I Missed You Or I Miss You, Which Is Correct (Answered)

I Missed You Or I Miss You, Which Is Correct (Answered). Get Informed On The Difference Between I Miss You And I Missed You. Check This Post. 

I Missed You Or I Miss You


Are you looking for the difference between missed and miss? Then you have come to the right platform for this information. English Language as we all know may not always look as simple as it looks on paper, as there are some words and sentences that can contradict and mix up and sometimes when we want to use them, its confusing. It is possible that sometimes “Miss” can always appear to be a perplexing word in English, because it has so many meanings. In this article we will look at the different meanings of the word “Miss” and how to properly use it in a conversation and why it is a complicated but very important word in English.

What Does “I Miss You” Mean?

This sentence is mostly written in the present tense, it is the present simple form of the verb “miss”, and it means that you are missing that person right now and this expression is majorly used when someone has passed away and you are currently missing them at that particular moment. For example; If lovers are apart and they texting, they use this sentence ” I Miss You”, explaining how they’d love to be together soon.

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What Does ” I Missed You” Mean?

This sentence is a past tense phrase explaining how you missed someone when they were away but right now, they are with you and you no longer miss them. For example, when your wife gets back from the supermarket store, you will tell her “Baby i miised you”, this means you missed her while she was away in the supermarket. When you try to meet someone but they aren’t there, the phrase “missed you” is more commonly used.

What Is The Difference Between The Both?

It’s simple! The main difference is that “i miss you” is in the present simple tense and ” i missed you”  is in the past simple.  “I miss you” is a feeling that you usually have in the present tense but there can also be a situation when you meet the person again and you can say ” I missed you”.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Does It Mean I Miss You?

Phrase. I miss you. An expression of sorrow or sadness about the absence of a family member, close friend, lover or spouse.

2. What Is The Short Way To Say Miss?


3. Should I Tell Someone I Miss Them?

You miss someone,you can tell them if you choose.

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4. Should I Say I Miss You To A Girl?

Yes, it is perfectly okay to tell a girl your missed because guess what she wants to know.

5. Should I Text My Ex I Miss Them?

In most cases, it’s probably not a good idea to tell youe ex you miss them.

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