaches others to do wrong or encourages wrong actions and thoughts by example. This means that if you have any friend that teaches you to do something inappropriate or against the norm is a bad influence. But why do we need to shun bad influences? There are a thousand and one reasons to stay away from bad influence(s), some of which are as follows:

  1. You can get trapped into drug abuse
  2. It can lead you to getting into fights frequently
  3. It can increase apathy to learning or education
  4. You may eventually forget the value of time doing things that do not even matter
  5. You would get used to using abusive languages
  6. It can lead you in a serious trouble eventually

Are these enough reasons to run away from bad influences? I used to have a colleague back then in school that got into trouble simply hanging out with drug addicts, of course she wasn’t a drug addict but she was not so fortunate that day because they were caught and she was in their midst. It eventually led to her rustication. I bet she regrets it till date. You must be quite inquisitive at this point on how to shun or stay away from bad influences at school. Let’s get right into it.

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Shunning Bad Influences At School

Peer pressure isn’t something one can actually stay away from while in school but the big issue now is having to identify if it is a positive or negative peer pressure. A negative peer pressure definitely is a bad influence(s). I have put together different strategies on how to stay away from bad influences while at school which are:

  1. Observe the kind of friend(s) you keep
  2. Analyze the kind of effect the friend has on you
  3. Set boundaries with your friend
  4. Seek for help from elders or a counsellor
  5. End the friendship


The first and foremost step you should take when trying to keep bad influences away is observing the kind of friend(s) you keep. Many people say that their choice of friends do not define them but to a large extent, it actually does as the saying goes “bad company corrupts good manners”  which is why you need to observe your friend. Check out for those friends that make you feel like a bad person. Here are some of the things you can look out for:

  • Does your friend do drugs?
  • Is your friend bossy around you?
  • Does you friend try to belittle you?
  • Is your friend manipulative?
  • Is your friend violent?
  • Does your friend skip classes all the time?
  • Does your friend laugh at you during difficulty?
  • Is your friend disrespectful around elders?

You can use these simple questions in assessing your friends. If your friend answers “Yes” to one or all of these, then most likely, your friend is a bad influence.

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The next step you need to take after you must have observed and assessed the kind of friend(s) you keep, the next step is to analyze the kind of effect the friend has on you to be sure if he or she is a bad friend or not. Here are some of the things you can look out for:

  • Does you friend make you feel drained?
  • Does your friend make you feel unsupported?
  • Does your friend make you feel empty?
  • Do you feel guilty after doing things with that friend?

All these effects are not good for you both physically and mentally. Once you have been able to answer these questions, you can then easily analyze the kind of effect you friend you has on you.



The next step you should take is setting proper boundaries with these people. It is at this point that your assertiveness should come into play. You should be able to say “Yes” when you want to and “No” when you should. Other simpler ways you can set boundaries with you friend are as follows:

  • Tell your friend you’re busy when he or she want you to perform a bad task
  • Try talking to the friend on how you feel
  • Avoid the person coming to your place of residence
  • Avoid unnecessary conversation with the person

One thing you need to understand about setting boundaries is that it does not mean keeping malice with the person but avoiding close contact that can bring familiarity again.

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There are people that do not have the nerve to express their assertiveness and i totally understand that.  If you feel this way then you can easily seek help from any elder you trust or from a counsellor. They would put you through on the best way to go on that.


This is the last step on shunning bad influences at school. Many people would tell you that you do not necessarily need to end the friendship as long as you have established boundaries with that person. I won’t agree to this because there is every likelihood that the friendship would still spring up again with time. The bottom line therefore is to avoid anything or making deep contact with that person again. If the person was your only close friend, its only normal to feel lonely sometimes but with time, you’d definitely feel better.

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