How To Take Care Of Your Skin In The Dry Season

How To Take Care Of Your Skin In The Dry Season.

how to take care of your skin during harmattan

Harmattan is here! The dry season is here. The season is usually characterized by the dusty wind, desert-like weather. The season occurs towards the end of November or the early days of December till mid-March. So get yourself ready for the next 4 months.

Harmattan season varies in regions. The temperature in the Northern region of the Sub-Saharan is higher than the one in the Southern region. It causes a low level of humidity and sometimes the haze of dust it produces can lead to sand storms.

Harmattan can be quite harsh and can have a lot of negative effects on the respiratory organ as the heavy dust is attached to different germs causing organisms that can cause flu and other diseases.

This is also the time one needs to take care of the skin and hair the most as it causes dehydration and dryness to the hair and skin. The skin is one of the most important body organs, it is also the largest organ that serves as a protective layer to other body organs. The skin experiences a lot in this season as it causes dry skin, chapped lips, and cracked soles. There are also cases of skin allergies and rashes in the period. Hence, taking care of your skin is a top-notch priority. The last thing you would love is to look like the Ghost Walkers in Game of Thrones. Or chapped lips that are so bad that you bleed from it.

Here are tips on how to take care of your skin. You can maintain healthy and supple skin in the Harmattan season if you follow the tips.


Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin During Dry Season

  1. Get a Good Moisturizer

A good moisturizer is a MUST HAVE in this season, especially for those with dry skin. This is not the time you wouldn’t want to moisturize your skin. It is important to pay extra attention to the darker and drier parts of the body like the elbow, knees, and feet when applying the moisturizer to one skin. Although, one needs to be careful when getting a good moisturizer because some moisturizers cause more damages than good to the body. You can check moisturizers on tested and trusted stores like Oriflame online beauty. Oriflame products also offer a range of the best moisturizers. The Milk & Honey body and hand cream are one of the best moisturizers you can get.

  1. Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliation is very crucial to one’s skin in this Harmattan season. Due to the dusty wind and scorching heat, you will experience be experiencing daily. Exfoliating helps in getting rid of dead cells and reviving your skin tone. One also needs to be careful when getting an exfoliating product, as some dries out the skin, causing more dryness to the body. Too much exfoliation can also dry out the skin. You can look out for products that contain Vitamin E and C as they help in getting fresh skin. One of the best exfoliating products for the face I would recommend is the Oriflamme Optimal face scrub, there is also the body scrub that purifies one’s skin, and clears your skin.

  1. Get A Lip Balm

The lips are one of the most noticeable parts of our body, unfortunately, many don’t care about it as they should. Getting a good, non-sticky lip balm is important in this season because this is the time the lips dries out the most. Dry lips can lead to bleeding. The Oriflame protective balm is a good recommendation for chapped lips. It’s not only for lips, you can also apply the balm on your elbow, feet, and cuticles.

  1. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

It is no longer news that vegetables and fruits are essential to the body. They help a lot in keeping your body and mind glowing as well. Avoid caffeine and carbonated drink, opt for fruits that contain a lot of fluids like Watermelon, fruits that are rich in Vitamin C like Orange. Cucumber, papaya are great fruits to keep you hydrated too. Add vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, lettuce to your meals too. All these can easily be gotten at a discounted price at Cmart supermarket’s Groceries.

  1. A Good Hand and Foot Cream are Vital

Hand and foot creams are one of the most underrated skincare products. This shouldn’t be so as they are the parts of the skin that dries up quickly the most. You have to moisturize your hand and foot creams as much as possible in this period. You can check for a variety of hand and foot creams on

  1. Pamper Your hair

If you are the type that doesn’t use conditioners often for your hair, this is the time to get one. A very good deep conditioner is also important for extra moisture. They help in moisturizing the hair scalps. It is advisable to make braids more than weave on. This is the best time for protective styling. DO NOT wash your hair with shampoo too often, as they can strip off the natural oils in your scalps. Avoid hairstyles that can dry out your hair scalps. Do not leave your hair out too often, and when you do make sure you apply enough leave-in conditioners, as it helps to keep the hair moisturized.

  1. Wear Warm Clothes and Mask

You might have to think twice before you wear your favorite spaghetti or crop tops, this is the time to be fully clothes, especially in the morning. Mask has been essential since the era of Covid19, but it also serves as a protection against dusty winds. Use it often.


These skincare routines are very important. Good, healthy skin is not just for showing off, it prevents one from disease as well, especially skin-related ones. There is this assumption that it’s only ladies that are meant to have a skincare routine. This is not true because taking care of your skin applies to all ages and gender, whether you are a man or woman, young or old it’s important to nurture your skin. Remember, a healthy body starts from healthy skin, nurture your skin always!

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