10 Bad Habits Of Nigerian University Students

10 Bad Habits Of Nigerian University Students. Get Informed On Some Of The Bad Habits You Practice Without Knowing In This Post

10 Bad Habits Of Nigerian University Students

Do you want to know some of the bad habits hindering a lot of Nigeria University students? I’m proud to tell you that you are on the right page to get this information. In this article, you are going to learn some of the bad habits that we exhibit as Nigerian university students and we do not even know it. Ready? Let’s get started!

What is a bad habit?

A bad habit in simple and clear terms refers to any negative behavior pattern. Bad habits do not make you a better person in any way.

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What are the bad habits that we exhibit as Nigerian students?

We have a lot of bad habits as student which might limit us and we do not even know. Here is a list of some of the bad habits that we have as Nigerian Students:

  1. Procrastination
  2. Wanting to be perfect
  3. Depending solely on Education
  4. Not having any skill
  5. Doing things to impress others
  6. Entitlement
  7. Lack of savings
  8. Not taking action while they are young
  9. Always making excuses
  10. Not reading ahead of the lecturer

10 Bad Habits Of Nigerian University Students


One of the biggest bad habits that almost all Nigerian students exhibit is procrastination. This is simply said to be leaving things until it quite late to act. Procrastination is the real thief of time and has eaten deep into many Nigerians in general. However, this is very common with very lazy students. If you have anything to do, do it that time and take you mind off it instead of procrastinating till it is very late to act.

One way by which you can easily beat procrastination by creating a well-organized schedule for yourself so that you do not end of shifting everything you have to do.


Another bad habit that is largely associated with the Nigerian student is wanting to be perfect. It is important to note that no one is perfect and we all have our flaws one way or the other. Wanting to be perfect in the university is only a very big mistake that might even make people run away from you. If you are a victim of this, please stop it.


Another bad habit that is largely associated with the Nigerian student is depending solely on Education. We are a country where education is not even a priority to the government, why then do you depend solely on Education? There are other things you could do to make money even while in school so why wait till you graduate before you take action?

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Another bad habit that is largely associated with the Nigerian student is not having any skill. I’m surprised that even in this modern days, some Nigerian students think it is a waste of time to learn a skill. Some even make excuses that there isn’t enough time to be able to learn a skill while they are in school! Why not choose a skill to learn and pick a schedule even if its weekend? Wouldn’t you like to be a boss educationally and skillfully?


Another bad habit that is largely associated with the Nigerian student is doing things to impress others. A lot of Nigerian students are very guilty of this. Some even end up keep bad company just because they want to impress others. Wake up! You did not go to school because of these people. Nobody’s opinion matters really about you so do things that are right and not things people think are right. Some people even read just to impress others. This shouldn’t be so.


Another bad habit that is largely associated with the Nigerian student is the feeling of entitlement. Many Nigerian students especially the so called big boys and big girls always have this problem of entitlement. Nobody came to school for you, nobody reports to you so focus on what is important.


Another bad habit that is largely associated with the Nigerian student is lack of savings. If you are guilty of this, then you better change. You never can tell when you might be needing emergency money. No matter how much or how small your pocket money is, make it a culture to save.


Another bad habit that is largely associated with the Nigerian student is not taking action while they are young. Many Nigerian students do not like to take action and prepare for the future while they are in school. They think things just get rosy upon graduation. This shouldn’t even be anything that comes to your mind if you want to go far in life. Act Now! The future is NOW!


Another bad habit that is largely associated with the Nigerian student is always making excuses. Start taking responsibility for things that happen around you and also to you. Stop making excuses for every little thing.

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Another bad habit that is largely associated with the Nigerian student is not reading ahead of the lecturer. You were given a syllabus for a reason, why not read ahead of your teacher?  Impromptu tests can come at any time.

With all these being said, I hope we change from all these bad habits.

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