Reasons NECO Result Is Accepted For Study In Canada

Reasons NECO Result Is Accepted For Study In Canada. Want To Know Why NECO Is Accepted In Canada? Check This Post For More.

Reasons NECO Result Is Accepted For Study In Canada

Are you sitting for NECO? Do you want to know why NECO Results are accepted in Canada? Then you have definitely come to the right place to get this information. In this article, you are going to find the reasons why NECO is accepted in Canada as well as other bit of information that you may consider to be useful. To get the fullness of this topic, it is best we look at what NECO really is. Ready? Let’s get started!

What is NECO?

This is a very popular examination in Nigeria, its full meaning is National Examination Council. Its primary duty is to conduct the secondary school leaving examination for students in Nigeria.

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When did NECO begin?

NECO began in April 1999. It was introduced during the regime of Abdulsalami Abubakar. Although NECO was established in 1999, the first NECO exam was conducted in 2000.Neco is relatively cheaper than other school leaving examinations. NECO is meant to be conducted twice in a year which is first in June/July and then December.

Is it a must I register NECO in my school?

When registering for NECO, you should have in mind that you have two options when registering for NECO. You can choose to register for NECO in your own school and you can also choose to register for NECO in another school.

Can I use my NECO result outside Nigeria?

Many students that want to study abroad often ask if NECO is accepted internationally. The answer is that some colleges outside Nigeria may not accept NECO result however; we have a few that accept NECO results from students. It should be noted that even if any college outside Nigeria accepts your NECO results, there are some subjects that you must pass like English language and mathematics.

What are the requirements I would have to meet for countries that accept NECO?

A lot of students that want to study abroad often times come up with the question of what requirements that would have to meet in countries that accept NECO. The truth is that, every country that wants to admit international students has its own laid down requirement and one country cannot be used to judge another or there is no specific or general requirement for all countries that accepts NECO. However, one of the basic requirements that you would have to meet if you want to study abroad is English proficiency. You would have to take an English proficiency examination.  After you have done that, you would have to pick an institution and also a course of study and then pay for your application and submit.

You should have it in mind that if you fail to do all of these, your application may not be processed. Here is a list of the basic undergraduate requirements that you would need:

  1. You would need an international passport
  2. You would need a NECO result
  3. You would need your birth certificate
  4. You would need a recent passport photograph of yourself. You should have as many copies as possible.
  5. You would need a NECO scratch card
  6. You would need an affidavit of support.

Other requirements would be based on the institution that you have picked to study in.

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