How To Check Data Balance For MTN, Glo, Airtel & Etisalat

How To Check Data Balance For MTN, Glo, Airtel & Etisalat | Checking your data balance on MTN, Glo, Airtel & Etisalat is quite easy.

This is a complete list of all internet data bundle plans provided by all Nigerian Internet Service providers with their prices and subscription/activation codes inclusive. It comes in handy if you do not know which network to choose from and which Internet bundle plan you would love to activate for your usage. This guides covers the various major network providers in Nigeria namely; MTN, Airtel, Glo and Etisalat.

The following codes below shows how to check your data balance on the various telecommunications network in Nigeria.

How To Check Data Balance For MTN:
To check your data balance on MTN do the following:
Text 2 to 131, or simply dial *559# or text 403 to 131.

MTN Daily Plans

30MB for N100: You can now have access to 30MB of internet data for 24Hrs for just N100 by dialing *104# or texting 104 to 131 in an SMS.

100MB for N200: Similar to the plan above, you can get 100MB for just N200 for 24Hrs by dialing *113# or texting 113 in an SMS to 131.

MTN Weekly Plans

750MB for #500: This is the only weekly plan currently available to MTN subscribers. You can access this plan for 7 days by dialing *103# or sending 103 in an SMS to 131 for just N500.

Monthly MTN Data Plans

1GB for N1000: This is the most affordable monthly plan available on the MTN network. Costing N1000, you have access to the internet capped at 1.5GB for 30 days. You can subscribe by dialing *106# or sending 106 in an SMS to 131.

3.5GB for N2000: Yet another affordable monthly plan for the average smartphone internet user. You get 3.5GB data on your line for 30 days by dialing *110# or sending 110 in an SMS to 131.

10GB for N5000: Now this plan is preferable in my opinion to the spectranet N5000 since MTN seems to have a stable network across Nigeria and more so, you get extra 5GB for the same amount. You can get this plan by dialing *116# or texting 116 in an SMS to 131.

22GB for N10000: This for now is the highest plan MTN seems to offer. You get 22GB data for a period of 30 days at a price of N10,000. Simply dial *117# or text 117 to 131 and have the plan activated.

Note: You can also see all available data plans MTN are currently offering by dialing *131*1# on your device.
Also check out all other MTN Data plans , more so, if you wish to see MTN Blackberry plans, click on this link.

Checking your MTN Data Balance can be easily done by texting 2 in an sms to 131.

How To Check Data Balance For Glo:
To check your data balance on Glo, do the following:
Send Info to 127 or send Status to 777

Glo Daily Plan

30MB for N50: This plan is the basic daily plan offered by Glo for a period of 24HRs. It goes for N50 with a data cap of 30MB. Activate this plan by dialing *127*14#.

100MB for N100: The next daily plan on the Glo networks offers you 100MB for just N100. You can subscribe to this plan by dialing *127*51#.

Glo 3-Day Plan

200MB for N200: This plans offers you 200MB for just N200 and stays valid for 3 days as long as you do not exhaust the data cap. You can subscribe to this Glo plan by dialing *127*56#.

Glo Weekly Plans

1GB for N500: This plan actually supasses the period of 7 days, in fact, the plan stays valid for a period of 10 days. You can activate the 1GB plan for N500 by dialing *127*57#.

Glo Monthly Plans

2GB for N1000: The least plan on the monthly offers by Globacom goes for N1000 at a data cap of 2GB. To activate this plan, simply dial *127*53#.

6GB for N2000: This is yet another plan offered for a period of 30 day validity with 6GB for N2000. Dial *127*55#.

10GB for N2500: Also has a validity period of 30 days, you can subscribe by dialing *127*58# to get 10GB for N2,500.

12GB for N3000: You can activate this plan 12GB for N3,000 in a validity period of 30 days on the Glo network.

18GB for N4000: This is also another cheap plan to get 18GB worth of data for just N4,000. You can activate this plan by dialing *127*59#.

24GB for N5000: For me, this should be the best plan for light internet data users on this network. You are offered 24GB for N5,000. You can subscribe to this plan by dialing *127*2#.

48GB for N8000: Next to the plan above is the 48GB for just N8,000. It stays valid for a period of 30 days. To activate this internet plan, dial *127*1#.

60GB for N15000: Yet another 30 day plan on Glo, you get 60GB for N15,000 by dialing *127*12#.

90GB for N18000: This is actually the most expensive on the list of monthly data plans on the Glo network. You get 90GB for N18,000. This is definitely worth the money as compared to major internet service providers in Nigeria. To subscribe to this plan, simply dial *127*13#.

Glo Weekend/Night Plans

1GB for N200: For the night crawlers, this plan offers you 1GB for 1 night by dialing *127*60# at just N200.

3GB for N500: Activate this 3GB weekend/night plan by dialing *127*61# for just N500. You are offered 3GB for 7 nights and weekend.


You can easily check Glo Data Balance by texting Info to 127.



