LASTMA Salaries Structure, Mode Of Conduct & Ranks In Nigeria

LASTMA Salaries Structure, Mode Of Conduct & Ranks In Nigeria. Get All You Need To Know About LASTMA In This Post.

LASTMA Salaries Structure, Mode Of Conduct & Ranks In Nigeria

Do you want to know the salary structure of LASTMA in Nigeria? Then you have come to the right source for this information. In this article, you are going to find many thrilling things about LASTMA that you probably did not know before. I have made a research on the salaries structure, mode of conduct as well as their ranks. Let’s get right into it!

What is LASTMA?

People often hear about LASTMA or see it’s official on the road but they do not have an idea of what it is or what they do. LASTMA is an acronym that stands for the Lagos state traffic management authority. This agency or organization was established under the ministry of transportation. It is an agency that was established in July 2000. It is also important to note that they particular agency us owned by the lagos state government. Basically, this agency was put together to look into free flow of traffic as well as reduce the level of road accidents.

What are the duties of LASTMA officers in Nigeria?

Many people do not really know the job of LASTMA officers in Nigeria, they probably just see them on the roads and do not even bother to know. Just as the name implies, the major role of LASTMA officers in Nigeria is to enforce traffic rules and regulations. Other basic roles or duty of LASTMA is as follows:

  1. control the flow of vehicular traffic
  2. help members of the public who would require help in distress situations on highways and other roads.
  3. detect offences committed against drivers or passengers in public who require help in distress situations on highways and other roads
  4. redirect traffic for better environment
  5. Traffic safety and accident management
  6. vehicle inspection as well as certification
  7. Road research and statistics
  8. Public education and enlightenment
  9. Driver training and certification
  10. improve condition and appearance of roads, as well as improve the conditions for exposed road users.

What does the LASTMA salary structure look like?

Usually, these kinds of information are kept private but we have been able to make research to reach this. We found out that the salary range is from about 50,000 naira to about 120,000 naira. However, how much you would earn as a LASTMA officer depends on your rank. If you are a graduate, you can earn up to 120,000 naira and this would eventually go up with an increase in your rank.

What does the LASTMA rank look like?

It is important to note that the LASTMA ranking or hierarchy is very similar to that of the police force in Nigeria. As regards managing traffic, we have a general manager which will be appointed to the head of organization.

What are the various departments under the LASTMA?

There are so many departments under the LASTMA that you probably do not even have any idea about. Here are some of the departments under this organization:

  1. Administration and finance department
  2. Accounts department
  3. Education and training department
  4. logistics and transport department
  5. planning, research and statistics department
  6. store units

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