Separation Anxiety In Dogs

Separation Anxiety In Dogs

Separation Anxiety In Dogs

A relatively large portion of dogs has been seen to suffer from separation anxiety. Given the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic, staying at home has become a norm. Now that everything has started opening up and the world is getting back on track, you will have to resume your old routine. But you might see that your dog has become especially attached to you over the last few years, making this transition harder for both of you. In these cases, you must consider behavioral therapy or CBD oil for dogs with separation anxiety.

Since it’s quite a significant change for them to adapt to the new norm, from whining to imploring, your dog might try almost anything to keep you from leaving. Sometimes, they might cry, bark, howl, or engage in destructive behavior to voice their thoughts. Such behavior is prevalent if you have a sensitive dog who’s emotionally dependent on you.

Moreover, if you’re someone who fosters or adopts rescue dogs, you’d have seen that it takes more effort to rehabilitate them. From being emotionally present to taking care of their physical demands, it’s pretty easy and natural for your dog to become overly attached to you. In these cases, they will demand extra attention and want to always be around you for a sense of safety. And it’s finally time for you to leave them alone for some time; it can be anxiety-inducing for your dog.


You should know some of the dogs’ most common signs of separation anxiety. These include:

  • Crying, barking, whining, howling
  • Being restless
  • Trying to escape
  • Being overly clingy when you come home
  • Showing signs of distress when you’re about to leave
  • Chewing or scratching doors, walls, and windows
  • Panting, drooling, pacing
  • Vomiting, pooping or peeing in the house
  • Loss of appetite

Tips To Manage Separation Anxiety In Dogs

These tips can help identify if your fur baby suffers from separation anxiety. Although these are not hard and fast tips, they can give you a general idea regarding your dog’s mental health. If your dog shows any of these recurrent signs, it’s best to take them to the veterinarian for further treatment.

You can effectively manage your dog’s anxiety using behavioral techniques and medication. Some of the most helpful tips to keep in mind while taking care of your dog are

  • Don’t punish them for their behavior
  • Try to create a safe space for them at home
  • Train them to stay alone gradually
  • Check in on them regularly
  • Take them out for plenty of exercises
  • Be patient and acknowledge their efforts

CBD For Dogs

Along with these training tips, you could consider looking into using CBD oil for dogs with separation anxiety. It can become crucial in severe cases when your dog is in extreme distress. CBD can help relax your dogs and soothe them, acting as an anti-anxiety product. There’s also evidence that CBD can effectively help improve appetite, reduce nausea, promote a shiny and healthy coat, improve joint health, and reduce the risk of arthritis.

There are different types of CBD-infused products that you can give your dog. From tinctures to chewy treats, there’s a wide variety for you to choose from. But, before you start looking at CBD for your dog, you must consult a veterinarian first. They will not only ensure that you get the proper dosage for your dog’s safety but will direct you to some of the highest-quality CBD treats or CBD oil for your dog.

Final Words

Whether it’s CBD oil, tinctures, or treats, CBD can prove to be extremely helpful for your dogs, especially if they suffer from separation anxiety. With the proper training, medication, and lots of love, you can now help your dogs live their lives to the fullest, without worry.


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