How To Check Data Balance For Airtel:
To check your data balance on Airtel, do the following:
Dial *141*11*0# or *123*10# or dial *141*712*0#

Airtel Daily Data Bundles

30MB for N100: The least on the airtel daily plans is this N100 bundle that offers 30MB. To opt-in to this plan, simply dial *410#.

Airtel 3 Days Data Bundles

50MB for N300: In my opinion, this plan shouldn’t exist as the 30MB makes more sense. You get 50MB at N300 by dialing *412#.

Airtel Weekly Data Bundles

750MB for N500: Yes, you pay N500 and you’ll get 750MB for a week on the Airtel Nigeria network. It’s quite simple to subscribe to this plan by simply dialing *418#.

Airtel Monthly Data Bundles

1.5GB for N1000: This plan is officially stated to be the Android 1.0 plan on the Airtel network, and YES it works for any device. You can activate this 30-day plan by simply dialing *496#.

3.5GB for N2000: This is the next in line for Android devices, and it actually works on any device. You can subscribe to this 3.5GB plan that’s priced at N2,000 by dialing *437#.

5GB for N2500: Now things start getting interesting with the Airtel network. You can get a whooping 5GB for just N2,500 and validity period runs through for 30 days on the network. To activate this plan, dial *437*1#.

7GB for N3500: You can subscribe to this internet data bundle on Airtel for a validity period of 30 days for N3,500 to get 7GB of data by dialing *438#.

12GB for N5000: Yet another another plan that offers value for your money on this list is the 12GB data bundle for N5,000 only. Activate this plan by dialing *452#.

24GB for N8000: The top on the list of Airtel Nigeria data plans is this 24GB for N8,000 internet bundle. You can activate this plan by simply dialing *460#.

Here’s how to check Airtel Data balance. Simply dial *141*11*0# or *123*10# or dial *141*712*0#

How To Check Data Balance For Etisalat:
To check your data balance on Etisalat do the following:
Dial *228# to check Etisalat data balance.

Etisalat Daily Plans

10MB for N100: The basic plan on the Etisalat network that offers you 10MB for N100. To subscribe to this plan, dial *229*3*1# or text MI1 to 229. It would last a period of 24HRs.

Etisalat Weekend Plan

1GB for N500: This is a weekend plans that works from Friday 11:59pm through Sunday 11:59pm. You are charged N500 to get 1GB worth of data and to subscribe to this data plan, simple dial *5995*2#.

Weekly Plans


Etisalat Monthly Plans

1.5GB for N1000: The N1000 data plan on Etisalat that offers you a data cap of 1.5GB for 30 days is the basic monthly plan offered by this service provider. To subscribe to this internet bundle, simply dial *229*2*7# or send AND1 in an sms to 229.

3.5GB for N2000: Yet another gullible monthly plan on Etisalat network. With N2000 you get 3.5GB of data for 30 days. To subscribe, dial *229*2*8# or text AND2 to 229.

3GB for N4000: This is another plan I wouldn’t recommend since the offer above seems to be better. Here, you are offered a data cap of 3GB for 4000 for a 30 day period. To subscribe to this offer, simply text MB4 to 229 or dial *229*2*4#.

5GB for N6500: This is another internet data bundle still offered for a monthly period on the Etisalat network offering you 5GB of internet data for N6500. To activate this plan, dial *229*2*3# or text MB5 to 229.

8GB for N8000: As the prices keep going higher, the plans do not really seem to get interesting. On this internet plan, you get 8GB worth of data for N8000. To activate this plan, dial *229*2*5# or text MB6 to 229.

10GB for N10000: You get a data cap of 10GB on this bundle just for N10000. To subscribe, dial *229*4*1# or text SM1 to 229 and have it activated.

15GB for N15000: This is yet another plan on the Etisalat network which offers you a data cap of 15GB for N15000. To simply activate this internet plan for your devices, dial *229*4*2# or text SM2 to 229.

20GB for N18000: With N18000 on the Etisalat network, you get a data cap of 20GB valid for a period of 30 days by dialing *229*4*3# or texting SM3 to 229.

100GB for N84992: Yet another monthly plan offered by Etisalat plan, this is actually the most expensive on the network for a period of 30 days. You can get this plan by dialing *229*4*5# or texting SM5 to 229.

Etisalat 3 Months Plan

30GB for N27,500: On this 3 months (90 days) internet data bundle offered by Etisalat, you get a data cap of 30GB by dialing *229*5*1# or texting 4M to 229.

Etisalat 4 Months Plan

60GB for N55000: Here’s also the only data plan offered for a period of 4 months at a price tag of N55,000 for 60GB. You can purchase this internet plan b dialing *229*5*2#  or texting 6M to 229.

Etisalat Yearly Plan

120GB for N110000: This is the only  yearly plan offered by Etisalat Nigeria. You get a data cap of 120GB for a period of 365 days for N110,000. To subscribe to this plan, you can dial *229*5*3# or text 12M to 229.

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