5 Attributes Every Entrepreneur Must Have

5 Attributes Every Entrepreneur Must Have | Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a small business. The people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs.

Attributes Every Entrepreneur Must Have

Entrepreneur is a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. These are the people who have the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate current and future needs and bring good new ideas to market.

Entrepreneurs who prove to be successful in taking on the risks of a startup are rewarded with profits, fame and continued growth opportunities. Those who fail suffer losses and become less prevalent in the markets.
The success or downfall of the business/enterprise is dependent on the actions of the entrepreneur.

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Here in this post, we are providing you with the key attributes every entrepreneur must have;

5 Attributes Every Entrepreneur Must Have

1. Communication

This is the most important skill an entrepreneur must master its arts. Every business requires selling a product or providing a service to a specific target audience. The target audience also has a specific language they understand. For example, a person who sells luxury hair targets the elites in the society and in conveying the sales message you employ the use of languages the elites will understand.

Also, every leader makes sure the message being passed across to its followers is understood and this is ascertained by checking for feedback. Questions like “is it clear?”, “do you understand?”, and “any questions?” are relevant to know what they think.

2. Creativity

Every leader has a goal or goals to achieve and to do this he has to adopt innovative methods to follow. What differentiate leaders in this century are their creative ideas in executing plans. This also applies to entrepreneurs, in selling your products or rendering your services you have to be creative in your packaging and communication approach.

It is obvious that someone is already selling that product, or rendering that service but the question is what makes your brand different? What makes your brand unique? What measures are you putting in place that will make you stand out?

3. Accountability/Responsibility

The English Dictionary defines accountability as liability to be called on to render an account; responsible for; answerable for and defines responsibility as primarily with custody, care and safekeeping A perfect leader is always responsible and accountable to his followers. Never keeps them in the dark, intelligently informs them of new situations, keeps proper records of all dealings. Accountability also reflects in book and record keeping. Ensuring transparency in money related issues, balancing accounts etc.

4. Integrity

A good leader depicts a high degree of integrity, never says one thing and does another; never plays the smartest guy in the room. An entrepreneur has to show in all his dealings a high level of honesty.

A sincere entrepreneur will always retain his customers and get more referrals from existing customers because he was truthful in his transaction. A lady who sells fiber hair to a customer who asked for human hair is untrue in her dealings, and can never keep first time customers, never builds up clientele, never grows in her business.

5. Tolerance

“One of the greatest skills of leadership is being unflappable. Anytime you do anything in the world; there’s going to be criticism”. -Arianna Huffington. A leader is always around people so as an entrepreneur and these people are from different families, cultures, tribes with different life philosophy and orientation.

You must learn to tolerate and accept their differences, a leader is human but the ability to tolerate makes him different from his followers.

And that’s all about the 5 Attributes Every Entrepreneur Must Have. Don’t just leave this page after reading the article, please share the post with your friends by using the share button.

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