How To Trace Nigerian Passport/Travel Documents Number Online

How To Trace Nigerian Passport/Travel Documents Number Online. Get Informed On How To Trace Nigerian Passport And Your Travel Documents Online In This Post. Check Here For More.

How To Trace Nigerian Passport

Are you looking for how to trace your Nigerian passport online? Search no more as you have come to the right place to get this information. In this article, you are going to learn everything you need to know about tracing your Nigerian passport online. Ready? Let’s get started!

For us to be able to properly understand this article to its fullness, it is mandatory we look at what a Nigerian passport is.

What is a Nigerian Passport?

A Nigerian passport is simply a means of identification for any Nigerian citizen. Although, we have other valid means of identification in Nigeria which includes the voters card, National ID card and so on. The only difference between these means of identification and the Nigerian Passport is the fact that only the Nigerian passport is the means of identification that is internationally accepted.

What are the information that are contained in the Nigerian Passport?

I have had a lot of people that are very curious in finding out what information are contained in the Nigerian Passport. For this reason, I have made a detailed list of all the information that are contained in the Nigerian Passport. Here is a list of them:

  1. Name of the individual
  2. Country code
  3. Nationality of date of birth
  4. Date of birth
  5. Sex
  6. Place of birth
  7. Date of issue
  8. Date of expiry
  9. Personal number
  10. Authority
  11. Holder’s Signature
  12. Passport
  13. Passport Number

How important is the Nigerian Passport book number and how is it gotten?

Another important question people usually ask is what the Nigerian passport book number is how it is gotten. One thing you should know is that two people can never have the same passport book number as it is never repeated because it is called the identification number for a passport book application.

The importance of the Nigerian passport book number cannot be under estimated, it is needed to perform several functions. Here are some of the importance of the Nigerian passport book number:

  1. You would need the passport book number when applying to any country’s embassy
  2. This particular number is very unique to you and it is used as a means of Identification
  3. It is important to note that you might need this particular number when you want to apply as an employee to a company.
  4. You can be able to renew or process a new passport if you ever misplace yours by that particular number.

Read Also: Visa Free Countries For Nigerians And How To Visit Them

Do we have different types of passports?

Yes, there are two types of passports we have. Here are the two types of passports we have:

  1. Standard passport
  2. Official e-passport

Types of passports

1. Standard passport

This type of passport is for everyone and it is the normal passport every citizen of Nigeria is entitled to.

2. Official e-passport

This type of passport is one that is reserved for a certain class of government officials. This simply means that you cannot get this type of passport as a regular citizen but only government officials.

Read Also: Nigerian International Passport: How to apply

How do I check my passport online?

If you want to check the status of your passport online, you would need some information. Here are the two vital information you would need to check your passport status online:

  1. Passport Application ID
  2. Passport reference number

How would I get my passport application ID and the reference Number?

Many people often ask on how they would be able to get their passport application Id and also the reference number. For this reason, I have put down simple steps with which you would be able to get these information. Below are the steps you should follow:


The first thing you need to do is to login to your email


After you have logged into your email, you would have to search for the email that was sent to you by NIS


It is in this email you would be able to get your passport application ID and also your passport reference number.

Read Also: How To Pass An Interview At American Embassy In Nigeria

How would I check my passport application status online?

If you want to check your passport application online, here is how to do so:


You would first have to visit the Nigeria immigration service portal online.


The next thing you would need to do is to go to a special passport tracking link


Next, you would have to enter your passport application ID and your passport application number which you had formerly gotten from the email that was sent to you by the Nigerian immigration service.


After you have done this, you would then have to click on submit. The details of your passport and also the status of your passport will then be displayed for you to see. Quite easy right?

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