How To Start Onion Farming Business In Nigeria
How To Start Onion Farming Business In Nigeria. Want To Learn Onion Farming? This Is The Post For You.
Are you passionate about farming? Do you wish to start up an onion farming business in Nigeria? Then you are on the right platform for this information. In this article, I have highlighted all you need to know on starting onion farming business in Nigeria.
Onions are one of the most used cooking ingredients, therefore, it would have a very high demand. One good thi0ng about starting this business is that onion can currently be grown anywhere in Nigeria. Do you know that Nigeria produces more than 2 million tonnes every year? Amazing right? There are also a number of onion variety which include: the bulb onion, the white onion, spring onion. The most common type of onion in Nigeria is the Red onion (Bulb onion). If you wish to start Onion business in Nigeria, I have listed some of the steps you need to follow for a success but first, let’s look at the health benefits of onions.
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What are the health benefits of onions?
Some of the health benefits of onions are as follows:
- it helps in immune improvement
- it reduces inflammation
- it prevents infection
- it keeps the heart healthy
What are the steps I need to follow when starting an onion business in Nigeria?
Here are some of the important steps you should take:
- Land preparation
- Planting period
- Nursery preparation
- Weeding and irrigation
How To Start Onion Farming Business In Nigeria
The first and foremost thing to do when starting onion business in Nigeria is the land prep. You cannot just jump out of the blues to grow onion as it would be a disaster. You would need to prepare the land for planting that is about to take place.
Here, you would need to clear the land as well as loosen the soil. You would also need to raise beds, ridges, mix organic manure so that your plants can grow. To be able to absorb as well as drain water, the land must be arable. It should be noted that the best kind pf soil for onion farming is sandy-loamy soil.
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The next step you would need to take after preparing the land is planting. if you want your onions to grow, they should not be planted directly. You would first need to plant them in rows with a manure rich soil., this could be done with a tray and then, transplanted after about 15 days or thereabout to the bed you have already prepared. If you are confused on when to transplant, you can do that when the seedlings have about four to five leaves.
One thing you should note is that onions can be planted twice a year and these periods are: November to December as well as August to September. This is due to the dry season. Onions are usually scarce during the rainy season.
You can do this by mixing both dung and sawdust together with water and then proceed to transfer them to the trays. You would need to water the tray every morning as well as evening.
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The last thing you would need to do on planting has to be weeding and irrigation. Thus can be done for about two months after planting. It should be noted that this is best done once in a week. The kind of irrigation that is best situated for irrigation is drip irrigation.
Before you harvest, weeding needs to be done about 2 times. If you are a good farmer, you would be familiar with the fact that weed breeds pests therefore, the first weeding should be done in time.
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