Working Herbal Treatment For Hepatitis B In Nigeria

Working Herbal Treatment For Hepatitis B In Nigeria. Get Informed On Effective Herbal Treatments For Hepatitis B In Nigeria.

Working Herbal Treatment For Hepatitis B In Nigeria

Are you looking for a working treatment for Hepatitis B? Then you have come to the right source for this information. In this article, I have listed a number of effective treatments for Hepatitis B in Nigeria.

What is hepatitis B?

Before we look at some of the herbal treatments for Hepatitis B in Nigeria, it is important that look at what Hepatitis B is.

Can Hepatitis B be transmitted and how?

Yes, Hepatitis B can be transmitted. Here is how it can be transmitted:

  1. Virginal sex, oral sex, and anal sex
  2. contaminated sharp objects
  3. through transfusion of infected blood
  4. maternal birth

What are the symptoms of hepatitis B?

Here are some of the symptoms of Hepatitis B:

  1. fever
  2. loss of appetite
  3. body pain
  4. darker urine than normal
  5. Jaundice

What are some of working herbal treatments for hepatitis B in Nigeria?

  1. Bitter leaf
  2. Bitter kola
  3. Lemon
  4. Poly herbal preparation
  5. Avacado
  6. pineapple, cashew and cotton seed
  7. phyllantusAmarus

Working Herbal Treatment For Hepatitis B In Nigeria


One of the most effective herbal treatment for Hepatitis B in Nigeria is Bitter leaf. Bitter leaf over time has proven to be one of the most effective herbs in treating varieties of medicine. To use this herb to treat hepatitis B, you should squeeze a number of bitter leaves in water and then take the juice 3 times daily.


Another very effective herbal treatment we have for Hepatitis B is Nigeria is bitter kola. To use this herb to treat hepatitis B, you only need to grind some bitter kola to a powered form, you should then go ahead and mix it with some honey and some lime juice. This mixture should be taken four times daily.


Another very effective herbal treatment we have for Hepatitis B is Nigeria is Lemon. To use this herb to treat hepatitis b, you would need to mix some lemon juice with about one table spoon of baking soda. You should take this mixture once every day.


Another very effective herbal treatment we have for Hepatitis B is Nigeria is poly herbal preparation. To use this herb to treat hepatitis b, you would need to mix a number of herbs together such as aloe vera, sugar cane, garlic, bitter leaf, sesame. Drink this mixture every day.


Another very effective herbal treatment we have for Hepatitis B is Nigeria is avocado. To use this herb to treat hepatitis b, you would need to extract the avocado and make it into a paste. You can also mix it with other herbs to help fight hepatitis b.


Another very effective herbal treatment we have for Hepatitis B is Nigeria is pineapple, cashew and cotton seed. To use this herb to treat hepatitis b, use an unripe pineapple mixed with some cashew extract as well as cotton seed. Boil them together and then take on a daily basis.


The last herbal treatment we have on our list for Hepatitis B in is Phyllantus Amarus. This can simply be gotten at any market and shields the liver from the effect of Hepatitis virus.

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