MTN Foundation Scholarship Past Questions and Exam Format

Download For Free: MTN Foundation Scholarship Past Questions and Exam Format. The complete past questions and answers for MTN Foundation scholarships tests for year 2 students in selected courses. This past question and answers pdf download will help you understand more better how MTN foundation scholarship is being set.

MTN Foundation Scholarship Past Questions

There are some facts you should know if you are to write the MTN Foundation scholarship examination and award process. There are also some few past questions from previous MTN scholarship exams to give you an idea about the format of the exam. Approximately 37,800 students applied in 2015 and the number is usually that high.

Past Questions for MTN Scholarship and other undergraduate scholarships in Nigeria are not very handy. However, we know where they all set questions from.

Read Also: How To Apply For MTN Foundation Scholarship Scheme For Undergraduates Students in Nigeria

Where MTN Set Scholarship Questions From? 

MTN Foundation and other scholarship bodies derive their questions from Gmat/Similar sources. They test your reasoning with English, Current affairs, simple mathematics and logic questions.

Another part of MTN scholarship aptitude test you cannot escape is the English Language and general mathematics. You need a fairly high IQ to attempt the use of English and General mathematics questions. Practice is the key here.

MTN Scholarship Is In What Format And How Many Questions For The Test

Scholarship examinations or aptitude tests in Nigeria are not difficult. However, they are very tricky and requires you to be smart. You just need to think deeper.

Now that you know the format in which the mtn test comes, another query you may want to make is the duration of the aptitude test. Scholarships aptitude tests usually take less than an hour. The questions are always between 50 and 100.

Things to Note About MTN Foundation Scholarship Exam and Award

  1. A total of 500 winners will be shortlisted for the award.
  2. Award ceremony holds about 3 weeks after shortlist of winners.
  3. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted via email and the the national dailies will also have the publication as well as the MTNF official website.
  4. Each winner should receive an alert of ₦200,000 in about three weeks time in the bank account they submit on the award day. In 2015, MTN partnered with Diamond Bank for the Diamond Yellow Account which was used as the method of disbursing the cash.
  5. Old Awardees who are still eligible as per their CGPA will also be invited for renewal of their ward. This implies that you can have the scholarship until you graduate as long as your CGPA does not fall below 3.5 or 2nd class upper as well as their equivalents for Polytechnic students.

MTN Foundation Scholarship Past Questions and Exam Format

Please Note: If you are a candidate for the scholarship, you should please note that there is absolutely NO guarantee that these are the questions that will be set for you, so avoid spending time trying to cram them. These are just past questions and should be seen as such.

Here are some sample past questions:

1. What is the most appropriate software for calculating in computer?

Answer: Microsoft Excel

2. Adobe Photoshop is a:

Answer: Graphics Software

3. What is the name of the first Computer Network?

Answer: ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Administration Network)

4. What is the number of Computer Generation?

Answer: Five

5. She has lived here _____ 1975.

  1. for
  2. since
  3. ago
  4. from

Answer: B) since

6. The company uses heavy _________.

  1. machinary
  2. machiner
  3. machinery
  4. machinari

Answer: C) Machinery

7. P and q are integers that are multiple of 5. Which of this is NOT true about p and q?

  1. P + q is divisible by 5
  2. P – q is divisible by 10
  3. P + q is divisible by 20
  4. P + q is divisible by 25

8. If the sector of a circle of an angle of 60° with a radius of 30 cm is bent to form a cone, find the base radius of the cone?

Logical Reasoning Sample Questions:

Six different students Adam, Ben, Carl, David, Edgar, and Frank – compete in a “Homework race” in which the student with the most completed homework assignments is said to finish the race first and the student with the fewest completed homework assignment is said to finish the race last. The other students are ranked between first and last according to the number of completed homework assignments. The following statements are all true about the results of the home work race EXCEPT:

  1. Ben finished either immediately before or immediately after David.
  2. Edgar finished third
  3. Adam did not finish last
  4. There were no ties.

Which of the following is the possible order of the students from first to last?

  1. Adam, Edgar, Ben, David, Frank, Carl
  2. Ben, David, Edgar, Frank, Carl, Adam
  3. David, Adam, Edgar, Ben, Carl, Frank
  4. Frank, Adam, Edgar, David, Carl, Ben
  5. Carl, Adam, Edgar, frank, David, Ben.

All of the following are possible orders of the student’s from first to last, EXCEPT

  1. Adam, Ben, David, Edgar, Carl, Frank.
  2. Carl, Frank, Edgar, Adam, David, Ben,
  3. Frank, Adam, Edgar, Ben, David, Carl.
  4. David, Ben, Edgar, Frank, Adam, Carl,
  5. Ben, David, Edgar, Carl, Adam, Frank.

If Adam finishes fifth, which of the following must be true?

  1. Frank must finish either first or last
  2. Carl must finish either second or fourth
  3. David must finish either first or second
  4. Ben must finish either first or third
  5. Edgar must finish last.

You Can Check For Other Available Scholarships To Apply

How To Download Complete MTN Scholarship Past Questions(Gmat And Current Affairs)

I have made a copy of the almighty GMAT available in pdf format. That is one of the places where MTN Sets scholarships questions from. You can download a Copy of GMAT for free.

Just Use The Share Button Below, After Sharing It, The Download Link Will Be Revealed To You…

[sociallocker id=”32994″]Click Here To Download GMAT In PDF[/sociallocker]

For the current affair session to test yourself in current affairs. The questions under current affairs require you to know the things that have happened and the current happenings in the society. You may also check here to see over 500 current affairs questions at a glance.

Recommended: Nigeria Current Affairs Questions And Answers 2020 (Up to Date)

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