How To Avoid Feeling Sleepy When Driving In Nigerian Roads

How To Avoid Feeling Sleepy When Driving In Nigerian Roads. Get Informed On How To Avoid Sleepiness When Driving. Check This Post Now. 

How To Avoid Feeling Sleepy When Driving

Looking for Information on how to stop feeling sleepy when you are driving? then you have come the right platform for this information. In this article, i will show you how to avoid sleeping while driving. According to research carried out in the country Nigeria when it comes to road accidents are caused by fatigue and tiredness.

Truth is, driving in Nigeria especially places like in the west especially in Lagos can be very dynamic. Driving in Nigeria requires you to stay fully alert and awake. For you to drive in Nigeria biggest cities, you need to apply full concentration and you can not afford to feel anything close to feeling sleepy.

The stress a lot of people go through on a daily basis just to survive can be really extreme. When driving long distances, especially at night, it is common to feel tired. In such situations, you might sleep off, and that can always result to terrible road accidents.

In this article, i will be giving out some needful tips that can help you stay awake when driving.

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Tips To Help You Before Driving

1. Get much needed energy before a long drive
2. Always have a good meal before driving
3. Avoid drinking alcohol
4. Take a nap before you drive
5. You need a chewing gum
6. Have a cup of coffee
7. Have a wet face wipe with you
8. Drive with someone
9. Sleep well a night before
10. Put on some tunes

How To Avoid Feeling Sleepy When Driving In Nigerian Roads

1. Get Much Needed Energy Before A Long Drive

The honest truth is that, before taking on that journey you plan on going, you need all the energy you can get, in fact you need the highest of energy. Always take that long needed rest before you move on that journey. You don’t necessarily have to rest for long if where you are driving to is not that far but there is still need for you to rest for about 30 minutes before hitting that steering.

2. Always Have A Good Meal Before Driving

Most people take for granted this much needful tip before they hit their steering. Food helps the body system energized, food also gives the body system the right energy it needs to sustain itself. Before driving, always have a healthy meal. You should go for energizing meals that will give you the strength to stay awake for long hours while driving, you need to avoid junks and random snacks that you think will sustain you, in fact such meals are likely to make your energy dip shortly after eating.

3. Avoid Drinking Alcohol

If you intend to drive and even when driving, you need to fully detach and stay away from alcohol. Drowsiness can be aided by even a small intake of alcohol. One thing you should know is, driving under the influence of alcohol is extremely risky for both the driver and the passengers. Alcohol intoxicates and lives you on a dead end when driving.

4. Take A Nap Before You Drive

Taking a nap is the greatest way to avoid falling asleep while driving in Nigeria. A power sleep is particularly helpful in refreshing your brain. Taking that much needed nap improves your alertness. If you are really fatigued, make sure you take a nap before hitting the road.

5. You Need A Chewing Gum

The act of chewing gum while driving is a helpful habit while driving. Gum chewing keeps your mouth occupied, while jaw smacking and bubble blowing keep your eyes occupied. Fully occupying yourself will assist you in focusing and staying awake. Before you drive pick up a pack of gum from a nearby shopping mall and keep for you as you will be needing this.

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6. Have A Cup Of Coffee

Coffee is the most widely used stimulant in the world, coffee can help you get through a number of other drowsy period of your day. A single cup of coffee contains about 75 milligrammes of caffeine. This is enough to wake you up a little while driving, keeping you alert. You need to have one cup of coffee if you start to feel tired. This should give you an extra push that will help you to keep going.

7. Have A Wet Face Wipe With You

Keep a clean handkerchief and water in your car at all times. This is the fastest and most convenient way to wash your face without needing to wait or pause during a drive. Wet your handkerchief and wipe your face if you’re feeling sleepy. Using wet wipes to wipe your face can also help you stay alert. It gives you a boost of energy to keep you awake while you drive.

8. Drive With Someone

You can bring someone else along with you while you drive, this is another means to avoid accident while driving. Taking someone else with you while you drive can spring up conversations in between the drive as this can keep you occupied while you both on this journey. We believe if you practice this tactics, you will be able to overcome sleep while you’re driving.

9. Sleep Well A Night Before

We already said something related to this earlier in this article but this now is to support it, there is the need to have that perfect sleep a night before your journey as this helps your strengths spring up massively. Just in case you dont have the space and time to rest on the day you plan to drive, the night before that day can be perfect for you to have that rest you need.

10. Put On Some Tunes

Making use of the car’s radio system if you are ever feeling tired can be another good trick when driving in Nigeria. You need so much healthy distractions when driving on Nigerian roads as this keeps you occupied during a drive.

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In this article, we have given you guidelines on the steps you need to avoiding road accidents during driving. These steps have proven to be very much effective however, they do not ensure road safety. you would need to put the best practices to be able to avoid road accidents.

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