Importance Of Girl Child Education In Nigeria

Importance Of Girl Child Education In Nigeria. Explore The Girl Child Education In This Post And Even More. 

Girl Child Education

Are you looking for the importance of girl child education in Nigeria? Then you have stumbled on the right platform for this. In this article, i an going to show you what girl child education means and how significant it is in Nigeria. Let’s get started.

What Is Girl Child Education?

Have you ever wondered what child child education really means? Well, girl child education means giving the female gender equal right to education. Girl child education contributes immensely to the prosperity of every nation.

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What Are The Importance Of Girl Child Education In Nigeria?

Here are some of the importance of girl child education in Nigeria:

  1. It promotes equality
  2. It promotes creativity and innovation
  3. Improves a country’s productivity
  4. It reduces poverty
  5. It emphasizes democracy
  6. It reduces early marriage for young girls
  7. It enhances sex education
  8. It improves health
  9. It promotes economic growth
  10. It reduces teenage pregnancy

Importance Of Girl Child Education In Nigeria

1. It Promotes Equality

We know very much that every child regardless of the gender has the right to education. Giving girl child the opportunity in Nigeria to go to school promotes equality.

While making sure that equality is possible, it helps these young girls become relevant in the society. This also gives them a voice in the society so that they are not cheated or discriminated.

2. It Promotes Creativity And Innovation

The more the level of education increases in a society, the more creative and innovative the nation would be. Giving the girl child education in the society helps improve the country. This can be seen as different women in the society today have continuously been making us proud.

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3. Improves A Country’s Productivity

The productivity of a country is not just measured by the amount of money the country has. Education is also a way of improving a country’s productivity as one of the goals of education in Nigeria is to make individuals that would be useful to themselves and the society at large.

4. It Reduces Poverty

The poverty rate of some countries are quite alarming because they fail to make education a priority. Education opens the eyes of individuals so that they can be useful people in future.

Giving the girl child opportunity to be educated increases the number of people educated and in return reduces poverty significantly.

5. It Emphasizes Democracy

In a country that preaches democracy, imagine not giving the female gender the right to be educated. That would ridiculous, wouldn’t it? Well, giving all genders the right to education would be a way of promoting democracy in a democratic state as the rights of citizens should be respected in a democratic state.

6. It Reduces Early Marriage For Young Girls

In some parts of the country today, there are still people that practice underaged marriage for young girls, this should not be so but the major cause of this is illiteracy. If these girls were educated, this would be significantly be reduced.

7. It Enhances Sex Education

Many girls are getting violated and many practice unsafe sex because they do not have any chance for education. Giving the girl child the opportunity to be educated would give them the opportunity to have sec education.

This way, sexually transmitted diseases would be reduced significantly in the society and it would become a better place.

8. It Improves Health

It would surprise you to know that girl child education improves overall health. Education opens people’s eyes to health and nutrition and helps them live a healthier life.

9. It Promotes Economic Growth

Economic growth improves when the nation or country becomes more productive. Productivity level of a country would be significantly improved if more female child are given the right to education.

10. It Reduces Teenage Pregnancy

One of the biggest causes of teenage pregnancy has to be illiteracy. If girls are given higher chance to education, teenage pregnancy would eventually be eradicated or highly reduced.

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In all, both genders should be given equal chances to education. To improve girl child education, more campaigns towards the success of this should be done especially in areas that are educationally less developed.

Another solution is making education a priority in Nigeria, the government should do better to enable all kids go to school for more development of the country.

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