Advantages Of Private Universities In Nigeria

Advantages Of Private Universities In Nigeria. Need Reasons Why You Should Attend A Private University In Nigeria? Get Informed Here.

Advantages Of Private Universities In Nigeria

Education has become one of the greatest instruments overtime to change the world.  We all definitely want to get the best education in our own way while parents in turn wish to give his or her child a very sound education.  Do you wish to attend private universities in Nigeria? Do you wish to know the reasons why you should attend a private university in Nigeria? Then you have come to the right platform for this information as i have a put together a handful of information on private universities in Nigeria that would be very useful to you.

Talking about the advantages of private universities in Nigeria, we cannot successfully look at the advantages of private Universities in Nigeria to be able to appraise the system.  For this reason, i have taken out time to put together both the advantages and also the disadvantages of private universities in Nigeria. Let us go straight into it!

What is a private university?

A private University is simply a higher institution that offers a university degree that was formed by private individuals.  It is important to note that private universities are managed by private individuals or a group of individuals. The sole purpose of private universities are to make profit unlike the government owned universities which is why private universities are usually more expensive than government owned institutions.

Also, it is important to note that the funding of private universities basically comes from the tuition as well as donations from other individuals or group of individuals.

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What are some examples of private universities in Nigeria?

There are so many private universities in Nigeria today that we might not even be able to name them all and we still have others on the way as well. However, i am going to give you some examples of private universities in Nigeria so that you have a broad understanding. Here are some of the examples of private universities in Nigeria:

  1. Covenant University
  2. Babcock University
  3. Redeemers University
  4. Joseph Ayo Babalola University
  5. Madonna University
  6. Adeleke University
  7. Crawford University
  8. Anchor University
  9. Afe babalola University
  10. Bells University

What are the advantages of private univeristies in Nigeria?

The core purpose of this article is to address the advantages of private universities in Nigeria. I have identified some of the core advantages of private Univeristies in Nigeria. Here are some of the major advantages of private Univeristies in Nigeria:

  1. No strike action
  2. Proper follow up of the students
  3. Committed lecturers
  4. Availability of greater facilities
  5. Less Number of students


One of the greatest advantages of Private Universities in Nigeria is that they is no time that they have strike action which i think is the biggest reason why people put their children in private universities. Strike action is usually as a result of unpaid salaries of lecturers and this doesn’t happen in private universities because private universities are not managed using public fund.

Strike action isn’t a very good thing for the student in that it extends the time which they are supposed to spend in the universities. If you are looking for a good school (higher institutions) that does not go through strike actions, then private universities should ve your choice


Another very important advantage of private universities which we cannot over look is the fact that private universities provide for proper follow up of the student. We know that in federal and state owned universities, the reverse is the case because the school is quite less concerned about the students and their private lives which is why students in government owned institutions tend to make more mistakes.

Private Universities put a kind of restrictions in the students activities to make sure that they are safe and secure.

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Another important advantage of private universities that we need to know is that they usually have more committed lecturers than students in the federal and state owned universities. This is because, the lecturers are not as over worked as those lecturers in the state owned and federal owned universities.


Another advantage of private universities that you need to know is the fact that they have greater number of facilities available to the students because they pay the money and what they pay for needs to be seen.


Another advantage of private universities that you need to know is that they have less number of students. I call this an advantage because it makes the university premises more organised and the lecturer do not get overworked with so many students to teach.

Again, i see this as an advantage because less number of students makes the environment more conducive for learning as we all know for learning to be effective, we need to have a very conducive environment for learning to take place.

What are the disadvantages of private universities in Nigeria?

We should know that as much as they are many advantages of private Univeristies in Nigeria, there are still a lot of disadvantages of private universities in Nigeria which you need to know. Here are some of the disadvantages of private universities in Nigeria which i have put together:

  1. It is too expensive
  2. Too much restrictions are placed on the students


One of the biggest disadvantages of private universities in Nigeria is that they are so expensive and many people are not even able to afford the fees.

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Another big disadvantage of private universities in Nigeria is the fact that too much restrictions are usually placed on the students which make them many times not to see life the way life is. They do not really have that feeling of what a university really should be. In many private universities in Nigeria, they do not allow the students out of the university premises on regular basis.

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