Best Way On How To Plan A Wedding In Nigeria

Best Way On How To Plan A Wedding In Nigeria. Want A Perfect Wedding? Here Is How To Plan Your Wedding.

How To Plan A Wedding In Nigeria

Do you want your wedding to go without flopping at all? Do you want to know the best way you can plan your wedding? Then you are not here by mistake. In this article, you would learn the best way to plan your wedding without it being messy and without any flop. I will also be answering a few questions before we go into our topic for today properly. Let’s get started.

How long does it take to plan a wedding without flopping?

One thing you should have in mind is that planning is the basis of any wedding and if you do not want it to flop, you need proper planning. For you to properly plan a wedding that dies not flop at all, it will take about 3 months to 1year. For me, 3 months is the least to properly plan a wedding that does not flop.

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Can I plan a wedding without an event planner?

One thing you should know is that even with an event planner, a wedding can still flop which is the reason you should get a god event planner if you deem it compulsory. With this post, I am going to teach you how to plan a wedding without necessarily needing an event planner.

Here is a step by step guide on the best way to plan a wedding in Nigeria:

Best Way On How To Plan A Wedding In Nigeria


The first thing you need to do when planning a wedding in Nigeria is to fix the date of the wedding. Like I said earlier, when fixing or planning a wedding, the date should be set at three months or more from when planning starts. Make sure the wedding day that is fixed is one that is convenient for the couple.


The next step you need to take when planning a wedding in Nigeria is to decide on the wedding budget. If you do not set a wedding budget before planning a wedding, you might be running into debt after the wedding. It is best you choose a wedding budget that is within your earnings. Determining the wedding budget will also suggest if the wedding would be a big one or a small one.

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Asides the wedding budget, you would also need to plan if the wedding you want to have will be a private wedding or a public one. You would also need to plan for how many weddings you would be doing. What I mean is that if you are going to be doing court wedding, traditional wedding and white wedding, you would need to plan for all of it individually.


The next step you would need to take is determining the people that would be present at your wedding. You would also need to determine how many people would be present at your wedding as well. At this point, you would also need to make plans for unwanted guests if you do not have restrictions at your wedding because this is bound to happen in every Nigerian wedding.


The next thing you would need to do is to award the planning of your wedding to someone, if you do not have an event planner. Basically, you cannot be the center of the day and still plan your wedding yourself. Someone needs to overseer everything that would be happening that day


The next step you need to take is to choose a good venue where the wedding would be taking place. The type of venue that would be chosen for the wedding would be according to the budget of the wedding. You cannot be picking a venue that costs about 300 thousand naira when your wedding budget is about 400 thousand naira. The wedding would definitely flop.


The next step you need to take once you have gotten the venue for the wedding is to buy the wedding rings. You can choose a variety of rings for your wedding.


The next step you need to take is to get vendors for your wedding. This simply means everybody that would perform on your wedding day. This ranges from the smallest person performing t the biggest. Vendors include: the DJ, the ushers, the caterer, the baker, the decorator, etc.


The next step you would need to take is to choose a bride’s maid and also a best man. You can easier hand pick them from your friends. However, if you do not have friends to play this part, you can choose them from your family.

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This is basically the last step you need to tale when planning a wedding. At this stage, you will make plans for the wedding vows and toast and then lastly, send out invitations.

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